

  • msstillion79
    janaj88- U r doing great just one day at a time and for calorie intake its just what u have logged in already thats it its not set by me but mine is set at 1200 my dietian set it

    Everyone is doing great keep it up just try is all we can do ONe day at a time
  • ladyjessa2
    under carbs ----yup
    reverse crunches----yup *helpful hint: if just getting into position on the floor to do these is killing your tailbone try putting a pillow under your behind, it helped
    9 glass water---- yup
    25+ minutes of cardio---- yup

    My youngest has turned into a table climbing monkey. I have gotten literaly nothing done today because every time I turn around he's on the kitchen table, my computer desk, or the kitchen counters. ARGH!!! How much longer until nap time. Would like to do the squats as soon as he goes down but I need to pick up before the tornado that is the other two boys get off their respective school busses. We'll see what happens.

    Jana - good for you sticking through it. Could you march it out in between turns on the wii? Or do the dance behind the kids even though it wouldn't count towards the game?

    kierra28 - if you can do anything after 60 minutes of zumba you've got more energy than me. The challange for my other group is walking 1.5 miles on top of regular scheduled work outs. My favorite zumba instructor is back after a 2 month break so I'm predicting lots of bootie shaking and not so much bootie walking tonight.

    crazynay96 - keep it up and you'd better be posting some fabulous pics of your skinnier you on a disney vacation.

    Everyone else good job, keep logging your meals and moving.
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    10 cups of water---check
    2 hours of moving boxes in 104 degree weather---check
    blisters on top of blisters---check
    sweated about a ton of water---check
    2 brownies---check :(

    long day. Will try to do better tomorrow. Goodnight.
  • crazynay96
    I just wanted to take the time to encourage everyone to do their best, today and every day! Remember this is NOT a diet but instead a lifestyle change! This is a journey we are all on together and we'll get to our ideal weights! Remember it is okay to indulge every ONCE IN A WHILE! This is something we are committed to FOR LIFE, this is not a temp fix, but a change in our lives we are committed to forever!

    If you want a brownie - look up how to make a healthier version.... so it may not be "healthy" but there is always a way to make something a bit more healthier, substitute egg for egg substitutes, substitute butter for smart butter or I can't believe its not butter, etc... these SMALL changes go a LONG way! I'm learning this VERY quickly and I'm still eating the foods I love and getting the results I want and need!

    Good luck on your journeys ladies! Everyone is doing great! Keep your heads up - focus on what GOOD you are doing and keep pumping! :)
  • majikwon1961
    Hi Everyone! I had a lonely day. My BFF is out of town for the weekend and i've been feeling pretty loney today. My children are grown and they have their own things going on. But anyway enough of that. I drank my 8 glasses of water. I've struggled with getting my water drank. But the last few days I have done real well. I've accually been really thirsty. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I really wanted to push my self. I have an ankle injurty and im trying to see if I can run again. I usually walk a 2.3 today I walked a 3.0. I got some jogging in but never really on my own. I was really having to hold on to the arm rails real tight to stay up. I'm going to keep trying. For now anyway. I did some strenght training with dumbells today. About 20 minutes and i really enjoyed it. I'll definetly keep that going. I'm trying to put some different 30 minute workouts together for my friend and I to do. Hope all The Eliminators are doing good and kicking butt.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Sorry, I haven't kept up with the challenge. I've been struggling lately, but yesterday I started exercising again after going a long time without and putting back on 20 pounds I had lost. I'm ready to get the numbers going down again! I don't know what the goal is for today that you set, but I did stay under my calories, I did 44 minutes of exercise, and I've had 6 cups of water so far.

    Great job to all of you!
  • kierra28
    kierra28 Posts: 68 Member
    under calories----Check!
    lying leg curls 50
    9 glass water---- Check!
    25+ minutes of cardio---- :(

    I promise will do better tomorrow!

  • ladyjessa2
    water - yup
    cardio - yup
    under sodium - Yup
    wall squats 50 - Nope, but I have a feeling zumba made up for it. 3 straight minutes of doing figure 8s with your behind while squating is more than enough for me.

    water - yup
    cardio - Nope
    under calories - For the moment but I'm seriously having a glass of wine or 6 which will put me over.
    lying leg curls 50 - Nope
  • crazynay96
    To buy new jeans today or not buy new jeans... that is the question... I only plan to wear them for 3-4 weeks... because of my lifestyle I only leave the house about 2 or 3 times a week... I have a pair of shorts that fit and thats it for me for bottoms... weigh in ladies... is it worth it... CLOTHES AINT CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    every 12lbs for me is a pants size, I have the next 4 sizes in my closet - I thought I had this size too but I don't :(
    should I suck it up and just wear shorts - i mean it is summer and scorching hot - or buy a pair of $40 jeans that i'll only wear 8 - 10 times max?
  • kierra28
    kierra28 Posts: 68 Member
    @crazynay96 I am battling the same question when trying to set up my 'prizes' for reaching my goal weights. I don't have smaller sizes in my wardrobe anymore as I never believed earlier I would go down in size. So I will be needing them but each size will work only for couple of months at most (with belts etc.). What I am thinking is I will go purchase cheaper ones when need gets too high. I am saving money (and 'prize' distinction) for expensive pairs when I reach my waist line goal (30" according to my body fat percentage calculator).

    If there is any cheaper option available go buy that. If not either buy a little tighter pair so it works for few more months or stick with shorts until it gets cold. Since you mentioned its summer where you live- wrap around skirts are great option and they are flexible size wise.

    Hope I helped :)
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Not sure where you live, but here in Texas, I can wear shorts until October. I would stick with what you got. I own no belts but I think that is a great idea kierra28.

    Have you thought about resale? I did that with clothes that don't fit. It would be cheaper than buying new. I have sold some things that I never wore/barely wore.

    I bought come cute jeans for my daughters last week at They were buy one get one free. Two pair of jeans for $15 is pretty good.

    I guess one other thing is to borrow a pair. I have several sizes in my closet. I bet you have some friends where you live that have a full closet, too.

    Hope it helps.

  • crazynay96
    I've decided to stick it out with my shorts! I too can wear shorts through October (sometimes November) here in Virginia but that is NOT an option for me... max is 3 weeks then these shorts better be falling off too or my goal is going to start going down the drain. Because I am short, have no hips and no butt there are only a few types of jeans that fit me and of course the cheapest ones are 40 bucks.... the ones I really like are $110 but I won't spend that until I get back into my ideal size!

    I need to be under 200 for disney! shewie! I'm short (5"1) so every lb shows on me. I'm getting super excited. I bought a shirt from the online disney store for christmas (gotta have a christmas mickey tank!) and now I'm worried it might be too big then... oh well... I'm wearing it anyways! LOL...
  • majikwon1961
    Hi Everyone. I have busted my butt this week. I've done great with my water. when I first started the program I was drinking maybe 1 cup of water now I can get at least 8 glass if not more. I've started strenght training. Put to put on myself the first day and was very sore so i'm working out the kinks on that now. I walk my dogs every at a time and then I get some time on the treadmill. I want it to cool down. I want to go back outside and walk the trails. It's just been to dang hot. I've lost 3.8 lbs this week. Hope everyone else has had a good week.
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Good Monday to ya. Went back to work today carrying my giant glass of water and a snack. Went to lunch and got fajitas. Left some food on my plate. Little things, I know. But they will get me where I need to go.

    majikwon1961 Sounds like you have got this going for you. 11 pounds off in just 2 weeks is AWESOME. Bet your dogs are loving the walks, too.

    crazynay96 You just need to wait to get the hot jeans to wear with your Mickey tank in December.

    Looking forward to weighing on Wednesday morning.
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Everyone. I have busted my butt this week. I've done great with my water. when I first started the program I was drinking maybe 1 cup of water now I can get at least 8 glass if not more. I've started strenght training. Put to put on myself the first day and was very sore so i'm working out the kinks on that now. I walk my dogs every at a time and then I get some time on the treadmill. I want it to cool down. I want to go back outside and walk the trails. It's just been to dang hot. I've lost 3.8 lbs this week. Hope everyone else has had a good week.

    I know what you mean! I started this with just drinking a glass or two of water. Now I'm up to 6 or 7. Slowly but surely I will get there!
  • ladyjessa2
    Saturday and Sunday I did my water and was under my calories. Didn't do any cardio or anything. Saturday was a terrible food day. My husband promised the kids I would take them to McDonald's playland for dinner. I had a small french fries, a sweet & sour sauce, and that fruit yogurt salad thing. Soo totally not a vegie in sight on Saturday.

    Today I was good, did a resistance band work out this morning and zumba tonight. I bought a pedometer over the weekend and my goal is 10k steps a day, not including working out.

    crazynay96 - you go girl with your smaller pants size! Might think about the Good Will or something similar if you just want one pair of pants as an option. No idea what the selection would be like in larger sizes, fairly limited I would imagine but you might luck out. Also there is this as seen on tv thing but I think they carry it at walmart where you can add a button. Its like a pin with a jeans button front, might help for when you are in between sizes.

    majikwon1967 - keep it up with the water. Amazing loss for the week. Make sure you stretch out good before and after you strength train. I've been known to get lazy about it and end up paying the price the next morning.

    My other group is doing a yoga challange this week, 30 minutes a day. Discovered today that the on demand portion of my cable has an entire exercise channel with everything from belly dancing to walking workouts. Did one this morning, me the baby and a resistance band. Not a match made in heaven. Really need to commit to doing it as soon as the older 2 get on the school bus but before the baby gets up rather than going back to bed for 30-40 minutes like I usually do.

    Jana - fabulous for following through on your new life style back at work.
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone! I am still here. My schedule has just picked up this past week and it's been a crazy adjustment. My DD is doing flag cheerleading. I'm taking over her Daisy Girl Scout troop this year so I've been trying to find time to prepare and I've still got 2.5 weeks of PT as well. It's going to be a very busy year. I love it though.

    As far as the group, I'm definitely here to motivate and get support. However, I find the daily challenges just a bit too much pressure. It's enough for me to try and stay within my calories, drink my water, and get some exercise. I want to concentrate on taking baby steps in making this life change. I'm a perfectionist and sometimes I feel that if I can't do it right the first time, I give up. So, I would prefer to just take this one step at a time.

    I hope you ladies don't mind. I'll still be posting my weigh ins and I'll be here to share in the motivation. I plan on posting something positive about myself or an accomplishment for the day. Today I walked 1 mile at 2.5 mph and increased the amount of weights used in my strength training.
  • earthangel0333
    I have been out of town for the weekend,I still managed to lose some weight. Thanks to all of you who help support me,I am doing well.
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    I blew my diet today. Went out and had mexican food for lunch with friends. Then had a huge steak dinner with cake for my husband's 50th birthday party. Now I am sitting here feeling literally sick.

    I weighed this morning and was the same (TOM). :grumble: I am a little surprised. I thought it would be a pound. I will weigh again at the end of the week.

    My new hairstyle and color have been well received. I didn't think anyone would notice. I got some new make-up and have worn my new (hand me down) clothes. My mom is a shopaholic. Several things still have tags on them. :smile:

    My knee is still killing me from the wall squats. I will try to catch up on my exercises this weekend.

    Hope everyone is having a great week. :wink:

  • ladyjessa2
    Ugh, weighed in today and I didn't loose anything. They say not to get discouraged especially since my average calories was 1200 and I've upped my work outs but its sooo difficult to not get frustrated when the number of the scale doesn't change.

    earthangel0333- good job, staying on plan during holidays is a great accomplishment!

    jana - you aren't on a diet. You are changing your lifestyle. Diets are temporary. Everyone slips now and again, and splurging for a special occasion is not really a slip up. The food police would say you should have planned the remainer of your meals that day to compensate for the big dinner but who cares what the diet police say, some days a mom has to do what a mom has to do. And if you get the opportunity to sit in a resturant that doesn't involve ordering off the kid menu I say go for it.