Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - August Challenge!!



  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Sunday Lovelies!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!

    Cynthia – sounds like you have a new tattoo in your very new future!! That’s a great way to celebrate!!

    Meghan – sometimes eating at home just isn’t in the cards but it sounds like you made the best out of the situation. Its more important to lay the foundation which will lead you to better choices along the way. Rush week sounds like so much fun to me!! I always wanted to join a sorority. I am sure you will attempt to make the best choices you can.

    Courtney – sounds like getting in any food at all during a 12-hour shift is good enough. Hopefully things will settle down at work so that you can get back to your regular routine. Hang in there girly!!

    Meag – was this Ty’s co-worker’s wedding?? I want to see pics of the 2 of you!! And I think that you are still doing an amazing job!! Although you may not see it, you have been fairly mellow when things don’t completely go according to your plan. I commend you for being able to relinquish control and completely freak out about it like you have done in the past. Great job girly!!

    Bellum – welcome to OneDerland!! May the 200’s be a thing of the past!!

    Jill – hope you are able to get the school thing figured out. I managed to work full-time, go to school full-time, and raise 2 kids on my own while earning my bachelor’s degree. I am actually wanting to go back to school again. School just seems to be my thing. I am debating between certificates and/or my Master’s. We shall see. And I am so glad to hear that you and Matt are getting things worked out so that you don’t have to throw in the towel when it comes to running. Hopefully now that the bosses are back, your week won’t be too bad.

    AFM…well didn’t make the best choices at either of the birthday parties this weekend. However, I am still anxious about weigh in tomorrow morning. I changed my weigh in days for another challenge. So we shall see. Last night was a movie by the pool at my friend’s complex so I got in a little exercise last night but that was about it for the weekend. But this morning when I was flipping through the channels, there was an infomercial for Insanity so I bought it. I am hoping that this challenge will kick my butt into high gear. Well I need to go and back my breakfast for tomorrow and then head to bed early so that I can make it to work early and leave early so that I can attempt to get in my run. Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend.

    Quote of the day – “Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.” Arnold H. Glasgow
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hey Ladies, I'm back!
    Looks like you have all been doing great!
    Bellum- Well done to you for getting into the one hundreds!
    Meag- sounds like you got through the wedding OK, especially seeing as you banked a few calories earlier in the day with a healthy lunch.
    Guam- Good luck with the Insanity! And good luck for your WI tomorrow too.
    Jill- Hope you are recovering from your injury, I know what you mean about enjoying PT. I used to love getting sports massages, even though they hurt like crazy, because the therapist was so cool to talk to.
    AFM- I haven't been on the scales for a couple of weeks, I'm feeling OK but I think there is still room for improvement! Bought some new jeans on Saturday, they are size UK/ NZ10 (US 6)!!! I haven't been that size since I was a teenager! But now I am seriously wanting to loose the last couple of KG's because I want to stay in these jeans. I've been keeping up with my kettlebell training and a little running, but I have still been going out and drinking lots! Really blew out over the weekend with lots of wine, beer and chips at the rugby, then BK on the way home!!
    My goal for August is to cut right back on the chocolate and to hit 65.5kg.
    xx take care ladies
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Alright ladies- so I haven't posted in a few days and here is why- after a really crappy run on Wednesday I was not feeling positive and everything felt impossible, so instead of bringing the negativity here I decided to just read and try and get inspired. On Thursday was bootcamp and we did weights so that helped boost my self confidence since I was able to use a pretty heavy weight- something I hadn't used in a while. Then on Friday work was just crazy and I didn't have time to post and then we had a work outing at a coworkers pool. I haven't really partyed since dropping 45 lbs so needless to say I got WAY more intoxicated than I had planned, but luckily the hubby was already scheduled to come and pick me up. My coworker has a pool with a brick edging and I was leaning down to rinse off my arm and I slipped, did the splits, hit the side of the brick and then feel into the pool. It hurt at the time but nearly as bad as it did Saturday morning. I have a huge purple bruise on my butt and my right knee is banged up pretty bad. I had to cut out my 3 mile run on Saturday because it hurt and then it was still too sore to do anything on Sunday. So I just spent the rest of the weekend lounging around.

    This morning I had 3 miles on schedule and I did it. I ran it in 35ish minutes with an average pace of 11:41. I Had 4.5 minutes worth of walking breaks in there, so I feel pretty good about how fast my running pace was since my overall pace is still faster than what I normally do. I was glad I was able to do so much, but I am still nervous and need to push myself. I think that today was a good reassurance since we ran the 5k route that I ran last September and I couldn't even run a mile and it took me 48 minutes to complete. So I am going to remind myself of the good stuff. Went to the grocery store yesterday so I have some great snacks and dinners lined up for the week. I am feeling back on track after a medicore start to August and I can't wait to hit my goals!

    I will do my best to catch up with you ladies later!

  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Hey ladies, its looks like everyone is still kicking @$$ as usual :happy: On my end, work is still been super crazy, it has thrown my training schedule all out of whacks but I'm determined to get back on board! Also out of the ****ty week I had I came out of it with a loss of 1.6lbs :noway: I was pretty proud of myself to say the least!!!!!!!! Also if anyone hasn't done this yet, I highly recommend trying it! I read that if you have an exercise ball sit on it rather than a chair when at your desk or watching tv because it helps works your ab muscles. So yesterday, I bought an exercise ball and used it for around the 2hrs that I was on my laptop and yes I could feel it in my ab muscles when I went to bed that night! So if anyone is looking for extra hidden ways to get a small of amount of exercise in I highly reccomend this!

    Meag: Great job on your run!!!!

    Jill: Also great job on your run and conitining with your PT!!! 9 miles wow, I'm getting ready to go run 1.75miles and I'm like ohh no seems kind of silly to your 9 miles! Keep up the great work!

    Guam: Your gonna have to let me know how that Insanity works out for ya! I heard it is killer

    mking: Great job on your 3mile run!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey there everyone, August is proving to be a tough month already but I am writing off any bad that I did on Saturday and yesterday even with a hangover we managed to do laundry and go grocery shopping and not eat out! Total win! I am hoping that being healthy and getting back into exercise this week will make up for the damage on Saturday but we will see. The next few weeks will be much more mellow and I plan to get my head in the game for weight lifting and getting back into running and yoga. I am ready to see the scale go down and get back to the confident lady that I am. I am hitting the gym tonight and then running Wednesday morning. Tomorrow we are going to the venue to meet caterers and possibly *taste* some things then we are doing dinner out with friends. This will be really hard for me because I tend to go overboard but I know I can do it and that will help motivate me to run on Wednesday morning since I have a hair appt that evening and no exercise will happen in the evening. I am also planning on weight training on thursday morning if I can force myself out of bed and I better do it damn it!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    HI Ladies!
    Seems like overall despite the bumps in August everyone has a positive outlook which is great!
    I had my weigh in this past Friday and my weight has fluctuated kinda frustrating.. Sucks but I have noticed the scale will move down 2lbs one week and the following week it will go up one, down two up one that's about .5 lbs lost on average which is fine considering I need 15-20 lbs to reach my goal.... so we'll see how the rest of the month goes.
    Any one of you try zig zag method? Also any new exercises you ladies have tried that you'd recommend? Usually jog, mt. bike and hike. Would like to try something less time consuming since school will be starting soon. Thanks :) Had a good day today jogged 2.5 miles and have been keeping up with my goals for August minus the scale challenge, weighed my self several times because the damn thing was up a lb.. frustrating! Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Very very frustrating!~!~!~! I sat at this computer for a good 45 minutes reading and relpying... when I went to post BAM!!! no response from the website, and of course I didnt have time to copy my post so now its all gone. Uhh!~!

    I dont have the patience to write it all agian, but know that I am keeping up with everyones progress!!!!!

    I don't want to complain about Losing weight but I am starting to wonder if I am doing something wrong here. I need to reevaluate my calorie intake becasue I think I am starving myself. I am down another pound in just 3 days. While I am pretty excited about this, I dont like how fast it is. I dont want to loose these last few pounds really fast and gain them back next month because my body thinks it is starving. The problem is that I dont really "feel" hungry so I dont notice that I am until I get a headache. I have been working out much more and much harder than I ever have before, so I need to take that into concideration. Ive been burning anywhere from 400 to 600 calories a day (everyday!) and that is not normal for me! Lol. I guess I am just not used to eating so much without feeling guilty. I didn't think I would ever be faced with this challenge. I have to figure out how to eat enough without feeling like I have to go work it off instantly.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey all! quickly checking in from work... glad to see everyone is overall doing well so far! today's weigh in gave me a 2lb loss from last Monday so I was happy with that.. i've been keeping up with Ripped in 30 and started Day 1 of Week 2 today.. throughly got my butt kicked lol.. Week 2 was def harder than Week 1, so i'm really looking to improve as the week goes on.. I like that there's 4 weeks so I'm not really getting bored with it. haven't been running in a week which i'm not happy about, but am hoping to get back into it this week. Work was so busy last night that I left late and completely forgot to get my TB test checked, so looks like I have to repeat that, great..
    Paid for my classes last night so it's all official now, and have my grad school orientation tonight so hopefully I'll be able to meet some others in the program..
    Everyone have a great rest of the week!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Allie~ Congrats on the loss AND on be a Grad Student!~!~! woot woot!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    cmg- 1.75 miles is great! You should be proud of yourself. I remember when I was still building up and I would see these ladies come in here with their crazy long runs and feel so inadequate, but you will get there! I am currently training for a 15k and the thought of running 4 miles next week is scary so I can't even think about 9.3 right now. But I figure just take it one week at a time and don't worry about what everyone else is doing, just do my own thing!

    Aly- enjoy the tasting for the wedding! Luckily they bring out just small samples of everything that you want to try, but you shouldn't worry about what it is calorie wise because it should be an enjoyable process. Plus I think with Weight Watchers you don't track calories so much as points right? Good luck with going out with the friends for dinner. I totally get the going overboard thing when going out to eat, and hopefully since you are aware of it you can make good chocies

    Greenhumanclay- Cynthia I think?? I haven't done zig zagging as a plan, but my caloric intake fluctuates from day to day depending on how much I workout. I bet there are some threads on here about it if you search and I know for some people the zig zagging keeps their body guessing which helps them with the weight loss. As far as your weight flucuating, don't worry about it! You are still seeing a loss overall that thats what matters at the end of the day

    Kandace- Ugh I hate when that happens! Especially after you spend so much time and effort replying to everyone and then bam it disappears- MOST FRUSTRATING THING EVER! If you haven't been significantly below your cals for a long period of time I wouldn't be worried about going into starvation mode I would however be worried about dropping lean muscle instead of fat. I know you said that you don't feel hungry and then bam you have a headache, so maybe you can just better schedule your snacks? Even though you aren't "hungry" maybe have a string cheese or small piece of fruit. Something low cal that won't make you feel like you're stuffed, but help keep hungry headaches away and bump up your cals each day? Just a thought!

    Allie- Woohoo grad school! I have been out of grad school for just over a year now. It was a love hate relationship because its tough but fun at the same time. At least everything is in order and you are going to start! SUPER EXCITING! Ripped in 30 sounds killer. I have her 6 week 6 pack and I think I should start tackling it on Sunday's or something. The only thing I don't like is that her videos are intended to be done everyday and that gets boring to me, one reason why I didn't stick with 30DS. Keep me posted on how you like it because maybe with 4 different workouts it will help keep things interesting!

    AFM- Did spin this morning as usual for a Tuesday. I have 2 miles+strength on tap for tomorrow and I am hoping it will be quick and easy. I am a slow runner, but I am ok with that because right now I just want to get through the distance each time. I figure that working up to the 15k distance that I have scheduled in December is more important than being able to run it fast. I am totally ok if it takes me over an hour and a half to complete the race. Just trying to finish not set any records or anything. I am also considering starting a running blog as motivation for myself. A place that I can vent about each of my workouts and easily get back to for tracking purposes. More as a running journal for myself than anything else. Of course I have a real journal I could always use for that purpose- maybe I'll start doing that. Any who, I should really do some work today, but I am having trouble concentrating and I have a minor headache. Gotta hang in there!! Have a great day!

  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Allie: What are you going to grad school for? I'm gonna be starting grad school for Occupational Thearpy on the 22nd i'm excited, scared and nervous all at the same time lolk

    mking: thanks sooo much for the encouraging words! It really does make my "short" distances seem way better!

    AFM: Completed a 2mi run this morning! Not as much as fast as I wanted but at least I completed it! For all you runners out there how do you work on increasing your speed/pace?

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Hey girls! Sorry for being MIA! Have had my brother in law in town for the last 3 weeks and he finally goes home on Saturday! It's been a long visit (he's 16 yrs old) and I'm so exhausted from all the back talking and disrespect. I did level 3 of the 30DS and JM's Yoga Meltdown this morning! Felt really good. I also figured out a couple days ago that I have plateaued...again....and that is very frustrating.

    On another note, I an slowly working myself back up to 1200 cals. I let the eating disorder take control for a couple of days but I'm demanding the control back. Gotta kick this guilt! I think I got to a little over 1000 cals today which was better then the last 2 days at 800-900 cals.

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    Bell- Congrats on getting into ONEderland! I'm so very proud of you! That's so exciting! Make sure you celebrate!
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Bethany- Yes rush week is fun! It has it's ups and downs, but I am looking forward to seeing all of my girls again and meet our newest members! Everyone needs a cheat weekend! Hope you had fun at all the birthday parties!

    anita- yay for getting into your teen size jeans! Always a plus!

    megan- sounds like you are really improving on your time and pace! Keep up the good work :)

    cmg2008- Great job on the loss! I have also heard that tip, unfortunatly I am really not even supposed to sit at work lol so I would for sure take the exercise ball any day! haha keep up the great work!

    cynthia- what is the zig-zag plan? my favorite exercise (cardio) will always and forever be dance! If you can get in an adult tap or hip-hop with a friend! They are so much fun and you burn so many cals without even realizing it! An adult barre class will help tone, but those are harder to come by.

    Allie- YAY!!!! GRAD SCHOOL!!!! I need to start looking into that myself! What are you going to be studying?

    AFM- rush is right around the corner! I am by no means ready for it, but the faster it gets done means the faster I can get back to dancing! I am craving dance practice and being in the studio again! Today was a good eating day. I was about 200 cals under roughly and I am okay with that! I made it to the gym for 30min to do day 3 of C25k, for now it keeps me going, but again the next 2 weeks will be hectic, so I am not technically starting real training till sept. Off to bed, I have to be at work at 7, but after I get off (1pm) i plan to hit the gym before I have to sit and convience myself I don't really want to go haha!

    QOTD- sometimes its really easy to get caught up with what we want to change about ourselfs, but what is your favorite thing about YOU?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Absolutely HAVE to get to bed, but I wanted to share this with you folks... Hoping to catch up tomorrow for a bit before work, or else some other time before I take off on my mini-vacay!

    Would love your thoughts/comments. This is how i feel all the time - I feel sh*tty about myself, and then even sh*ttier and more inadequate for not feeling fabulous, strong, healthy and attractive like I SHOULD. How counter productive is that!

    Anyway lots of running lately, work's a freaking mess, eating has been a "eat when you can and whatever you have available" sort of thing lately, and things are basically just going a mile a minute. Can't wait for it to be Thursday evening. I just want to get away!

    So freaking stoked about my KICK *kitten* inspired trip this weekend!

    QOTD - If you were going to plan an active/fitness centered trip or vacation, what would you do and why?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    mking: thanks sooo much for the encouraging words! It really does make my "short" distances seem way better!
    We've ALL been there! When I joined MFP in Sept 2010 I was a true novice. Couldn't run 5K at all, and definitely couldn't make it without major walk breaks. I joined the Runner's Club on here and was taking advice and chatting with Marathon runners and boy was it hard sometimes to picture myself running that much... I felt so silly posting my runs and my personal victories because they seemed so inconsequential. But they're not! We've all been there and those little runs are the building blocks to success. Each shorter run is just a few thousand steps closer to a longer run, a stronger run, a more confident and more comfortable run. You will get there - It's all part of the process.

    And truthfully - I still struggle with the shorter runs some days, too. We all do! So give yourself credit for your progress and post away! I am so inspired by all you new runners. It takes a lot of courage and commitment to train, race, and build endurance. Your dedication and motivation keeps me going, too :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Little more catch up this morning while I have 10 mins or so...

    Mking - 90 mins for 15K is a very respectable time! If you are aiming for 90 mins then I say that's pretty darn fast indeed... I did my first 16K (10 mile) race in just over 104 mins and was damn pleased with my time. You're definitely not a slow runner if that's your goal. A slow runner would do 15K at a 12:00 pace or more... so 112 mins. I'd say 20 mins under that is not slow at all :tongue:

    Kan - If you're at all worried about your intake, my advice is to steer on the side of caution and eat more. Even if you're eating to your maintenance calories, you're not going to gain anything and your body will appreciate the break. You are very close to your goal weight so you should be eating around your maintenance cals or slightly below, anyway. If you have your diary set to anything more than a 0.5lb loss/week, I'd highly recommend changing it. You will see results much faster and you will feel a LOT better, physically and emotionally. At this weight your body really does need the fuel. You don't have as much to burn and you are working lots off already. Increase your cals to at least 1400 or 1500/day. Seriously! Just give it a go :happy:

    Greenhumanclay - I love to diversify my workouts when I can - Try power yoga for strength and stretching, cycling or spin class to work those leg muscles out and help to build your endurance for running, and swimming or water aerobics for a nice cool change when you want to get out of the heat. If you've got some social time, convince your friends/partner/family/etc to play a game of tennis, go for a hike, or do something active outdoors. Doesn't always have to be the best burn - just get up and get moving :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone! Work calls.... :grumble:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Cmg: 2 miles! WOOHOO! I personally am not concentrating on increasing my pace right now, just my distance. I know a lot of people do intervals and things of the like to work on getting faster- I am sure the rest of the runners in here can you give you way better advice!

    Ashley: Great job on trying to get yourself back to the right number of calories. I am sure it’s a real struggle emotionally and mentally so great job on fighting the good fight!

    Lalonmeg (I think you go by just Meg?): I was in a sorority and I can completely understand the stress of rush, in fact I was once recruitment vp so you can imagine the stress! Just keep doing some sort of exercise, exactly like you are, and you will not only have a great stress relief but you will be ahead of the game come September. I think you are doing a great job!

    Meag: Please do yourself a huge favor and breathe!! I know you have really been struggling with body image. Maybe it’s time you put the full length mirrors, or mirrors in general away and compliment yourself in any way. If you feel like you want to critique yourself you should follow this simple rule, pro con pro. Always start with a pro about yourself, a con, and then end with a pro. So you always say 2 positive things and only one negative thing. I have used this trick for several different things and it lets you see the better things. For example, if I were to make a pro con pro list of myself I would say, I am making a consistent and great effort towards healthy living, I feel like I suck at running, I don’t give up. I say try it and see if it helps with your overall body image. HUGS!

    AFM: 2 miles + strength for today. The route ended up being 2.19 miles, and I shaved a whole 47 seconds off my previous time from when I ran it exactly a week ago. I feel like I came out of the gate too fast and crashed and burned, but I will figure out my pacing. I actually made myself do my strength workout and it felt good. I can tell I am getting stronger. Other than that not much else to report, still going strong with the 15k training plan and I am excited to see myself keep improving. Have a great day!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hey gals! Sorry I haven't been updating. Things went a little cRaZy this past week. Drama surrounding my friend's hospice care, my wedding anniversary, family "stuff"...I need a vacation form my vacation! :explode:

    I'm trying to zig-zag calories. I'm hoping this boosts my loss a little. I'm hoping to be halfway to my goal by Christmas...the unrealistic goals are killing me. :ohwell: I am in a challenge to lose 10lbs in August...I've lost 1. It's just not happening. And I think I'm ok with it.

    I don't have time to schedule in workouts working in the yard at the new house and remodeling the house is my workout. Hoping to start walking...even if it's just from one house to the other before and after a day's work :smile:

    Sorry for the random rambling...

  • First time I have heard about zig-zagging. Definitely looking into it.

    As a newbie, I am not terrible good at keeping up with these things. But it is great to hear the encouragement between everyone.

    cmg2008 - Your weight loss goals/path look the most similar to mine, but you are tearing it up in the mid- 130s. How are you getting through the last leg of your goals? Also, great suggestion re: fitness ball - I work in the design industry, so just tried to get the hook up with a fitnessball alternative called ErgoErgo - Same concept/results and hopefully will fit in at the office well. Goal? To get a whole bunch for my team!

    - Still doing SouthBeach phase one. Incredibly, it has helped me loose nearly 10 pounds in two and a half weeks.
    -Walking whenever possible. 2-7 miles a day. Incorporating running when i have time.

    Thinking of doing a 3-5 day juice fast mid-month with yoga to boost weight loss and then get back to a regular (but careful!) diet. Anybody interested in joining? A woman at work lost 140 pounds with a combination of occasional juice fasting and running - so we are pairing up.

    Also - did a clean out of my closet and still can't find my copy of 30DS. Anybody know where I can stream it or download it?
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Hump Day Lovelies!! Sorry I have been MIA the last few days. I have been reading along but haven’t had time to catch up so I am going to do my best now.

    Anita – congrats on fitting the smaller size!! I look forward to that!! I have a few pairs of shorts that I inherited that are a few sizes smaller and I can’t wait to fit into them. Hopefully its not too far in the future.

    Cynthia – I am a single mom to 2 kids so I can’t get out there and do the exercises that I would necessarily like to do. I stick to the gym and do the treadmill, elliptical, kickboxing classes, and hula classes. I have tried to incorporate videos at home also. I just bought Insanity and am impatiently awaiting its arrival!!

    Kandace – bet you never thought you would be facing that dilemma!! I would say try to eat calories that are worth it and that will give you that fuel you need to burn those crazy calories. And make sure you are getting plenty of water, especially since you are working out everyday!

    Allie – Congrats on the 2 lb loss!! And so glad to hear that you had grad school orientation!! You had such drama getting that all figured out so hopefully things are all downhill from here!! Good luck girly!!

    Megan – there is plenty of time between now and December to work on your running. And great to hear that your goal is just to finish rather than to PR which should make it more enjoyable for you…I know it would for me.

    Ashley – glad to hear that you are able to work with your calories and feel confident about it. Way to take charge girly!!

    Meghan – what kind of dancing do you do? I love to dance. And if I had the body for it, I would have done everything in my power to become a backup dancer…maybe in another life. And glad to hear that you are still doing everything you can to make everything work before rush week.

    QOTD (Meghan’s) – I would have to say my legs. I get tons of compliments on them and if I could just work on my inner thighs then it would be amazing!!

    QOTD (Meag’s) – I would take the kids camping in Yosemite National Park during the fall when the waterfalls are dry so that we could hike on the rocks up to the bottom of the falls. I did it with my family about 12 years ago and had an amazing time.

    Mandy – I am doing a challenge like that also and for our official weigh in I had lost 0.2. That was very discouraging but luckily I know my faults and things that I could definitely improve on. And hopefully things will start calming down over there. How is Michelle doing?

    Melanie – a friend of mine just completed a 10-day juice fast and he loved it. He watched some documentary on it and then researched juicers and did it. I think he lost like 10 pounds in the first 3-4 days. But I have also talked to him about getting a routine in place so that when he gets back to regular eating, he won’t gain all of his lost weight back. Have you done one before?

    AFM…yesterday was a total epic fail for food. A co-worker went to lunch with me and we ended up at a buffet. Didn’t go extremely crazy but the food didn’t sit well with me and I didn’t feel good for the rest of the afternoon. And then the bf decided to take me out to dinner to a bbq roadhouse…super yummy and I didn’t even finish 1/3 of my food. I am glad that I have gotten to the point that I can put the fork down and take the leftovers home. I think I have brought food home the last few times he and I have gone out to dinner which is something I would have never done in the past. And I am noticing that my body no longer handles greasy and fatty food well anymore. I have yet to pick up running but this week is way off schedule. A co-worker and I are going to the San Diego Chargers game tomorrow which will be my 3rd pro game that I get to check off my bucket list this year but I am hoping that we don’t indulge too much in “beverages” and other not-so-great choices. We shall see!! I am in charge of my body so hopefully I can do what I need to do.

    Quote of the day – “The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.”
    Benjamin Mays
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