Pregnancy – August 2011



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Rachel- So I meant to tell you at our class the nurses told us that if we wanted someone out of the room to ask for a green popcicle.... they don't have any that is just their code for getting everyone to leave hehe. I thought it was funny because DH and I have a code when we are out with people... we ask if the other has a mint... if DH wants to leave he will say yes he has a mint and we try to leave after that... if he says no he wants to stay. hah.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    I had my first u/s appointment this morning! Hearing the heart beat for the first time was like music to my ears. It's the sweetest sound! The u/s went great. She said the baby's organs are all in place and growing where they should be..ten fingers ten toes! She couldn't tell much about the cord yet (we were a little worried with my first baby..he was born with only 2 vessels instead of 3) We got a precious face shot and some other pictures and a little 9minute DVD. She did say that it looks like we may be having another boy, but she wasn't 100% so we'll have to confirm at my next appointment. We have decided on names...I THINK! We will either be having a precious daughter named Ella Joy Mallory or another handsome baby boy named Joel Isaac Mallory!

    I will be having a prenatal appointment tomorrow morning. It'll probably be pretty uneventful other than getting my blood drawn and the usual weight check, urinalysis deal. I still look forward to each appointment though!

    Hope ya'll are having a wonderful day!

    Rach- how have you been feeling?
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Hello, everyone, I was involved with this thread back in January-March, but I lost my baby. My husband and I are TTC again. It's taken 4 months for my body to really return to some sort of normalcy, so hopefully we'll be pregnant before long. It's wonderful to see so many friendly faces. Evyerone that I knew before either already had their babies or have grown cute bellies! It's been fun to read and catch up.

    Does anyone know of a good site for printable diapers? My neighbor is pregnant and is looking for some. But aside from that, it would be a good idea for me to stock up on some so when we do have a baby, we'll be all set. :)
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    I meant to say printable coupons for diapers!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Real Name: Michelle

    Age: 21

    Location: Houston, Texas..but I call my home Southern West Virginia though :)

    How far along in pregnancy: 14weeks 2 days

    # of Children you have: 1 (this will be #2)

    # of Children you want: upwards of 4-5

    Education (if applicable): high school graduate

    Current Occupation: The Mallory Household Management Specialist haha!

    Dream Occupation: Exactly what I'm doing now! Staying at home caring for my family

    Marital Status: Married since January 10, 2009

    How you met your baby daddy: Our church needed a fill in piano player and the local private college sent one of their best music majors- David! He said it was love at first sight for him, but it took me a good 3 years to see him as more than just a best friend until he sent the most beautiful letter explaining his love for me. We started dating in July, engaged in August, and married in January! I just love him so much!

    What brought you to MFP?: I wanted to lose weight and be able to track my exercise after my first son was born.

    How tall are you?: 5'6"

    What was your highest weight?: My weight during pregnancy....172

    What was your lowest weight?: 125

    What is your goal weight?: 130

    What is your goal size?: I met my goal size! And since I'm still in the early stages, I'm still sporting my size 5 skinny jeans!

    Anything else you would like to share?: I love decorating, cooking, baking, and bargain shopping.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Real Name: Jalyn (pronounced Juh-lynn)
    Age: 31
    Location: Saucier, MS
    How far along in pregnancy: TTC
    # of Children you have: 0
    # of Children you want: 3
    Education (if applicable): BA English Lit and Creative Writing, MS in SpEd (Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
    Current Occupation: SpEd Pre-Algebra and Science teacher
    Dream Occupation: The list is long: SAHM, Young Adult fictionist, preshcool teacher
    Marital Status: got married Feb 10, 2010. We eloped to the court house and didn't tell anyone for a week!
    How you met your baby daddy: on Eharmony
    What brought you to MFP? Trying to lose the weight I gained after getting married.
    How tall are you? 5' 8"
    What was your highest weight? 180
    What was your lowest weight? 140
    What is your goal weight? 140
    What is your goal size? 6 or 8 jeans
    Anything else you would like to share? I'm new to the south; I was born and raised in Idaho, so this strange place has taken some getting used to. I've had to adopt new hobbies because I can't bike or hike here like I could at home. I've joined a CrossFit group which has been really motivating.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Not sure if you all have Target stores or if the deals are nationwide but right now at our they have a buy 2 boxes of 160 count diapers get $20 gift card. Hubby and I plan on going and buying some to stock up for the little one on the way.
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Took my daughter to register for Jr High today. Yikes! I think I'm more excited/nervous than she is. We got her schedule and walked around the school to find her locker and all her classrooms. She starts in less than 2 weeks! And then 6 weeks later (or so) we're bringing home a new baby. Wow.

    Man, I am in the same exact boat! We go for middle school orientation next week, she's starting August 22nd and then baby sis is coming on 9-2! Aaahh! We should definitely be buddies on here, I'm sure we can both use the support dealing with 6th graders and newborns! Lol :tongue:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Rachel – I raided the candy drawer at work yesterday. I didn’t feel sick, just horribly guilty.

    Julz – glad the shower is coming together for you! When’s your birthday? Mine is October 22nd and someone made a comment about how cool it would be if she was born then…uhhhh, no. :huh:

    Caperfae – a 2 hour wait?? That’s insane!

    Katrina – so sorry about your van! My car keeps having problems too. I really don’t want to have to get a new one since I love not having a monthly payment. But if this keeps up, a monthly payment might be cheaper than constantly having to get this one fixed.

    Michelle – yea for the heartbeat!!! I never get tired of hearing that sound!! :bigsmile:

    Jalyn – so good to hear from you!! I hope you’re doing well. If you google diaper coupons you should be able to find something.

    Elizabeth – thanks for the tip, I love Target!

    I stared to panic last night about becoming a mom. My exact works to hubby were, “what the he** was I thinking? I don’t know anything about babies; the hospital will never let me leave with her!!!” ( :laugh: <---- now I can laugh) He was able to calm me down but I still didn’t get much sleep last night.

    Edit: I just realized my ticker is under 60 days! :noway:
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Jenna- My SIL had a very low placenta at her first ultrasound, and it moved up so her baby was born vaginally. From what she was saying, that is the most common thing. Hope it works that way for you, too!

    A lot of people have told me this as well, so I'm not worried yet! Thanks so much for the support :happy:
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Real Name: Elizabeth
    Age: 25
    Location: Lebanon, Pennsylvania
    How far along in pregnancy: 6.5 weeks
    # of Children you have: 0
    # of Children you want: 3
    Education (if applicable): BSN (bachelor of science in nursing)
    Current Occupation: Emergency Department RN
    Dream Occupation: saty at home mommy (but it might not be in the cards...)
    Marital Status: married (May 9th, 2009)
    How you met your baby daddy: DH and i met in Junior high school when we were both an a competition BB gun team... we "dated" in JR high for about 9 months and then i broke up with him on valentines day =( we continued on as friends and met up at the movies my junior year of highschool and the rest is hisotry... we have been together for 9 years this year...
    What brought you to MFP? Tyring to lose weight before TTC (lost about 20 pounds before we found out i was expecting!)
    How tall are you? 5'9''
    What was your highest weight? 201
    What was your lowest weight? 175
    What is your goal weight? 160
    What is your goal size? 8/10
    Anything else you would like to share? Love having this board to get information and chat with you all! Thank you all for the support!! =)
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    6th grader and newborn here too, although mine won't come until Christmas. And I believe that all of our 6thg raders are girls so I hope that I am not alone in getting the drama and attitude already!

  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    Real Name: Katie
    Age: 30
    Location: Lexington Park, MD
    How far along in pregnancy: 14 weeks
    # of Children you have: 1
    # of Children you want: 2 or 3
    Education (if applicable): BA Communications
    Current Occupation: Technical Writer
    Dream Occupation: Maternity Ward nurse
    Marital Status: married (June 7, 2008)
    How you met your baby daddy: I met him at a bar. He was with someone that I went to high school with and I originally started dating the person I went to HS with. That didn't work out so hubby and I started dating and the we have been through a lot in the past 11 years. We have only been married for 3 but together for 11.
    What brought you to MFP? Tyring to lose weight before TTC (found out i was expecting!)
    How tall are you? 5'3''
    What was your highest weight? 240
    What was your lowest weight? 140
    What is your goal weight? 135
    What is your goal size? size doesn't matter really.
    Anything else you would like to share? Just trying to maintain my weight now. or at least not gain too much weight.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    Real Name: Veronica
    Age: 29
    Location:Utica,NY (upstate)
    How far along in pregnancy: 25weeks
    # of Children you have: 2
    # of Children you want: idk no set number
    Education (if applicable): bachelors in accounting
    Current Occupation: sahm
    Dream Occupation: sahm
    Marital Status: married on June 10 2005
    How you met your baby daddy: we met through our mothers
    What brought you to MFP? I wanted to lose weight before I got pg I thought my weight was making it harder for me to get pg I think it did but after 10months I was able to conceive this little girl
    How tall are you? 5ft4in
    What was your highest weight? 245lb
    What was your lowest weight? 170lb
    What is your goal weight? 140lb
    What is your goal size? 8
    Anything else you would like to share? I have GD and high bp but am hoping to get through this pregnancy with a healthy not too big baby and then get to the weight loss after that. I also love gardening crocheting reading and cooking
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    My son is going to be starting kindergarten and I will be having my little girl about 2months later. I'm excited but pretty nervous about him going. I can only imagine what it is going to be like when he starts middle school
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Lindsey & Katrina - 6th grade is still in elementary school here, my daughter is going into 7th grade, but yeah, we are all in the same boat :laugh: The funny thing for me is that all her friends going with her (at least those whose moms I'm friends with) are the youngest in their family, so their moms are seeing it from the other side. From my daughter, I do get a fair amount of attitude, and a whole lot of moodiness. Some days, she's extremely helpful and sweet and others she's an absolute nightmare! (Hehe, something for all you with girls to look forward to -- but honestly it's more good than bad).

    Caperfae - I start bugging the receptionist if I'm still in the waiting room 15 minutes after my appointment. My dr's office is pretty busy (he's a very popular OB!) but they seem to do pretty good most days with keeping close. (I understand the occasional emergency, and have had to wait as long as 30 minute after the apt, but I still keep checking with the receptionist, lol). I don't know that I would put up with a 2 hour wait. Hopefully it was just a fluke.

    AFM - tried some yoga today. I haven't done much at all since I got pregnant, and only lasted 15-20 minutes, but it felt good. I know to be careful of certain poses, and very easy on the stretching. But the breathing techniques are the best part - I'm thinking I'll use yoga breathing to hold off on epidural, at least for a while, when I go into labor.

    For some reason, 32 weeks seems to be a significant milepost.
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    6th grader and newborn here too, although mine won't come until Christmas. And I believe that all of our 6thg raders are girls so I hope that I am not alone in getting the drama and attitude already!


    Oh no, another 6th grade mommy! :tongue: You are definitely not alone in the drama or attitude department! I'm sure we'll have quite a few stories to swap pretty soon...yikes! I'm so not ready! Oh well, ready or not..let the worrying and sleeplessness begin! :laugh: Good luck to us all!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    So, I keep bouncing back and forth between thinking this guy is going to come early and that he's going to be irritatingly late. I'm measuring big (33 at my 31 week) but I also have a lot of fluid. Both fundal measurement and fluid are on the high side of normal, so it's no concern. At the last u/s it projected the due date a week earlier than my dates put it. But sometimes I think he's just been such a stinker already, he's going to make things hard by coming late.
    I can't go off my others, either. #1 was 6 days late, #2 4 days early, and #3 on his due date. The first 2 were born on the day the U/S suggested and the 3rd was a day before it, but with them I only had the one at 20 weeks. This guy we've had 3 so far, at 17, 21, and 25 weeks, and I get another at the end of the month at about 34 weeks. So who knows what to pay attention to...

    I just have to trust that he'll come when he's ready. And hope he doesn't wait all the way until my birthday!!!
    This is my 4th baby and I can't go off my other three either because my first one was one week late and a long labor, my second was also a week late and a VERY quick entry into this world and my third was 4 days late and took longer than my second but shorter than my first. I'm kinda worried a little about it because with this one I chose to go to a doctor that is 1 hour away from where I live versus the 15-20 minutes I lived away with my other three. I don't want to have it en-route to the hospital.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    I love reading about everyone! Keep em coming!

    I am feeling fairly well, but today I am soooo tired. Not sure why as I got enough sleep. It has been pretty hot too though.

    re: Late appointments- drives me insane and I am always in the waiting room for at least 30 minutes after my apt time usually. It's really frustrating for me... but it's just the way it is.

    Sorry ladies no energy to reply to everyone right now.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ronya -- Not to scare you but, the "What the hell am I going to do with this thing?" feeling did NOT go away for several days after she was born for me. :laugh: It's funny even though I'm totally serious. I didn't feel any rush of love for her when she was born. They laid her on me and of course I "loved" her and I was super glad she was here but honestly all I could think while holding her was "Holy crap, WTF am I going to do with this?" The lovey "I love you so much I'd do absolutely anything for you" type mama feelings did eventually happen, though and I've kind of just figured out what I'm doing as things happen. I'm a very hands-on learner. I can read about it and practice it in class a zillion times but I'll really have no clue what to do until I'm doing it. I haven't messed her up yet (as far as I know)! :wink: