Pregnancy – August 2011



  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Wow lots of newcomers today! Welcome everyone! Jump right in and make yourself at home.

    Sorry didn't post much this weekend. Yesterday went to a matinee movie and out for supper (my pregnant belly would not fit into the booth! So we had to move to a table. That was embarrassing). We stopped at Walmart on the way home and I felt like crap! I was so tired and hot. I could hardly walk we had to get out of there and go home asap.

    Then today we have just done a bunch of yard work. I have come in now because I am so tired! Hubby is still out there. I think I am going to take a cold shower!

    I am starting to wonder if this baby is going to be late. I have not really had any signs that labour is coming. I do feel BH once in a while, but never severe. My "discharge" does seem a little bit different, perhaps more of it as I can kind of "feel" it (sorry, TMI). But other than that nothing.

    Baby feels huge. Like he or she is so close to the surface of my skin. I am definitely growing more and more as my belly keeps bumping into things.

    Anyways, I am off to the shower and lay down. I am exhausted! Talk to you all soon!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Here is the list I was keeping to help me keep everyone straight. Post your info if you want me to add you to the list!

    I can read it just fine! What a good idea :smile:
    Here's my information: Michelle- EDD 2/5/12- Will find out the gender soon- 1Boy
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    About the milk production...have you tried pumping after each feeding for about 10 minutes? When it comes to making enough, with most women, what's taken out is replaced so the more feedings equals more milk. Oatmeal and malt help bring up supply...also fenugreek, though after a while you'll start to smell like a pancake! haha! :laugh: Just suggesting a few things in case you didn't now already!:flowerforyou: Hope you are you little girl are doing well!

    Yes, I'm pumping after each feeding. At this point, the "feeding" itself is a total joke. She has serious problems latching correctly which I'm sure is most of the reason I've had supply issues to begin with (along with her being lethargic from jaundice for the first week). We were supplementing with a syringe/finger at first but it got to be too much so she's almost entirely bottlefed except for the small amount she gets while breastfeeding. I've been taking fenugreek since last Wednesday and I think I've seen a small improvement but I'm still not producing enough for her. I haven't noticed a maple syrup smell yet but apparently hubby has. :laugh: Oh well, it's better than the way sweat and pee normally smell, right? I've also been eating oatmeal often. Over the last day or so, she hasbeen fed about 60% expressed breastmilk and 40% formula, but she's almost completely bottlefed. :ohwell: I also have Reglan to try as a next step. I really didn't want to go there but unless something magical happens in the next couple of days I think I'm going to give it a shot. I'm really getting sick of being attached to a breastpump for hours each day but with her latching problems I'm not sure that will change even if my supply increases to a decent level.

    But other than me being unreasonably emotional and stubborn about the breastfeeding thing, we're both doing well. :smile:

    Sounds like you've been well informed then. Yay for smelling like breakfast! There is a tea that's supposed to help, though I can't remember the name. I can't help much with the latching issue other than recommending ,as the last resort, a nipple shield in case you are to have inverted or flat nipples causing the problem. Obviously, you can't stop feeding your child if they refuse to eat off the breast! So other than I would just second what Katrina mentioned when using a bottle it makes breastfeeding harder because the baby gets used to the easy sucking motion. But you do what'cha gotta do! Love your heart for trying so hard! It's definitely not the easiest thing for either a new mom or new baby to learn quickly. I'm sure what ever you decide is best for your baby will turn out great. I'm glad you're doing well, despite the emotional rollercoasters!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    bump! Still lurking!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Welcome to all of the new ladies! You'll love the encouragement and helpful advice given here! It becomes quite addicting!!! Just jump right in!

    Melissa- I would second what Julz said about the blood flow. I've also experienced this with both pregnancies. And pairing that with my vertigo is no cup of tea. I've just got to watch how quickly I get up. Hopefully you'll figure out what's going on and feel better soon!

    Rachel- I know how you must be feeling now, being so close to the end. The uncomfortable waiting game! It's all going to be over with soon and every thing you've gone through will all be worth it when you're holding the beautiful little blessing you've been given!
    I'm sure with all the researching you do, you already know that most first timers go overdue...don't get too upset if the day you've been waiting for comes and goes. Your body knows what to do! Thinking of you! Hope you rest well

    AFM- I've been dealing with nausea the last few weeks. Just the barely there annoying kind that makes you hate food. I'm thankful it's not as bad as last time though. I think I must have thrown up 3-4 times a day for 15 weeks. (Saying that now makes me feel bad since I knew how badly Anne was for 30 weeks!) I'm in my last week of my first trimester now! yay! I'll be excited to have a little bit of starbucks soon and start to feel half way human again! I will say with my first pregnancy, having my baby was all I thought about- now, chasing a toddler and living my life being mother and wife seems to have most of my thoughts so it seems like this pregnancy is going by a lot quicker! I am hoping to schedule an ultrasound before I leave to go visit my family at home. Hopefully I'll be able to hear the heartbeat the first time (my last appointment was too early to externally hear it..just want to see if there's just one little lovebug in there!!!) and it's possible I may find out the gender! If not, I'll be just as happy to wait.

    Hope everyone else is doing fantastic on this first day of August! Have a great, restful evening mommas!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    bumping to stalk those of you yet to pop!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Will just stalk this page until I go to the doctors to get another prescription for the pill but I will tell the doctor that I think that I am pregnant and will find out then what's happening.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Baby dust to all the TTC ladies, I hope you all get over here soon!!! :flowerforyou:

    Julz – I think it’s hilarious that you didn’t get weighed at your appointment. It kinda freaks me out that I’m going every two weeks too. I know she’ll be here soon but wow its coming fast!

    Egosolussto/christan04 – welcome and congratulations!

    Rachel – I hope you got to rest last night. Just because you don’t have any signs now doesn’t necessarily mean baby will be overdue, things could change overnight. I have this irrational fear that since I was born two months early that Kathryn is going to come early too. I keep telling her that she needs to keep cooking until at least 37 weeks.

    Michelle – I hope the nausea stops soon for you. I feel so bad when I complain about getting sick especially since Anne had it so bad for her whole pregnancy. Fingers crossed that you can get an u/s appointment soon!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Today did not start off well. I woke up with a really bad sore throat, stuffy nose and a headache. While I’m in the shower hubby comes upstairs to tell me that one of my tires is flat. :sad: He was going to be late for work so I told him to just go and I’d call AAA (I’m getting my money’s worth this year), they got to the house 10 minutes before I had to leave for work so I still managed to get here on time. But I’ve been throwing up everything I’ve put into my mouth so far which just aggravates my sore throat. Ugh, I really do love being pregnant but today just sucks. The only thing that makes me feel better is that Kathryn has been super active lately so I’m at my desk typing with one hand on my belly.
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member

    I joined the losing weight while TTC group, lost motivation and found out today I'm pregnant! Yay!! I'm excited to be starting this pregnancy 33lbs lighter than the start of my pregnancy with Mason (and 46lbs lighter from delivery). My goal is to gain no more than I did with Mason, but that might not work since I'm lighter. We'll see how it works out. I mainly want to be healthier because the end of my last pregnancy was MISERABLE and my doctor blamed my lack of exercise. Anyway, happy and healthy 9 months to all of the Momma's-To-Be and baby dust to those TTC!

    Congratulations!!!! =)
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Katrina- My baby is a boy and is my 1st :love:

    Michelle- Im sorry about the nausea, it can be so draining and take the enjoyment out of one of the most enjoyable things during pregnancy=food. Hopefully your body will start behaving soon:flowerforyou:

    Ronya- thats a horrible start to the day!! On the up side, hopefully it can only get better. At least Kathryn seems to be having fun:smile:

    Like ronya, my day didnt start of great either. My fiance' has been working from 3pm-11pm for the last few days and so stays in bed most of the day until he has to go to work (so until around about 2pm). Meanwhile I get to work at 9, get home at 6pm and stay awake until midnight so that we get at least an hour of the day together. The problem is that at 12pm hes still not tired, so when i go to sleep around 12:30 he stays up for another couple of hours, then rolls into bed around 3am and snores his head off :angry: last night was the same, he came to bed at 1am and tossed and turned for half an hour until he decided to get up again. then he came back at bed at 4am, decided not to wear his anti-snoring mouthguard and slept until i had to go to work while I got none:yawn:

    whats the solution? It's probably for him not to sleep all day, but i know that's not gonna happen. i just need more sleep.

    Also had an emotional night as i was feeling guilty for the exercise id done up to this point in the pregnancy due to the strange tummy pains i was having. After discussing these with you ladies i know it was irrational but i was still abit of an emotional wreck, crying to my mum on the phone about my worries, meanwhile trying to control a major nosebleed that started mid-phonecall that leaked all over my brand new dress.

    today is going to be better right?:ohwell:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Melissa - hugs! My husband works graveyard shift, comes home about 5:30 am, so I usually spend my last 30 min to hour in bed not able to sleep either. But I feel it a blessing on those times when we actually get to sleep together! Maybe you can go to bed earlier so that you can get some good sleep before he comes home? (Yeah, I hate the shift work, too :grumble: )

    Ronya - ooh, sore throat, stuffy head, and nausea/vomiting not a good combination. I remember the pediatrician telling me that strep can cause vomiting (esp in little kids, that's it's more noticeable than sore throat), so if you start feeling worse it wouldn't hurt to call the doc. I had a sinus infection with my 3rd and also felt that way. Hopefully, though, it's just an off day and you feel better tomorrow.

    Rachel - I agree with Ronya, some women have no progress at all until right before labor. Of course, if you expect baby late, you won't be disappointed if it happens earlier. But don't give up :wink: .
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Welcome all newbies!!!

    To all the mamas what are your thoughts on diapers??? I was thinking about using cloth diapers instead of disposables my mom had to use cloth on me. I seen some in Wal-mart when I was buying a baby present for one of my friends.
  • fitveggie
    Hi Everyone! I'm new to this site and I'm so excited to find this group! My husband and I have been TTC #1 since April. I was running a lot, but I've scaled way back since my first half-marathon on June 25. I'm now doing regular strength-training at the gym and, since I'm not yet pregnant, I decided to start Turbo Fire yesterday.

    I look forward to sharing this experience with you all. (And congrats to all of the expectant moms!)

    Age: 30
    Height 5'10
    CW: 183
    GW: 167
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Rachel- You are getting so close. I am sure it is hard to rest and relax but do it while you can!

    Julz- Every two weeks, yea! That’s funny they forgot to weigh you… I was always dying to know.

    Michelle- Don’t feel bad about complaining about nausea… even having it a little is miserable. Complain away! I hope you get your US scheduled!

    Ronya- Sorry about your bad day. Feeling sick is NO FUN at all and throwing up on top of that is awful. Hope you start feeing better.

    Melissa- Sorry you are having a bad day as well! That sounds very frustrating about your sleep. No fun! Hope your day gets better.

    Stacy- We are using paper diapers and use Amazon Mom subscribe and save. It is the cheapest option that we found besides cloth which we didn’t want to do.

    Welcome newbies and congrats to those who are pregnant.
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Michelle--I'm sorry you are feeling poorly. Frustrating I know!

    Ronya - being sick stinks, especially when you have to work and are pregnant. Enjoy Kathryn's antics!

    Melissa - I hope your day improved after getting to work.

    Stacy - we use cloth diapers. I have to say I love the convience and I love the cloth diaper butt on babies. DON'T do walmart diapers even if you end up using prefolds. You'll hate them. Invest in good quality diapers. I found to be an excellent resource and store for purchasing my supplies.

    AFM: We had our 20 week ultrasound today. Everything looked great, although the baby was uncooperative for getting face shots and letting the tech see the heart. We finally managed to get the necessary shots. The baby is measuring a week ahead at this point, but I grow them large! Baby kept hiding behind the placenta and had their arms over their head and their knees on their nose. Just becasue I can, I have included two pictures, one 3d and one profile from the scan. Have a great day everyone.


  • BlessedMomX2
    BlessedMomX2 Posts: 242 Member
    Here is the list I was keeping to help me keep everyone straight. Post your info if you want me to add you to the list!

    Here's my information: My name is April and this will be our second child. our first is a boy Noah, hes 3! we are really hoping for a girl this time and should find out at the end of sept.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Welcome all the new ladies!

    Update: So I've been working super hard on this GD stuff. My Dr said that my numbers look great but I have to get my fasting numbers under control. My fasting numbers have been about 95 and they need to be 60-90. I started walking more and really watching it. I woke up and took my fasting number, it was 66! Wooo hooo! So then I had a pretty big breakfast cause I was starving. They told me for breakfast I need to keep my carb count to 30 and I was at 50. So I thought it would be a great idea to walk on my break for 15 mins. WRONG. I came back and thought I was going to pass out. I was sooo light headed and shaky I had to put my head between my knees. I grabbed my monitor and checked my sugars, I dropped to 64. I then ate my yogart, juice and muffin. I got my numbers up to 104 and then again to 139 (which is high) and I finally started to feel ok. I still feel "off". I'm sure my body is just in shock from the swing of high to low. Anyway, scared the crap out of me! I've never passed out, but oh man I was so close! I guess I need to take it easy. I was going to walk today on lunch and I'm skipping that today and just walk after dinner. Crazy! This diabetes stuff is strange. Oh I also checked my blood pressure (as some of you know with my history of pre eclampsia and stuff) and it was good. Like 118/77. Which is a little up for me, but still normal so I'm happy. I have been checking my bp at home and I'm about 110/60 for most of the time. I hope all is well with everyone!