SAHM 8/1-8/31



  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I'm here, I'm here!

    Shoppie-Congrats on another pound down! Doing laundry here too but I'm not allowed to hang it outside, subdivision prohibits clothes lines unless they are really small and fold up. The girls and I are taking an off day from the gym, Lucy is getting tired of going 5 days a week so we are taking Wednesdays off. We need to clean up anyway they have toys all over and I'm sorting through closets and such.

    Lauren-Welcome to the group. I have 4 children as well my oldest daughter will be 16 in Nov. my son 14 in Oct., another daughter 4 1/2 and my youngest daughter 3 in Nov. I started MFP in Jan. of this year needing to lose 20 lbs. I reached goal in June and have been maintaining since then.

    KC-How did your weigh in go?

    Not much to report on my end. Sill exercising 4 days a week, sort of logging food but still staying where I am weight wise which is okay. Clearly if I really wanted to lose more I'd be more consistent.
  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
    Hey ladies... question for the breastfeeding moms here (if there are any :)) I'm finding it hard to not be so darn hungry all the time. Between feeding my 9 month old, and my metabolism going insanely fast. I find my self very hungry. So much that I'm very grouchy and just want to be left alone. :( I'm snacking a lot but its just not working I'm hungry again in a half hour. I know this can be a good thing but what else can I do. Any ideas so that I'm not going crazy on the calories but staying healthy. I feel awful for being so hungry :(
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hey, I'm still feeding my little girl quite a bit - she is only just 6 months. I do get hungry a lot, and if I'm hungry I eat but I try to keep it small amounts. I always drink a large glass of water and then if still hungry snack on something small eg a carrot, a breadstick etc. It is hard, and I know some people simple cannot lose weight and feed or their milk dries up, but I have been very fortunate and managed to do it since she as 4 weeks old.
  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks Shoppie!! It just seems like the snacking never keeps it at bay. I'm trying to up on the protein and fiber to help feel full. It's just rough. I'm not worried about my milk, but it just seems like between him and working out that I can't satisfy myself. I drink almost 3 liters of water a day, and oh I could go on. Today I do feel better, but I did indulge in 3 cookies the hubby brought home. Now on for camping for the weekend. Lets hope I can make it through that LOL
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm a SAHM of a 5.5 month old baby boy and I have got to get this weight off! I was losing weight on here before I got pregnant and got down to 162. After having him I got back down to 167, but have been putting the weight back on. I am currently at 178 :( I know how good I felt when I lost the weight and I need that confidence back!!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies!
    Welcome to the new girls! This group is fabulous!

    Weigh in didn't count as a loss this week. I am hovering at about half a pound loss, but that could be water so I am going to hold off and see how it looks next week. I switched up my exercise this week, so maybe that will jog something on the scale.

    Right now we are buttoning up the house for Irene's impending arrival. We aren't too overly worried about flooding, but the wind has me thoroughly freaked out--we have a lot of trees on the back of our property, two that would make a nice hit to our house or pool if they were to come down.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm still here, just been needing some time off from almost everything. This week has been a bad week. Hubby started a new job and has been gone all week (is coming home today), my daughter started 2nd grade, but was having some really really bad days (she's adhd with no medicine right now due to lack of insurance). I started a new job, yesterday was my 1st day....I didn't log anything last couple of days, so tomorrow at weigh in, i expect a bad weigh in. Hopefully I'll be returning next week.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hey girls, is there a Sept thread??
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    I just started a new one Shoppie-

    Barb-I know you're busy today so I figured I'd help out.
  • JYacoub_00
    JYacoub_00 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Barb and everyone! So happy I found a SAHM board! A friend of mine introduced me to this program and even though I've only tracked for 2 days, it's so much fun! I have three children, who all will be in school by 9/12, and I'll be getting back to the gym.
    Nice to meet all of you!!!!!