TEAM PURPLE! *Lose 10lbs in August*



  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    My current weight is 194.3 I am up for the week. Bummer. I hve met all the goals so far this week although today may not make it. I did start the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred three days ago though and suposedly there will be some water wieght gain while pushing so hard.

    Great job everyone else!!!!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Happy friday people! I've been wiped out this week. I will post my numbers tomorrow when im not in a carb hangover, but this week I totally dropped 3lbs this week. Heck yea! I have run at least 2 miles this week and I started turbo fire on monday. Talk about tired...Lord only knows. Any who, have a great weekend. I'm looking forward to the next challenge!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,031 Member
    Week 3 challenge ~ daily results

    Fri-8/12- exercise mins ~ 320 / water ~ 80 ozs / sodium ~ 3785mg
    Sat-8/13 - exercise mins ~ rest day / water ~ 72 ozs / sodium ~ 1640mg
    Sun-8/14- exercise mins ~ 94 / water ~ 104ozs / sodium ~4247mg
    Mon-8/15- exercise mins ~ 30 / water ~ 64 ozs / sodium ~ 2780mg
    Tue-8/16- exercise mins ~ 55 / water ~ 72 ozs /sodium ~ 1643mg
    Wed-8/17-exercise mins ~ ZERO! rest day / water ~ 96 ozs / sodium ~ 1176mg
    Thu-8/18- exercise mins ~ 65 / water ~104ozs / sodium ~ 2672mg
    Fri-8/19- exercise mins ~ 83 / water ~ 80ozs / sodium ~3131mg

    Fri to Fri totals?
    water-672 ozs
    exercise-647 mins (but not 45mins each day)
    sodium- capital FAIL!-way over 5 out of 8 days
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    Down 1.4 lbs this week, even though it's been a sucky week. Had a blow-out with a coworker on Tuesday that made the rest of the week loads of fun to deal with, on top of stressing over this weekend's family obligations that have put me between my sisters and my cousins. Being in the middle of petty stuff really puts a damper on things. Can't wait for it all to just blow over already. I gotta get out of this phunk with the new week. Need to get back on that elliptical and work out this mood!!
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    ~toofat2toofit~ No, I haven't tried Turbo Jam yet. I watched the learn & burn workout. Wow, that's a lot of moves to learn. This weekend I'm going to begin practicing the moves as part of my exercise. Starting in September, I want to change my workout routine and TJ will be part of it.

    Turbo Jam is an awesome workout. It's right up there with Zumba for me. The moves aren't very difficult to learn & it's great fun learning them & when you have it you have it. Hope you enjoy.

    Weight this week: 188.4 down one lbs.
  • whatshesaid
    whatshesaid Posts: 53 Member
    Monday Aug 15 - 7 cups water / 1089 sodium / 75 min exercise

    Tues Aug 16 - 8 cups water / 2317 sodium / 70 min exercise

    Wed Aug 17 - 10 cups water / 5312 sodium OOPS / 45 min exercise

    Thurs Aug 18 - 8 cups water / 3658 sodium / 75 min exercise

    Fri Aug 19 - 8 cups water / 2647 sodium / 60 min exercise

    and that's as far as I got because I only found out about the challenge in this thread on Sunday I think.

    Weigh in: 171.6 lbs
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    So, this week I have really suprised myself! Not sure what my weight is just yet but my challenge results are:

    Monday: 48 mins exercise (Jogging and Zumba) 8 cups of water and 2392mg sodium

    Tuesday: 2465mg sodium, 8 cups of water and 60 mins of exercise (20 jogging and 40 Zumba)

    Wedensday: 2493mg sodium, 8 cups of water, and 45 mins Zumba

    Thurday: 2271mg sodium, 8 cups of water and 45mins Zumba, 7 mins stretching, 4 mins calisthenics

    Friday: 2354mg sodium, 8 cups of water, 30 mins Zumba, and 15 mins Personal Training.

    Totals: 329 oz of water and 254 mins of exercise.
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Hi there! I'm a little late checking in. This was a busy week, so I didn't do so well, but I was under on my sodium each day.
    Mon: 10 glasses/50 minutes/1609 sodium
    Tues: 10 glasses/0 minutes, too sad/1618 sodium
    Wed: 8 glasses/30 minutes/2105 sodium
    Thurs: 8 glasses/90 minutes/1816 sodium
    Friday didn't, couldn't keep track due to circumstances beyond my control - but will get back on track tomorrow!
    Weigh in: 155 pounds

    Hope you are all doing well. I'm looking forward to next week's challenge. This really seems to be helping me!!!
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    Can't wait to hear the next challenge. What day range is everyone using for counting the week's goals? I see some starting on Friday, ending on Friday...or starting Saturday, ending with Friday's totals. I'm trying to stick to the Friday weigh in, but I'm confused each time on what days I'm counting.
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    I'm pretty sure the week starts on Saturday and ends on Friday IF you are doing a Friday weigh in. That would be 7 days...

    Anyone know what the new challenge is unless I scrolled past it accidentally I haven't seen it up anywhere...???:tongue:
  • whatshesaid
    whatshesaid Posts: 53 Member
    good job everyone
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,031 Member
    ~sheBB~ Thanks for the info!


    ~ jrdoty8986 ~
    Sun 08/21/11 04:15 AMRepost from main thread:

    New mini-challenge:

    Continue 45 minutes exercise 5 days/week (I only lowered to 5 since it's being posted late)
    Continue 8 glasses water/day (I don't think a lot of people understand how vital water is to losing weight)
    Stay under/at your calorie goal every day (if you don't stay under, at least be diligent to log it)
    Submit 1 NSV you have had during this August challenge to your team captain by Friday

  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    At the risk of sounding like a dork, what does NSV stand for?
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Tish- thanks for the repost. Hopefully this week won't feel as hard as we come to an end of this months challenge.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,031 Member
    ~Seraph1120~ NSV stands for Non Scale Victory. I had never heard of it until MFP. They are the other things that measure your success besides the number on the scale.

    ~smknitter~ You're welcome. Now that I know where to look for it, just thought I'd repost here so no one would be late in getting started.

  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    Hello my Amazing Purple Team!!!

    I have read these posts in absolute AWE of how hard you are all working !!! I love that you are supporting and motivating each other!!!

    This month hasn't gone well for me. Well -- at least weight loss wise. I let stress and busy-ness get the better of me and reverted back to some old habits. Those being sitting on my butt and stuffing my face. Not only did I not meet my goal for this month -- I nearly hit it in the opposite direction. I know most of that is water -- and I'm pre TOM so that doesn't help. but to go from 218 to 225 in a week really made me stop and think about where I was going.

    I wanted to give you all a heads up that I've asked someone to take over the group for me starting next month -- I've been a team captian for awhile and I think it's time to hand over the Reigns (lol) and put some extra focus on me.

    It probably seems odd -- but before now -- I wasn't ever team captain -- of anything. I've always been a sidelines kind of girl. It's been so awesome being a part of this. Getting to know you guys and celebrating your victories -- its been fun and rewarding. And I've been brought to tears by some of the messages I've gotten -- by all of your support.

    So -- we've got a week and a half. I'm pushing to end the challenge in a loss :) I'm not giving up -- I promise you all that my name will stay on that chart next month!!!

    Thanks to all of you!!! Mental Hugs and High Fives!!!

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,031 Member

    ~ jrdoty8986 ~
    Sun 08/21/11 04:15 AMRepost from main thread:

    New mini-challenge:

    ~Continue 45 minutes exercise 5 days/week (I only lowered to 5 since it's being posted late)
    **ALSO SommerJo requests us to burn 500 calories a day for a strong push towards weightloss to end the month
    ~Continue 8 glasses water/day (I don't think a lot of people understand how vital water is to losing weight)
    ~Stay under/at your calorie goal every day (if you don't stay under, at least be diligent to log it)
    ~Submit 1 NSV you have had during this August challenge to your team captain by Friday
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    ~Seraph1120~ NSV stands for Non Scale Victory. I had never heard of it until MFP. They are the other things that measure your success besides the number on the scale.

    Thanks Tish! I've never heard of it before MFP either. I was thinking it was something like, no small victory. =)
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,031 Member
    Good Morning Reigners!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend.

    The new challenge began yesterday and runs 5 days, Sunday to Thursday, report results on Friday.

    ~Seraph1120~ You're welcome!

    I think my most noticeable NSV is that my bras fit better. Thank goodness!

    Sun / exercise~ 45min / cal burn~ 213 / water~ 72 ozs / cal goal~*1310*/ net~1113

  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Hey guys am I missing the chart for last week? Can someone repost it? Thanks