Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hope everyone had a good day! Looks like we've all been busy. I went and picked up the pills today. Still a bit nervous but hoping it will do the trick. Had a bit of a crying break down last night. Just hard to take in that I've probably had 4 mc. Not to mention just an overall hard day with my coworker bringing his new born into work and then the Dr. Office full of pregnant people (some looking very happy and another complaining to the receptionist about having to take her prenatal vitamins when she has morning sickness). I was strangely embarrassed to share all this with my husband I think I just wanted to down play my sadness to him so he didn't feel bad and not have a way to "fix it.". Like a typical man he likes to find solutions to problems and has a hard time when I get emotional about ttc because there isn't a "fix" to how I'm feeling. Today was much better and I'm ready to move forward and give this a try. I think to help myself emotionally I need to restart my clock on ttc. Since it seems my luteal phase hasn't given me a true chance to maintain an egg to implantation I think I'm going to restart my ticker and count this as month one. :wink:

    good plan. hugs.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    my goals from last week:
    get hubby and boys in to get measured - check
    get youngest in to dentist - check
    make haircut appointment - check
    take all medication without forgetting - check
    increase water consumption (i've been slacking) - miss
    eat reasonably during lunches out with friends - check
    get back in the habit of eating breakfast - check

    goals this week:
    increase water consumption
    take all medication without forgetting
    continue the habit of eating breakfast
    don't go over calorie goal more than once (family reunion potlucks kill me)
    30 day shred 5 days a week
    start bikram yoga
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I've never attempted to be so darn in tune to my cycle and it's making me a little bonkers.

    lol. i can relate to that. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Last night my hubby brought home a late birthday present for me- a pearl necklace!! I'm a lucky girl :)

    love pearls! they are my fave. good job hubby!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Seriously Facebook? How stupid are people? And WTH does break cancer have to do with pregnancy!!!!

    i hate those 'games' on facebook. i don't see how it helps raise 'awareness', nor do i think breast cancer needs additional awareness. how about awareness for prostate cancer or ovarian cancer or colon cancer? those cancers need awareness (but not in the form of dumb facebook let's-fool-the-boys games).
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Seriously Facebook? How stupid are people? And WTH does break cancer have to do with pregnancy!!!!

    i hate those 'games' on facebook. i don't see how it helps raise 'awareness', nor do i think breast cancer needs additional awareness. how about awareness for prostate cancer or ovarian cancer or colon cancer? those cancers need awareness (but not in the form of dumb facebook let's-fool-the-boys games).

    I completel agee!!! ^^ I don't see how it helps at all!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    I've never attempted to be so darn in tune to my cycle and it's making me a little bonkers.

    lol. i can relate to that. :)

    AMEN Sistas!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    I think I'm finally getting over my "funk". And in the meantime I got way behind on everyone.

    Alisa: HAVE FUN IN HAWAII, I've never been and always wanted to go! I'm sure you'll have a blast!

    GBOH: happy SUPER late anniversary! Souned like a nice time.

    Taldie: SERIOUSLY CONGRATS! It's nice to see someone not have to be on this forum for too long. As much as we all love each other, this isn't a place you really want to HAVE to be!

    Newleaf: sorry about the irregularity. I'm off myself and it's really frustrating. HUGS

    Jalara: Glad you had fun in Vegas. I really love that place even though I don't drink, or gamble or any of that. And I'm just glad you now have plan that is ready to be put into motion. I know for me, that helps in a lot of situations. I have to admit I laughed a little when I heard what your doctor said about hiding your thermometer and not using anymore OPKs. However, I think I'd have a hard time stopping at this point!

    Pam: *hugs* and good luck on everything

    Honey: Great goals! I need to work on my sugar too. Seriously, it's out of control.

    AFM- AF never came. I'm on CD 58 so...yeah. But only got BFN's. Luckily I do have an appointment with my doc in just over a week. She's a new doctor for me so hopefully she's awesome and can help me out. We knew my husband had a low sperm count, but the bloodwork came back good on me and I never had a reason to think I might have my own set of problems, so I'm getting a little stressed about that which doesn't help either.

    Question on OPK's: how dark of a line would you count as positive? I'm not sure how to read mine. With the PT's I got absolutely no line which is crystal clear, but with the OPKs I've gotton a few faint lines...not sure what that means?
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Thanks Megamix! when I was using the ovulation tests the lines werent very dak at all
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Hi All, I am hoping I can join in on your discussions and sharing.

    A little about me, I am 33 and my husband and I have been married for 17 months. Neither of us have any children. Everyone says I am crazy but I'd really like twins or triplets, I don't really want to be 65 taking my son/daughter to college....
    We have TTC since February. I am a cancer (thyroid) survivor, and as a result have to see an endocrinologist every quarter, full work up etc. I saw my OB/GYN doc in July, and he said if we're not pregnant in Nov/Dec to call him and he'll send DH to be tested.
    I have lost some weight, but my weight loss has stalled as of recent. We were training for the St Jude half, and I hurt my knee so I can't do much in the form of exercise while I'm undergoing Physical Therapy.

    Not sure what else to write.... I began using a "fertilitiy" app in May, and we are trying the every other day method, AND so far no BFP..

    Looking forward to getting to know every one.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Seriously Facebook? How stupid are people? And WTH does break cancer have to do with pregnancy!!!!

    i hate those 'games' on facebook. i don't see how it helps raise 'awareness', nor do i think breast cancer needs additional awareness. how about awareness for prostate cancer or ovarian cancer or colon cancer? those cancers need awareness (but not in the form of dumb facebook let's-fool-the-boys games).

    I couldn't agree more, I seriously do not like those "games" either. AND one of my cousins and his wife are TTC and she had the nerve to post that... After so many people have been praying for them and such. They've been TTC for 2 years I think, I did think her posting it was most distasteful, but what can you do :)
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Seriously Facebook? How stupid are people? And WTH does break cancer have to do with pregnancy!!!!

    i hate those 'games' on facebook. i don't see how it helps raise 'awareness', nor do i think breast cancer needs additional awareness. how about awareness for prostate cancer or ovarian cancer or colon cancer? those cancers need awareness (but not in the form of dumb facebook let's-fool-the-boys games).

  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Question on OPK's: how dark of a line would you count as positive? I'm not sure how to read mine. With the PT's I got absolutely no line which is crystal clear, but with the OPKs I've gotton a few faint lines...not sure what that means?

    The two types of ovulation tests I have tried said it is positive when the test line is the same darkness or darker than the controll line. You will see lighter test lines but those are still negatives. On pregnancy tests any time you get a test line it is positive (although I've never gotten to see that in person)
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Mrs. Savvy- welcome!

    Jalara- I guess I'm weird cause I think those are fun. I don't think posting it raises awareness but the news coverage does. I do agree that breast awareness does get a lot of coverage especially since it appears there is a potential cure. I have no intention of doing this one cause people always pester about pregnancy but over all I haven't minded previous ones.

    Afm- workout schedule is totally off this week, but I still plan on finding three days to go to the gym (probably will be fri, sat, sun). I got my positive ovulation test this morning so I will be starting the progestrone at the end of this week. If this bloating is that bad I'll have to pull out my old pants.
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    girls, can someone tell me more about the luteal phase, how i know when it is, why it is important, if it should be long... I don't know anything about it or when mine is, and I am wondering if this could be my problem. I know I could just google it, but I figured you guys would give me the info I need in the most precise of manner....thanks everyone.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thinthought - what makes you think that you have a Luteal Phase Defect? I don't have time to explain at the moment, but I'd say Google it first. (I suggest people google everything before asking on forums). Also, someone suggests to sign up for Fertility Friend - it gives yo a way to track and explains everything fertility related to you is different lessons.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum. Just happened upon it. My husband and I aren't trying yet, but it's on the "agenda" soon and I need to whip into shape before it happens. The past few years I have had medical and physical issues. Weight gain, gallbladder removal, SI joint problems, 10 weeks total of physical therapy....the list goes on. I want to make my body the healthiest it can be before carrying a precious baby.

    I recently stopped taking hormonal birth control and was planning to use a diaphragm that I bought previously, but I found my diaphragm is too big (because I gained weight) so I'm just using spermicide. I have had previous issues with menstrual regularity, so I'm not too worried about getting pregnant before we're ready. I will most likely have to take clomid when we are ready to try.'s my stats...

    Name: Mandy
    Age: 26
    Height: 5' 5"
    Weight: 177.8
    Occupation: medical laboratory scientist, volunteer firefighter/EMT

    I'm not sure what else to I guess if you want to know, just ask! :-)
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Hi! Just a quick note to say hi & welcome to the new ladies! :) Hope everyone is having a good week. Busy week here for me!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM- AF never came. I'm on CD 58 so...yeah. But only got BFN's. Luckily I do have an appointment with my doc in just over a week. She's a new doctor for me so hopefully she's awesome and can help me out. We knew my husband had a low sperm count, but the bloodwork came back good on me and I never had a reason to think I might have my own set of problems, so I'm getting a little stressed about that which doesn't help either.

    i'm glad you are going to the doctor so they can maybe get your cycle back to normal. cd 58 is no fun when you are waiting for af to come so you can try again. :( hugs.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Afm- workout schedule is totally off this week, but I still plan on finding three days to go to the gym (probably will be fri, sat, sun). I got my positive ovulation test this morning so I will be starting the progestrone at the end of this week. If this bloating is that bad I'll have to pull out my old pants.

    fingers crossed you have no side effects. *fingers crossed*