3kg loss in August! we all did so well in July!!



  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member

    question for this week!!!!!


    those little treats, those half *kitten*'ed exercise logs, that wine???

    i say this week we make a VERY big effort to SWAP the bad for something good!
    lets not stop and deprive ourselves and instead of feeling guilty and sneaking that chocolate or bottle of wine, lets swap it for a healthier option and log it! dont be afraid or ashamed of logging treats...
    thats wat its there for!

    so this week, im going to SWAP processed snacks, with homemade snacks!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I'm going to stay under my cals and not eat any exercise ones back to the best of my abilities. Put on 2kgs and I don't understand why :(
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    I'm going to stay under my cals and not eat any exercise ones back to the best of my abilities. Put on 2kgs and I don't understand why :(

    how many calories are you consuming per daily average??
    and how many calories are you burning through exercise daily???

    also check your sodium add it to your diary so you are checking that daily as well :)
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I've got alot of assignments etc for college at the moment and am starting to get quite stressed so my goal this week is to try really hard not to stress eat. I am terrible with eating waay too much when I get stressed which is how I got to gaining weight in the first place.

    I was so close to buying a slice of cake last night after long, tiring day but went to the gym instead. That was a big step for me. I am determined to lose this weight!

    freeloaves - I wouldn't worry about the 2kg. It's normal for your weight to fluctuate. It is extremely unlikely that you have gained 2kg of fat especially If you know you shouldn't have. Don't let it get you down and keep at it this week. I'm sure you will see a difference next weigh in :)
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Thanks guys, it's probably water retention/muscle/time of month in a couple of days. My diary is open if you want to look at it. I've been 97% honest lol.

    I've never worked out this much in my life, even when I lost the first huge chunk, it was just from eating changes, so my body is probably like 'wtf?'

    Good on you Leanne for not buying the cake. I know what that's like. Bf offered to get me something from dairy as he was getting ice cream. Said no. Got a chi water instead. Sweet enough for me rather than ice cream!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    OK, so this week I'm going to aim for getting out and walking my pooches twice daily...so I should be walking at least 6 miles per day. I've got 4 of them so plenty to choose from...lmao!!

    Happy Monday all and good luck for the forthcoming week!!

  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    This week I'm going to lay off all sugar not found in fruit (such as in cookies, ice cream, snack bars, cereal, etc). I just saw this post after I ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast so I'm starting NOW. The scale isn't budging as much as I'd like it to and I think the recent treats may be the cause. Even though I'm staying within my calories, I've been going way over on sugar and sodium so that could be the culprit! I'm also going to try to stay under 1500 of sodium per day, ideally closer to 1000.
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Hey! Im back!
    Not doing so well so far (can you pass me on that illness you had lol!)
    But back with you guys again to kick another 3kg off my body!! :D

    wish i had it back too :(
    hang in there hun!! we arent that far in august, which means its still VERY doable to get that 3kg off before the end of the month!!!!!
    glad ytour back!

    Thanks Bree!
    Ah well, i guess if i cant have the illness im just gonna have to work to get this 3kg off lol! :D

    So, this week Im gonna do an (at least) 1.5mile run *every* day, AND get back up every morning to give an extra walk for the dog, instead of hitting that snooze button...
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Well, my first August weigh in and nothing, zip, zero
    BUT I've lost 2cm from my hips, waist and dropped a bra size (note not cup size, phew) :laugh:
    So I'm not going to complain to much, though I would really like to see some movement. I will admit it's driving me nuts as I'm trying so hard, even switched calories down and then up, increased exercise (made myself sick) and nothing! :grumble:
    After a visit to my doctor, he wants me to look at this journey differently, by not looking at the scales so much and to look at other things like all the clothes that are now way to big for me.
    So I'm going to try to ignore the 'evil' scale for a week and only approach it on weigh in day. Let's see if it and I can have a friendlier relationship in 7 days time :wink:
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Hy everyone!
    My plan for this week is to exercise more often! I have only been to the gym once since the beginning of July! And that is actually not the normal thing for me! I will start tonight. My plan is to go the gym more frequently again, around 3 times a week and do some workouts at home too. I really like to use my Wii for working out, so I'll start a new challenge with ea sports active.

    good luck for this week!

    Edit: Just had a meeting for tonight scheduled, so I'm not sure yet if I can go to gym after work, as I have no idea how long the meeting will take us! WE WILL SEE!!!
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Im getting that frustration too. Have gone up almost 1lb this week!! :-o
    But, I have noticed that my fav jeans actually fit me now! No busting zip lol! (Stupid large hips!)
    Sometimes you have to look at the "NSV"s and not the scale - which is so hard I can tell you, I just want to see those lbs drop, but when they dont I pop on those jeans just to remind me that something IS actually going on lol! Perhaps you can pop on one of your old bras lol!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I'm doing 2 classes at the gym tonight and I can't wait! Doing a class called BOSU Bootcamp which I think is where you're on a balance board while doing strengthening so really tone nicely as well as cardio, and then I'm doing a Zumba class after! All my friends are really getting into going to the gym so I'm REALLY excited about that because now I have some workout buddies! I don't currently go to a gym, but the one they just all joined is only $40 down and $10/month so it's a great deal!
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Im getting that frustration too. Have gone up almost 1lb this week!! :-o
    But, I have noticed that my fav jeans actually fit me now! No busting zip lol! (Stupid large hips!)
    Sometimes you have to look at the "NSV"s and not the scale - which is so hard I can tell you, I just want to see those lbs drop, but when they dont I pop on those jeans just to remind me that something IS actually going on lol! Perhaps you can pop on one of your old bras lol!

    I agree it's insane the way the lbs don't seem to move but the inches have :noway:
    I have an old pair of dress pants (size20) that I keep and put on to remind me that I'm now a size 14 , which isn't bad I suppose, I started this journey in November 2010
    But, I'm impatient and I want more damn it...NOW! :laugh:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    hey everyone!!!

    so im getting the trend this week maybe we dont weigh in and do measurements????

    everyone happy to do that????
    from today measure yourself and then see the difference this time next week???

    by all means record your weight if you want to but we shll focus on measurements this week!!!!

    you all seem to be loosing and feeling better so lets not get ourselves down by the number and lets celebrate the visual results!!!!

  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I'll still weigh in once a week and do my measurements each time I go up a level for 30DS I think. Or maybe just at the end of 30DS. I don't want to be disheartened ;)
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    hey everyone!!!

    so im getting the trend this week maybe we dont weigh in and do measurements????

    everyone happy to do that????
    from today measure yourself and then see the difference this time next week???

    by all means record your weight if you want to but we shll focus on measurements this week!!!!

    you all seem to be loosing and feeling better so lets not get ourselves down by the number and lets celebrate the visual results!!!!


    I'll do measurements tonight, IF I can find some measuring tape. I'm sure we have some in the house somewhere but I've never measured myself before. :tongue: If there a guide anywhere about how to do it right?
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    im the same as seajolly - if you know the answers to her Qs then please share here! :D

    Bree, good idea! would be interesting to see what shifts ... altho im gonna take my first measurements tonight and see what i get next week!

    Aegira - at least im not the only impatient person!! =D
  • kierra28
    kierra28 Posts: 68 Member
    Can I join in? I am new here...started MFP last Thursday. Right now I am trying to make it second nature to be conscious about my diet and condition my body into exercising. I am trying Zumba for now, doing step by step (beginner level). Did 60 mins today and it has me burned out totally so you know how bad my fitness is!!

    Current weight :74 kg
    End of August :71 kg
    Final goal :54 kg
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    im the same as seajolly - if you know the answers to her Qs then please share here! :D

    Bree, good idea! would be interesting to see what shifts ... altho im gonna take my first measurements tonight and see what i get next week!

    Aegira - at least im not the only impatient person!! =D

    well there is a guide, but at the end of it, your only going agaisnt yourself.. you wanna see improvements within your own measurements not wat everyone has??

    so just measure yourself,

    where you want to mearsure from, i do it from my fattest part so then i can see a difference.
    then make a note where you have done it from then the next time do the same spot....
    your only trying to beat your own measruements so just take it where you want to take it from :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Can I join in? I am new here...started MFP last Thursday. Right now I am trying to make it second nature to be conscious about my diet and condition my body into exercising. I am trying Zumba for now, doing step by step (beginner level). Did 60 mins today and it has me burned out totally so you know how bad my fitness is!!

    Current weight :74 kg
    End of August :71 kg
    Final goal :54 kg

    of course you can join hun!!!! more the merrier!!! :)
    checkback often and vent here as mich as you want or ask questions, tips hints watever!!!

    zumba is great start to exercise, its fun yet keeps you moving! :)
    keep with it and you will see an improvemnt in fitness. dont forget rest days and watch your diet. :)