What annoys you?



  • greensnow
    I can't stand slow walkers who won't move out of the way!!! I walk really fast everywhere and they just take up the entire foot path arghhh moveee
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    girls who bring their boyfriends EVERYWHERE.. but then say "I don't want to be that girl who brings her boyfriend everywhere!"... THEN DON'T. one of my best friends does this - it seriously drives me crazy!!!!!!!!

    PA drivers.. learn tomerge. the highways are also not a race so stop speeding up, you are going to cause an accident.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    What DOESN'T annoy me would be a shorter list...

    When people pull into the intersection knowing the traffic is backed up and end up blocking the intersection when the light turns red. Can you not hold back just a few feet so you don't block other people? The world does NOT revolve around you and your schedule.
    Rubber neckers. Especially when the accident is on the other side of the freeway. I swear, some people need horse blinders so they look forward only and stop looking at the wreckage and causing unnecessary back ups. When you're driving, you're to watch the road, people!
    When walking down a hallway behind someone who runs into someone he/she knows. They stop right in the middle of the hallway as if no one else is using said hallway to actually walk. Move to the side, selfish idiots!
    People who angle their shopping cart in the aisle, as if they're the only customer in the whole store.
    Tailgaters...not the sports kind. The kind that drive so close to my bumper that I can no longer see headlights. You do that to me, risk my safety like that, I WILL slow down. Don't like it? Back off.

    I guess it comes down to selfish people who never learned that they are not the center of the universe.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Okay, so I've just read down through everyone's lists..... and now I am in an annoyed mood!!!!! :explode: I have to agree with about all of them!! AAAAHHHHHHH!!! I gotta think of something else....and quick!! :glasses:
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    skinny girls still have body issues and have different ideas of what makes them "fat". a skinny girl used to weighing 110 and suddenly weighs 120 may still be skinny in your eyes but to her she looks like hell. I'm 5'5 and i weigh 140 lbs to a lot of people i look fine, im healthy and all but for a long time i weighed 120 and i went through a lot of bad things that ended up with me weighing what i do and what annoys me is when people see me working out, or hear that im on a diet and say : "why are YOU doing this? you look fine! or you're skinny!!".

    I didn't say skinny girls who complain about being fat.... I said skinny girls who complain about being fat and show as much skin as possible... big difference there. If I really think I'm fat I'm not going to be wearing a mini skirt that's so short that when I bend over my whole butt and g-string is sticking out and belly shirt. I mean, THOSE type of girls.... I know that even if a person is small in MY eyes that doesn't mean that they don't feel self conscience, but if they feel that way, you'd think they'd dress like they are too. Instead of wearing close to nothing and saying they're fat.

    I see what you are saying because I guess that could get annoying, but I also see "fat", Overweight girls that wera really skimpy clothes that complain that they aren't happy with their bodies, soo I suppose it goes both ways??
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    Please no one get offended if this is you... But

    I HATE when parents use those kid leashes.... You know, the backpacks that have a leash on them.

    And don't say anything along the lines of "People who don't have kids wouldn't understand"... I DO have a kid. .. My dog get a leash, not my kid.

    LOL!!! I would have agreed with you in the past, but I have an autistic child... and I'd rather look like an idiot with my kid on a leash than to lose him. Technically we never did that, but I know some who do, and exactly for that reason. We just had our kid in a stroller at all times. He was a major flight risk.
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    When people make excuses as to why they can't change things that THEY screwed up on in the first place.
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    self-righteous, over opinionated people who do not respect other peoples opinions/beliefs and like to start arguments for the sake of it.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    serious people.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    People who don't go with the flow when walking on a sidewalk. Just like cars, STAY TO THE RIGHT SIDE!!!!

    I love playing people chicken to try and correct this problem. It's a good thing I'm tall b/c a lot of the ladies (men aren't that bad at walking on the correct side of the sidewalk) are committed to their position but once we get w/in a couple feet of each other they are forced out of the way or enjoy a nice bounce off my rib cage in their determination, LOL!

    Honest, normally I’m a very nice person, LOL!
  • deadliftdavie1918
    deadliftdavie1918 Posts: 60 Member
    Please no one get offended if this is you... But

    I HATE when parents use those kid leashes.... You know, the backpacks that have a leash on them.

    And don't say anything along the lines of "People who don't have kids wouldn't understand"... I DO have a kid. .. My dog get a leash, not my kid.

    TRUE! That's your child, not a pet. CREEPY.

    I hate that I saw a little boy no older than 5 in a lifejacket at the beach the other day who lost his parents. It took beach patrol 45 minutes to find them and they didn't even know he was gone. A$$hats don't deserve to raise another human being.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    The only people that annoy me are the ones that live their lives without any consideration of others, particularly people they don't know. Some people just live like the world is theirs and if they don't know you they don't care if they're being rude or inconsiderate.
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    When skinny girls can eat all they want and not gain weight!

  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    Please no one get offended if this is you... But

    I HATE when parents use those kid leashes.... You know, the backpacks that have a leash on them.

    And don't say anything along the lines of "People who don't have kids wouldn't understand"... I DO have a kid. .. My dog get a leash, not my kid.

    Hey now I do that!!! ha ha Its so she can walk around in a big crowd out of the stroller and not get lost...like the fair, In DC or a big city...its not that im "walking her" it just so nothing happens to her i want her to be safe :flowerforyou:

    ...I think its annoying (and nasty) when ppl don't wash their hands after going to the bath room but go up to the mirror and fix their hair just EWWWW
  • Nessi37
    Nessi37 Posts: 47 Member
    Ha! this looks like fun, It annoys me when:

    People call, don't leave a message and then get upset that you don't call them back
    When I come home from work and find a present or two on my pillows left for me by my cats, nothing like a dead lizard !!!
    When I'm cooking and I suddenly remember I already used up a key ingredient and I have to run out to the store!

    and finally, old Honda Civics with really loud exhaust systems and crappy speakers!!! ;0)

    I feel better already :laugh:
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    ----When people moan and groan about being obese but do absolutely nothing to change it and continue eating whatever they want and sit on their butts all day....

    ----When I go to an aisle at the grocery store and I'm the ONLY one in the aisle... wait about 30 seconds and someone will come and want something right in front of the spot you're standing... happens every time!

    ----That fact that I've been trying to lose the same 3 pounds for 2+ weeks. I lose it, then gain it back, lose it again, etc... never ending cycle.

    ----I agree with the skinny girls thing.... they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight. If I SNIFF a candy bar I feel like I gain 5 pounds.

    ----When my husband undresses and throws his dirty clothes on the floor when the hamper is just an arms length away. Also he will just sit there and WATCH me fold 2 or 3 huge baskets of laundry. Rude....

    ----Women that don't have ANY stretch marks from pregnancy... also after they deliver, they walk out of the hospital in the same jeans they wore pre-pregnancy. My stomach looks like a road map of Texas and I am still not back in my pre-preg jeans... it's been 2 years.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    ----Also he will just sit there and WATCH me fold 2 or 3 huge baskets of laundry. Rude....
    I don't do hubby's laundry. He was a big boy before he married me, getting along just fine doing his own laundry. He can keep doing it. We have separate hampers. I don't understand why it's so often automatically assumed the wife will do all the laundry. It's that way with a lot of my friends.
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    ----Also he will just sit there and WATCH me fold 2 or 3 huge baskets of laundry. Rude....
    I don't do hubby's laundry. He was a big boy before he married me, getting along just fine doing his own laundry. He can keep doing it. We have separate hampers. I don't understand why it's so often automatically assumed the wife will do all the laundry. It's that way with a lot of my friends.

    Yes it really annoys the crap out of me. We both work 40 hours a week. We both take care of our son. Why is it assumed all the inside work is my job? He says the outside work is his part... ok so he has to mow once every 3 months because we are in a drought right now and the grass is dead... but I have to do all the housework, every day. Yeah, not fair. Once I was so mad about it I made a big pile of all his clothes and told him he could fold them. That pile sat in the corner of our bedroom for 3 WEEKS. So it's either me just fold it or have a big ugly pile of wrinkled laundry in the bedroom. It's a never-ending battle. The pile doesn't bother him, but I can't stand messes.