what's the story with the Atkins diet?

yeh, I just want to know more about the Atkins diet. people go on about it like wow! I can loose weight by eatting all this meat and fat? ham and eggs for break-fast with cream in my coffee? and it looks to be a diet mainly made up of meat-- high protein. yeh, it's got a high fat content, but I've heard it's not fat that makes you fat it's sugar. The thing I've noticed with this diet is there appears to be very little food in it that contains the dreaded sugar. your sugar count for the day can be as low as 24g. Dose anyone know what a typical weeks menu is on this diet?-:huh:


  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I did this in college for 6 weeks as part of a research project and it was awful! I did lose pounds, 23 I believe, but within a month of coming off of it I had gained back 30. Not to mention, while you're on it, there's a lot of random issues. My hair, nails, and skin looked awful. Also, because you're eating next to no fiber, your body kind of gets thrown off. I had no energy at all after the second week. Honestly, it will make you lose weight, but you probably won't like the way you look or the way you feel.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I think most health professionals would recommend South Beach over Atkins.
  • sweetie89207
    well i've heard its bad on ur liver...and can cause liver shut down...so thats kinda a big deal lol
  • captnesshowdy7
    It can cause kidney failure. Watch out for it. Everything in moderation!
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    I agree with the above, south beach is healthy eating. Atkins insn't. I have tried the atkins, you lose the weight but gain it back very easily. I've broken down and decided to cut carbs but not kill myself with only 20 grams of carbs a day, good luck!
  • ashley2611
    I agree....Atkins diet does help you lose weight fast, but when I was on it I did not have any energy. Also, when you stop you gain all of your weight back plus some extra.
  • archai46
    I can only describe the induction phase as all the fun of having the flu without the inconvenience ....
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Skip the fad or popular diet plans. There is only one true healthy weightloss method. "Consume less then you burn" or "Eat less, move more".
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    It gives you tones of protein & next to no carbs. Most ppl go crazy on it, claiming they have zero energy, but there are some people who react really well to high protein/low carb diets. People with ADHD & similar disorders are supposed to eat this way to help their brain function.

    *** I mean that people with ADHD are supposed to eat high protein/low carb, not necessarily go on the Atkins Diet as it's seen as too restrictive by most health professionals.
  • autumnridge
    autumnridge Posts: 97 Member
    It is not balanced. Yes, it is low in carbs, but you do need carbs for energy. You need fruits and vegetables and limited protein. Your body requires all the fiber, vitamins, and minerals obtained from a balanced diet. Atkins may be OK for a limited time, but from what I've heard, people lose lots of weight, go back to eating the carbs, etc. and regain the weight. To be in the best shape, we have to learn a new behavior, take time to enjoy our food, limit the portions, eat on as regular a schedule as you can, and exercise, exercise, exercise. Just keeping your body moving and not being a couch potato helps. :happy:
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    The idea is that carbs spike your blood sugar and make you hungry while protein keeps you fuller much longer. I would suggest trying the Zone diet approach by setting your ratios of carbs/fat/sugar to 40/30/30. This is much easier to maintatin for the long run. The carbs you do eat need to be whole grains. The zone diet suggests you keep your ratio at this for every meal, not sure how to do that, but basically you need a whole grain and protein at every meal.

    Things like a slice of good bread and eggs, or a whole wheat wrap with chicken.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    Atkins diet is for those who dont want to work out. The results will end soon as you go off of it. The pounds will come back on as fast (or faster) than you lose. My mom and brother are prime examples of this. My brother lost a ton of weight in a year then the next year I saw him and he was fatter than before.

    The ONLY way to lose weight and keep it off is:

    Proper diet

    You can eat what you want when you are working out - just have to watch the total calories you consume. This is not really a 'diet' per say, its making healthier choices. I eat all kinds of stuff that Atkins forbids and I am losing weight faster than the best case scenerio Atkins dieter AND I am gaining lean muscle!
  • sshap21712
    sshap21712 Posts: 139
    I did the Atkins Diet for 3 weeks back in the mid 90's and I lost like 20 pounds, but, though eating all that meat and protein sounds heavenly, it actually is only cool for a couple of days. When I went off it, I gained back the weight pretty quickly. I don't really know much of the science behind it, but, as an experience, I wouldn't recommend it.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Atkins is just like my cheesecake diet. They don't work!!!! When I quit eating a cheesecake everyday, I lost a ton of weight, then when I quit and started eating cheesecake daily again - I GAINED IT ALL BACK!!!!!

    Everything in moderation is what people say to justify eating junk and cheating.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    My (sports med) doctor IMMEDIATELY sent me to have my cholesterol checked out just because I mentioned Atkins in passing, even though I don't follow that.

    Apparently those who are heavy in to it develop really high bad cholesterol.

    Also, Every Single medical professional out there will agree that people need a well rounded diet and no cutting out healthy options.
    For example, you need fruits and veggies. Every. Day.
    I know, wild concept.
  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    Quit looking for the "magic bullet. diet." It does NOT work in the medium to long term.

    You know what to do. Eat fewer calories than you burn, and over time, you will lose weight. 1 pound = 3500 calories. 500 calories per day deficit X 7 days a week = 3500 calories = 1 pound lost in 1 week. Set a reasonable goal along these lines. Exercise helps so much to get there and to feel good! Set your MFP profile up to accomplish this

    When you eat, watch PORTION CONTROL. 4 ounces of lean white chicken meat is 4 ounces, not 6 ounces. 1 cup of pasta should be measured to be 1 cup, not 1.5 cups or 2 cups. Eat lean protein. Eat lots of fruits and veggies (without butter or fatty sauces but just small and measured amounts of olive oil or Smart butter. Eat 100% whole wheat or whole grain products. Reduce the alcohol consumption. Eat 3 healthy meals a day and 2 healthy snacks a day. Have a treat now and then but do not go nuts. When you overeat, start over the next day. We all have bad days but don't turn them into bad weeks. You know what to do. Quit wasting time looking at "diets."
  • SugarBaby1987
    SugarBaby1987 Posts: 62 Member
    If you want to know more about it then I suggest you read the book because there is so much misinformation about Atkins that it's crazy.

    Example #1: When you go off of the diet you will gain the weight back plus some.
    - You never go off of it b/c it's a lifestyle change not just a quick way to lose weight. No matter what eating plan you are on if you go back to eating crap then of course you will gain the weight back.

    Example #2: Atkins dosen't allow fruits & veggies.
    - Seriously?? Have you ever even read the book?? Obviously not if you believe that. At the lowest level of Atkins which is induction you are suppose to eat 3 cups of veggies a day. After induction which lasts two weeks you add back in more veggies, fruits, & nuts.

    Example #3: It's not sustainable.
    - How is it not? Eating meats, dairy, nuts, veggies, and fruits isn't sustainable?

    I could go on & on but you get the point. Just do your own research, and get the facts about it. It's not a quick fix, and it is a lifetime commitment.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Atkins, just like the South Beach diet has an induction period of 2 weeks. This is a strict, low carb(less than 20g) period that is to kick start your weight loss and change your body over to burning fat.
    After your induction period, you move in to ongoing weight loss, which, just like South Beach, allows you a wider variety of foods, such as berries, nuts and even more veggies.

    In Atkins, just like in South Beach, you get the majority of your carbs from veggies(and fruit later). All of these veggies(and fruit) have fiber. LOTS OF FIBER.

    No, you can't get kidney failure from Atkins. Atkins puts you into ketosis. NOT KETOACIDOSIS. HUuuuuuuuge difference.

    Please read the information on atkins.com.
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    I have a good friend who lost major weight using Atkins and has maintained it for over 5 years at this point. I've tried it, and I end up feeling slightly sick, but I did lost weight. I can't sustain it, but for the right person it can work well.
  • Funnybunnyboo
    err... the way to lose weight is to eat less, and move more, but if you are someone who suffers from hypoglycaemia, or type 2 diabetes, you will find things with high carbs play havoc with your system...
    i know its the processed crap that does it, you know, the yummy, tasty, flavoursome food-so back to the original qoute..eat less, move more...even if you walk!!