Calorie counting is BLOWING my mind...



  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I used to worry about how many calories things were. A meal in a recipe book would be 450 calories, and I'd stay away from it. I would prefer to eat my day away in 50 and 100 calorie increments. And I obsessed about food. All. The. Time. I'm not so obsessive anymore. If I want it, I have a serving. I mean, 23 almonds are 160 calories, and that isn't a whole lot of almonds, but if I chew them slowly and thoroughly, by the time I am done, I feel full.

    This, along with 'diet' foods is a trap I've fallen into. You get so obsessed with saving calories, you don't eat any nutrition and end up starving all of the time

    It took me 3 different uphills on the roller coaster before I had the "aha" moment! I think because I was on weight watchers, I would see points and anything above about 3 points would freak me out. When you only get 20 points to spend for an entire day, 3 points is a lot for a single thing! So I would buy the diet foods that were 1 - 2 points each and chow on them all day. They weren't fulfilling, and most of the time it caused me to crave more food. So, I just started shopping the outside of the grocery store (for the most part, anyway... I buy peanut butter and things like that from the middle, but I definitely stay away from things like crackers, cookies, and potato chips... all those empty calories), and if I want to have a hamburger, I have it! There is nothing wrong with having one! I just make sure that I add a couple tomato slices and some lettuce, and maybe have a side of broccoli with it so that I'm getting plenty of nutrition and getting plenty full.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Are people really this disconnected with how many calories/fat/sodium/etc is in their food?

    I gained weight knowing full well what I was eating was bad. I just can't imagine being so in the dark that you're actually surprised.

  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    I have them all the time. My mom will say do you want an oreo or something like that and I say no, they're too expensive. She looks at me like I'm crazy. She doesn't realize I'm talking expensive in calories and not $. But I kind of treat it like money, get the most out of what little calories i have!

    I totally do this too. I always say that I "can't afford" something - I mean in calories, not in money. I try to get the most bang for my buck, calorie wise.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I get excited to see how fast I can redline my calories for the day. That's what I use a calorie count for. If a Fuddrucker pound burger by itself isn't enough to be over my calorie goal, I'm doing it wrong.
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    Are people really this disconnected with how many calories/fat/sodium/etc is in their food?

    I gained weight knowing full well what I was eating was bad. I just can't imagine being so in the dark that you're actually surprised.


    For me, it was more about seeing how things really add up. I would see individual calorie counts and know that some things weren't the best for me, but until I saw a whole days worth all added together, I didn't realize just quite how bad I was eating. I think that seeing it all there in black and white and added up together is a great tool for making a change. And obviously that is something that helps a lot of people, or else we wouldn't all be at a website like this that has tools specifically devoted to tracking food and exercise. I think it's funny that you're so shocked people find tools that help count their calories so helpful and revealing, given the fact that you're here too.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Yes. Beef tongue. I couldn't believe how many calories are in it, and I love it. Fortunately, I am still at a higher calorie count, so I can continue to enjoy it for a while longer.

  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Yes. Beef tongue. I couldn't believe how many calories are in it, and I love it. Fortunately, I am still at a higher calorie count, so I can continue to enjoy it for a while longer.


    Don't like eating something that can taste you back?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Yes. Beef tongue. I couldn't believe how many calories are in it, and I love it. Fortunately, I am still at a higher calorie count, so I can continue to enjoy it for a while longer.


    Don't like eating something that can taste you back?

    That and I have seen cows pick their noses with their tongues.
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Yes. Beef tongue. I couldn't believe how many calories are in it, and I love it. Fortunately, I am still at a higher calorie count, so I can continue to enjoy it for a while longer.


    Don't like eating something that can taste you back?

    That and I have seen cows pick their noses with their tongues.

    I thought that was a side dish? No?
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I love this thread!!! I know?!?! 110 for a banana??? I also try to convince myself that sometimes the stuff I know is bad is good becuse it isn't loaded with calories. Twizzlers?!??! Noooooo nutritional value, loaded with sugar, etc etc etc, but low in fat and calories. So, I can have the whole huge bag, right? My weakness are bags of animal crackers. 250 something for the bag? No problem, I can do that - but I pay for it later with the sugar rush and crash!

    Another problem for me is beer. Can't have just one Miller Lite, sorry!!! But, when it adds up, I can drink my entire days worth of calories. So not good!!!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Yes. Beef tongue. I couldn't believe how many calories are in it, and I love it. Fortunately, I am still at a higher calorie count, so I can continue to enjoy it for a while longer.


    Don't like eating something that can taste you back?

    That and I have seen cows pick their noses with their tongues.

    I wish I could do that. It would keep my hands free for MFP typing.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    We have all had those moments. Just try and remember though that all calories are not created equal....and by that I mean that sure, a huge bowl of veggies may have the same amount of calories as small donut, but the donut doesn't have near the amount of good things in it to properly fuel your body like the veggies do. The veggies will will keep you fuller longer, give you more energy and when consumed on a regular basis improve your overall health. The donut....just tastes good.

    Having these "AAAHA" and "WTF" moments are an important part of the journey. At first can be overwhelming, but after a short while you find a groove and it just becomes second nature.

    Anyway, I can remember when I first started doing this I was really surprised at how small serving sizes really were.
  • Elmaunie
    Elmaunie Posts: 78 Member
    Wine and gin & tonic! :(

    As someone says further up, it's seeing how they all add up! We all know we shouldn't really be going over 2k calories a day. But I've never really thought to add up all the calories in a bottle of wine or a few glasses of JD & coke. Not that I'm an alcoholic, just that I have difficulty seeing liquids as real 'food' and so often hadn't counted them as calorie intake in the past. Dopey, I know...

    It's so easy to go over your daily calories by half again on a night out. Or having a meal out and not being aware of exactly what's on your plate!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hot dogs with the works. I bought 2 at a local church fundraiser and entered them as Dairy Queen hot dogs since I didn't have a clue what the church was using, but figured they weren't using all beef kosher weiners and whole grain buns. The calories for just the 2 hot dogs was more than my alotted calories (before exercise) for the day!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Wine and gin & tonic! :(

    As someone says further up, it's seeing how they all add up! We all know we shouldn't really be going over 2k calories a day. But I've never really thought to add up all the calories in a bottle of wine or a few glasses of JD & coke. Not that I'm an alcoholic, just that I have difficulty seeing liquids as real 'food' and so often hadn't counted them as calorie intake in the past. Dopey, I know...

    It's so easy to go over your daily calories by half again on a night out. Or having a meal out and not being aware of exactly what's on your plate!

    Haha! I had the exact opposite reaction when logging wine. I mean, I can have like 3 - 4 glasses of wine for the calories in one Big Mac. Why would anyone ever choose the Big Mac???
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    What I find crazy is that crap that some restaurants are trying to make look "healthy" until you read the caloric intake. One restaurant's fish tacos had over 2,000 calories. For me that is almost 2 days worth of calories....WOW!

    And then an appetizer with almost 3,000 wonder most of the country is obese.
  • Chantelle160
    Yes its depressing when you look at a small bag of delicious cheesies and it's 500 calories!!! Then I realize that I dont really want it that bad. lol I would way rather have a banana or a protien shake. I have learned to love healthy eating. Its a long journey but you can do it.
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    ohh I like this idea, Thanks!
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I love this thread!!! I know?!?! 110 for a banana??? I also try to convince myself that sometimes the stuff I know is bad is good becuse it isn't loaded with calories. Twizzlers?!??! Noooooo nutritional value, loaded with sugar, etc etc etc, but low in fat and calories. So, I can have the whole huge bag, right? My weakness are bags of animal crackers. 250 something for the bag? No problem, I can do that - but I pay for it later with the sugar rush and crash!

    Another problem for me is beer. Can't have just one Miller Lite, sorry!!! But, when it adds up, I can drink my entire days worth of calories. So not good!!!

    OMG the thought of how many calories are in a 6pk of Sam Adams Boston Lager just makes me want to cry... Lol Im not an alcoholic, but I think I should start opting for a couple of glasses of red wine instead from now on... CH-CH-CH-changes!!
  • JoeHomoski
    JoeHomoski Posts: 10 Member
    Regular Ranch Dressing absolutely blew me away. It has more fat than most meat!