GhOst StorIes....

HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever had something happen to you that you just can't explain? Let's hear your ghost story! Ive had a couple but there are 2 that i will NeVeR forget....

i was at a friends house about 13 years ago. There were about 6 of us there and we were all in the living room. Our friend told us his house was haunted and we all laughed like, yea right buddy... He told us to watch around the living room walls and he had bet us that we would see something. Not very long had passed when we were just sitting there chatting and all of us stopped as 2 shadows passed down along the main wall and thru the next. POOF! gone. As young teenagers we all gasped and started cursing while throwing our hands up in disbelief. We were like, " wtf was that?! how did you do that?! have to have something hooked up to cast shadows!" its one thing i saw with my own eyes...and i still try to figure it out 13 years later. YOUR TURN. MU waaah ah ahhhh....


  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    BUMP! I LOVE ghost stories ... :bigsmile:
  • FaeryBaby
    FaeryBaby Posts: 104 Member
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    come on! no one has a ghost story? never lost a loved one and then had something bizzare happen to them? come on people SHARE.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I do not believe inGhosts per say, but I do believe in demons. I believe the battle between heaven and hell is very real.

    When I was younger living at my parents house...maybe 17...I was a naughty little girl dabbling in all kinds of things. Anyways, one night I was sleeping and half awoke from a scary my dream ( or awake i am unsure ) I was trying to wake up and get out of bed, however, I could not get up. It was like something was holding me down. I couldn't even lift my arms. Then I felt hands on my throat, all this time I was trying to ake up out of the dream , but I couldnt. Finally, I shot up and saw my dad standing in my door way. "DAD! OMG i was having the worse dream!" I blinked and he was gone. I ran down stairs and asked my mom where dad was. He was at the neighbors bonfire.

  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    When I was teenager, I went to bed (I admit I was a little high on pot) and I woke up hearing a bunch of voices all around sounded like I was in a room full of people talking. All of the sudden, the voices stopped and I opened my eyes and saw a man sitting on the foot of my bed just staring at me. His face was pinched up and distorted like in those funny pictures you can take with web cams. After a good 10 seconds of staring at me, he smiled and disappeared! I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in demons imitating ghosts. I was into a lot of drugs, and also interested in witch craft at that point in my life. That stuff can invite demonic forces into your home and life.

    I also have another weird mom had a dream one night that I tripped and fell into a deep fryer at my old job and burned my face off. I brushed it off and told her she was crazy. But I was still cautious. A couple weeks later I was bringing a bowl of potatoes the kitchen to put it by fridge. When I walked my the fryer, I slipped on some oil on the floor and came inches away from my face landing in the deep fryer!! From then on I always heed my mothers warnings!
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    True story- Ever since i moved into my apartment i saw things in the corner of my eye and one time i saw a shadow. I told my husband and he didnt believe me. So 3 days ago he had to be at work at 5 am and he woke up got ready and as he walked out the door to lock the door he turn to look to the right and saw a woman wearing a long white dress and she started to move her hands so he can follow her. He then looked at our door and turn to see if he was imagining it and she was gone. He walked to the car and he said that when he was getting into the car he saw her again on the corner of our apartment. When he came home later he told me about it and I must say it creeped me out because he doesnt believe in ghost and for him to see that it got me uneasy. I know he wasnt lying about it. but I'm just glad it wasn't me because i dont know what i would of done.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    these are awesome. the lady in white creeps me out but i find it amazing. keep em coming!
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    Here's another story:
    When I was a little girl, my mom told me a story of what happened to her after we moved into a new house. She went into the bathroom while her and my dad were bringing in boxes (us kids were at school at the time). While she was washing her hands, she looked into the mirror and noticed the shower curtain moving. She turned around and the shower curtain starting twisting and it turned itself into a noose, then she heard a voice say to her "Just kill yourself..." She (being a very religious woman) rebuked it, and stopped the moving in process until she anointed the whole house :)
  • tawnya1981
    LOVE this topic buddy!! I'm suprised you don't have some scary story from Jeff and Becky's house - isn't it haunted? Remeber our van trip and how you had me freaked out by someone being in the back? LOL
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    this is another one that freaks me out. i constantly have "dreams" in which i visit and talk with family members that have passed so i believe in things such as astral traveling and all that. im very open when it comes to the supernatural. anywho, we had just lost a very important man in our family that we all loved very much. my husband was away in afghanistan and i was home alone dealing with all the pain. i was actually in my bathroom going pee (tmi;) and was just kind of resting my elbows on my knees and had my head down in my hands when i heard a very loud "hey!" in my left ear and my bangs blew backwards, i swiped my hair by my ear like a natural reaction to a bug flying into your hair or something and there was nothing. my heart was racing and i called my friend chandra to come over as i sat on the couch away from the bathroom til she got there. i was in tears and no matter how distressed and hurting i was i know i didnt imagine BOTh those things happeneing in a second.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    No such thing as "ghosts".
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    LOVE this topic buddy!! I'm suprised you don't have some scary story from Jeff and Becky's house - isn't it haunted? Remeber our van trip and how you had me freaked out by someone being in the back? LOL

    Oh vaggie, i have so many i could tell. I personally dont have any about jeff and beckys...oh wait, maybe i do...forgot about one night when i stayed there alone... anywho, the van trip was creepy you using your flash from your camera phone to check and see if someone was in your backseat while driving to my house. lol.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    No such thing as "ghosts".
    ohhh yes there is. BUT thats YOUR opinion.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    No such thing as "ghosts".
    ohhh yes there is. BUT thats YOUR opinion.

    I'm open to reviewing any definitive proof. Scientists can seperate out strands of DNA that are invisible to the naked eye and require extreem magnification. They can find sun spots millions of miles away. How come they have never come up with evidence that could withstand scrutiny?

    Got a Hundred Dollar bill in my pocket for anyone that can provide definitive proof. Something besides "a funny feeling that I was being watched" or "saw an ephemeral figure in my peripheral vision."

    Sorry, just can't believe -- no matter how cute you are.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    No such thing as "ghosts".
    ohhh yes there is. BUT thats YOUR opinion.

    I'm open to reviewing any definitive proof. Scientists can seperate out strands of DNA that are invisible to the naked eye and require extreem magnification. They can find sun spots millions of miles away. How come they have never come up with evidence that could withstand scrutiny?

    Got a Hundred Dollar bill in my pocket for anyone that can provide definitive proof. Something besides "a funny feeling that I was being watched" or "saw an ephemeral figure in my peripheral vision."

    Sorry, just can't believe -- no matter how cute you are.
    what about ghost hunting devices? the emf, k2 meters, digital voice recorders that capture evp's, and special devices that carry a vocabulary in them that energy can manipulate and it will speak words...words that make sense in a conversation or questions being asked? explain these things when science cant and i will disbelieve. as children we were more liable to believe or "see things" because we werent taught to forget it yet. the older we get the more we try to pass things off.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    No such thing as "ghosts".
    ohhh yes there is. BUT thats YOUR opinion.

    I'm open to reviewing any definitive proof. Scientists can seperate out strands of DNA that are invisible to the naked eye and require extreem magnification. They can find sun spots millions of miles away. How come they have never come up with evidence that could withstand scrutiny?

    Got a Hundred Dollar bill in my pocket for anyone that can provide definitive proof. Something besides "a funny feeling that I was being watched" or "saw an ephemeral figure in my peripheral vision."

    Sorry, just can't believe -- no matter how cute you are.
    what about ghost hunting devices? the emf, k2 meters, digital voice recorders that capture evp's, and special devices that carry a vocabulary in them that energy can manipulate and it will speak words...words that make sense in a conversation or questions being asked? explain these things when science cant and i will disbelieve. as children we were more liable to believe or "see things" because we werent taught to forget it yet. the older we get the more we try to pass things off.

    Science can't prove a negative.

    As children, we believed in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy the Boogie Man.

    I believe you believe, so I am going to set aside this Hundred Dollars and await your definitive proof. Send Casper over and I'll give the money to him to deliver to you.

    Take care.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    No such thing as "ghosts".
    ohhh yes there is. BUT thats YOUR opinion.

    I'm open to reviewing any definitive proof. Scientists can seperate out strands of DNA that are invisible to the naked eye and require extreem magnification. They can find sun spots millions of miles away. How come they have never come up with evidence that could withstand scrutiny?

    Got a Hundred Dollar bill in my pocket for anyone that can provide definitive proof. Something besides "a funny feeling that I was being watched" or "saw an ephemeral figure in my peripheral vision."

    Sorry, just can't believe -- no matter how cute you are.
    what about ghost hunting devices? the emf, k2 meters, digital voice recorders that capture evp's, and special devices that carry a vocabulary in them that energy can manipulate and it will speak words...words that make sense in a conversation or questions being asked? explain these things when science cant and i will disbelieve. as children we were more liable to believe or "see things" because we werent taught to forget it yet. the older we get the more we try to pass things off.

    Science can't prove a negative.

    As children, we believed in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy the Boogie Man.

    I believe you believe, so I am going to set aside this Hundred Dollars and await your definitive proof. Send Casper over and I'll give the money to him to deliver to you.

    Take care.
    YES we believed in the easter bunny and so forth...i also believe in God but dont have any definite proof that he exists. science cant prove a lot of things. right down to why we dream of places we have never been but could paint a clear picture of it. science cant cure cancer...yet...but boy are they trying. or what about dejavu? we all have had it...but why? i dont know...but it happens and no one can explain it. i KNOW ive had MY proof. anywho, this is a post FOR stories...i dont want to battle it out with my new found friend ;)
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I do believe in ghosts.

    One day I was hanging out with my best friend and we were talking about the dead. Suddenly out of no where, I smelled something that came from his general direction and it reeked like something dead. So we moved to get away from it. A few minutes later, I smelled it again coming from his general area. I had no idea where this was coming from since it was silent but smelled and felt deadly, and it seemed to be following him. Any clues as to why this was happening?