GhOst StorIes....



    I do believe in ghosts.

    One day I was hanging out with my best friend and we were talking about the dead. Suddenly out of no where, I smelled something that came from his general direction and it reeked like something dead. So we moved to get away from it. A few minutes later, I smelled it again coming from his general area. I had no idea where this was coming from since it was silent but smelled and felt deadly, and it seemed to be following him. Any clues as to why this was happening?

    HAHAHA......(holds flash light up to face) **** CANCER!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    My friend was babysitting in hampton va and she asked me to come over, now this is a populated city but this house was really in what seemed like the boonies. It was an old farm house that had apparently been redone and was used as a hospital during the civil war yada yada. She said it was haunted (after I came in....skank haha) The kids were upstairs in bed, she said they knew it was haunted but they grew up with it so they weren't scared. We are sitting there minding our own business and the dang doorbell rings, she goes to open the door, I told her not to of course their was no one their, I kept feeling cold breezes, it was winter, and there were no places for breezes to come from.......and then there was the cat.......that just sat there and stared at the same spot in the recliner like something was sitting there...........freaky.
  • Tuffjourney
    I feel sorry for those who do not believe. I have had so many experiences. None were ever evil, Thank God.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I feel sorry for those who do not believe. I have had so many experiences. None were ever evil, Thank God.

    i totally agree.
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    I was about 15 and I was home alone. I was sitting on my bed not really thinking about anything. I was just kind of dazing in and out of sleep I suppose. (I was completely sober for the record!) Out of nowhere it literally felt like someone had grabbed my arm. It wasn't a friendly grab either and I felt every single finger tip dig into my arm. I felt the palm of the hand and heat too that would come from ones hand. I jumped back and immediately grabbed for my phone. I called my mom sobbing asking her to come home. I've never been able to explain what that was, but my ex-step dad said in that same house in the back bedroom, he used to feel these cold spots and often felt like a woman was watching him. He said he often times felt the presence of her. Weird.
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    I personally have never experienced seeing a ghost but my daughter always has had different encounters per say.

    I can recall her being as small as two years old and she would follow with her eyes different things around the room and point at them. None of us could ever figure out what she was pointing or smiling at and it continued on for many years of her young childhood.

    When she became a teen, she always has dreams about talking to people in our family that have passed away. She explains them in such great vivid detail you get goosebumps on your arms and tells us what they have said in words that you can't even imagine where she would have gotten them from.

    When her and I are travelling in the car together at night, we are always putting out at least three or four streetlights. Some people say its fluke but it never happens unless we are together!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I have had a few experiences that make me believe there is something out there.

    1st one was when we lived England. Our house was really old and had these secret passageways between the rooms. It was creepy in itself. I always felt like I was never alone and became a clingy kid when we lived there. I never wanted to be left alone. (which was not like me at all, I was the independent kid) So we ended up moving out of that house and our new house felt "normal" but one night I had this strange dream and woke up and there was this man standing at the foot of my bed looking out the window. I gasped and he turned and looked at me then turned around and started to walk away, he took a few steps and faded away. I screamed and my mom came in. I told her I had seen "Mr. so and so" standing at the foot of my bed. I associated this guy with a family friend because they both had a mustache. :laugh: So mom thought I was just crazy.

    2nd was at my grandparents house, most of my relatives have had some sort of experience there. (mind you, my Dad never talked about it until we were much older) The bedroom my brother and I had to stay in was on the other side of the attic area. It was all the attic at one time but my grandparents converted part of it to bedrooms to accomodate their 10 kids. :noway: ) Anyhow, the bedroom we stayed in was on the other side of the attic and there was a bed right up against the attic door. One night my brother and I were asleep and my parents heard drawers slamming shut and the window opening and slamming shut the TV turning on and off. They came in to tell us to knock it off and we were sound asleep.

    The stair case leading upstairs has a door at the bottom. One day we were sitting in the living room and heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Everyone that was home was downstairs. The footsteps stopped at the door then went back upstairs. My Dad went up there and no one was upstairs. :indifferent:

    The most recent encounter happened a few months ago. My fiances father passed away last year just a few months after our daughter was born. We kept her in our room for her first six months. When I finally moved her into her own room I would get the feeling that someone was in her room when I would go in there. Some times it would be cold (even in the Texas heat) One day when I went to check on her while she was sleeping I had that someone else in the room feeling so I said outloud "She's alright, I know you are just checking on her but you need to go, you don't belong here"

    I have never had that feeling again and her room has not had any other temperature issues.

    I haven't ever told my fiance about it because if it was his dad checking on his grand daughter, I feel guilty for asking him to leave. :frown:
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I've heard loud distinct footsteps in my house I grew up in about 10 years ago. There was no one home of course but I was so convinced I had to look and yes I was home alone.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Another note, every since I was younger, I have always been very sensetive to the other side, or the demon world if you will.

    Many times when I was little I would wake up in the middle of the night and play with children in my room - They were black figures/shadows. They would be playing around my dresser then I would wake up, see them, play, go to the bathroom and when I would be back in my room they would be gone.

    I also get a 6th sense for people who seem to almost be posessed - not like the exorcist, but almost soulless. Its hard to explain.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Oh I just remembered another one.

    When my great grandfather past away, I stayed at his house with my cousin and my Granny. The night of his funeral we were going through old pictures and just telling stories and remembering Gran. We kept hearing something banging around on the front porch so we would go check it out and there would never be anything out there or anything that could account for then noise. We could hear the noises as we approached the porch area but they would always stop as soon as we opened the door. After several times of this happening we just sat down on the porch swing that my Gran always sat at (he would sit out there all day long and when you would go visit, that is where you did your "visiting") So we sat on the swing and talked and laughed and cried and remembered Gran. There weren't any other noises the rest of the night. It was almost like he wanted us to go out there and to let us know that he was ok.

    A little interesting tid bit on the power of people's will. My Gran was very proud and stayed in the house after my Granna passed away. Some family members kept trying to talk him into moving into a nursing home and he always refused. One day he fell down and hurt his hip so they took that time to make the move. He was in the nursing home for a few months and his hip had completely healed up. He was 94 years old and didn't even break his hip despite the fall! Anyhow, he came down with a cold but the doctors said he would be fine and he was in great health and there was no reason for concern.

    My great Uncle went to visit him and my Gran asked to go home. My uncle said "this is your home now, you can't go back" So my Gran said 'then I am going to go and be with Elsie" (my Granna) The next day he passed away and the doctors could give no real good reason on why he passed. We knew though, he didn't want to live in a home and would much rather go on and be with my Granna. :smile:
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    Another note, every since I was younger, I have always been very sensetive to the other side, or the demon world if you will.

    Many times when I was little I would wake up in the middle of the night and play with children in my room - They were black figures/shadows. They would be playing around my dresser then I would wake up, see them, play, go to the bathroom and when I would be back in my room they would be gone.

    I also get a 6th sense for people who seem to almost be posessed - not like the exorcist, but almost soulless. Its hard to explain.

    Just the last part about where you have a 6th sense for people who are soulless. That is creepy. I believe it too. :)
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I grew up in a haunted house in a town pretty notorious for ghosts (Alton, Illinois, if you're interested), all of mine and my family's experiences were pretty harmless but I'll write them down anyway :)

    As a really young girl I was pretty fearless, but every once in a while I'd go upstairs at night to play in my room while everyone else was busy on the main floor. Every single time I went upstairs at night by myself none of the light switches would work. I'd go to every single room, try the switch a couple of times, try the lamps, etc., and nothing worked. I'd go back downstairs and have on of my parents (who were watching TV usually since this was after dinner time) come up with me because I was "scared" and the lights would suddenly work! Once when I was a little older (10 or 11 or so) I stomped up there and the lights didn't work so I yelled into my room "This is NOT funny any more, cut it out!!" and suddenly the switches worked... Never had that problem again.

    This happened to my mom and I on separate occasions and we only told each other recently about it: once my mom was sleeping on the couch on the main floor (my dad snores like the ****ens) and woke to a shadowy figure stroking her hand tenderly as if she was ill. I had this happen once when I had fallen asleep on the same couch after watching a movie by myself at night. Nothing sinister, if it had to have a "feeling" I would say something comforting but it freaked both of us out.

    The basement was really weird sometimes, I won't go into tedious layout details but if you walked through my dad's workshop into the laundry room you'd feel pressure on you from certain corners like eyes watching. I always ran up the stairs as fast as I could because it felt like something was walking up the stairs behind me every single time. Sometimes, if you were in the house alone, you could hear people walking up and down the basement stairs and the stairs from the main floor to the second floor.

    One last thing: we constantly (maybe 4 days out of the week) heard dishes breaking in the kitchen/dining room. Didn't matter what time of day, it would happen at least once.

    I think my brother had a weird experience in his closet where he got locked in for 10 minutes while we were playing hide & go seek but to this day he swears that I did it (totally didn't, his closet didn't lock in the first place so idk how he thought it was me).
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I grew up in a haunted house in a town pretty notorious for ghosts (Alton, Illinois, if you're interested), all of mine and my family's experiences were pretty harmless but I'll write them down anyway :)

    As a really young girl I was pretty fearless, but every once in a while I'd go upstairs at night to play in my room while everyone else was busy on the main floor. Every single time I went upstairs at night by myself none of the light switches would work. I'd go to every single room, try the switch a couple of times, try the lamps, etc., and nothing worked. I'd go back downstairs and have on of my parents (who were watching TV usually since this was after dinner time) come up with me because I was "scared" and the lights would suddenly work! Once when I was a little older (10 or 11 or so) I stomped up there and the lights didn't work so I yelled into my room "This is NOT funny any more, cut it out!!" and suddenly the switches worked... Never had that problem again.

    This happened to my mom and I on separate occasions and we only told each other recently about it: once my mom was sleeping on the couch on the main floor (my dad snores like the ****ens) and woke to a shadowy figure stroking her hand tenderly as if she was ill. I had this happen once when I had fallen asleep on the same couch after watching a movie by myself at night. Nothing sinister, if it had to have a "feeling" I would say something comforting but it freaked both of us out.

    The basement was really weird sometimes, I won't go into tedious layout details but if you walked through my dad's workshop into the laundry room you'd feel pressure on you from certain corners like eyes watching. I always ran up the stairs as fast as I could because it felt like something was walking up the stairs behind me every single time. Sometimes, if you were in the house alone, you could hear people walking up and down the basement stairs and the stairs from the main floor to the second floor.

    One last thing: we constantly (maybe 4 days out of the week) heard dishes breaking in the kitchen/dining room. Didn't matter what time of day, it would happen at least once.

    I think my brother had a weird experience in his closet where he got locked in for 10 minutes while we were playing hide & go seek but to this day he swears that I did it (totally didn't, his closet didn't lock in the first place so idk how he thought it was me).

    CrAzY. im also in illinois. the peoria area now but i remember hearing of alton when i lived in monmouth for a year. i LOVE all these stories. Jenna, i think we would get along great in real life ;)
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I personally have never experienced seeing a ghost but my daughter always has had different encounters per say.

    I can recall her being as small as two years old and she would follow with her eyes different things around the room and point at them. None of us could ever figure out what she was pointing or smiling at and it continued on for many years of her young childhood.

    When she became a teen, she always has dreams about talking to people in our family that have passed away. She explains them in such great vivid detail you get goosebumps on your arms and tells us what they have said in words that you can't even imagine where she would have gotten them from.

    When her and I are travelling in the car together at night, we are always putting out at least three or four streetlights. Some people say its fluke but it never happens unless we are together!

    i too have dreams about deceased family members all the time. they are always happy and "light" usually telling me they love and miss me or to tell another family member something. isnt that sooo strange? these dreams are VERY real. you wake up and feel as though you really visited these people. in my dreams we both know they are "dead" too. i believe your daughter. theres more to this life than just this.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My mom and stepdad bought an old house (pre-cival war) when I was probably in 4th grade. It was a large victorian with the grand stairs in front and a servants quarters and stairs in the back of the house. It was really cool so my mom took us down to our local historical society and we did some research on the house. The original owner created a machine that made bricks (our property was covered in these bricks by the way, randomly buried throughout the property), many of which make up our town's oldest roads and buildings. He was a trainspotter and killed by a train not far from our property. Lots of other little details about all this but not important...So there is the history of the house.

    The only experience that I have I don't understand. I was probably 11 years old and woke up one night feeling like someone was outside my door. I looked and my bedroom door was half open and there was a small figured shaped thing in the space between the door and it's frame. It almost seemed like I would be squatting. I only remember the shape, no features. I remember laying in my bed for a really long time (probably 20 mins) staring at it trying to figure out what I was seeing and then finally got scared and covered my head with my sheets. I have never come up with an explanation but think about it alot.

    My mom and stepdad have several experiences from that house that they never told me about until I was an adult. I had no clue anything every happend but I really remember one night my mom told me about. We were all asleep and she and my stepdad heard a screeching coming from downstairs in the dining room, which was under their room. They ran downstairs and were blinded by the light of the ceiling fan. The fan us spinning "unbelievably fast" according to my mom and the light with it was glowing and pulsing. Then it just stopped and the fan started up again like it normally would be moving with the light off.

    I wish I could remember more about that house and more of my mom's stories, I remember something happening in my brother's room. It was the former servant's quarters at the top of the back stairs. Anyways, it had hidden passage ways and stuff and was really fun for me and my brother growing up!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I personally have never experienced seeing a ghost but my daughter always has had different encounters per say.

    I can recall her being as small as two years old and she would follow with her eyes different things around the room and point at them. None of us could ever figure out what she was pointing or smiling at and it continued on for many years of her young childhood.

    When she became a teen, she always has dreams about talking to people in our family that have passed away. She explains them in such great vivid detail you get goosebumps on your arms and tells us what they have said in words that you can't even imagine where she would have gotten them from.

    When her and I are travelling in the car together at night, we are always putting out at least three or four streetlights. Some people say its fluke but it never happens unless we are together!

    i too have dreams about deceased family members all the time. they are always happy and "light" usually telling me they love and miss me or to tell another family member something. isnt that sooo strange? these dreams are VERY real. you wake up and feel as though you really visited these people. in my dreams we both know they are "dead" too. i believe your daughter. theres more to this life than just this.

    Sounds to me like you are a medium of sorts. Or you are more open to seeing things that normal people do not.

    I absolutley believe. I think proof is in EVPS, EMFS, the spiritbox, etc...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Also, one of my friends passed away when we were 13. Shortly before she passed away, she told her mom that her deceased grandpa was on her bed. Besides her passing, that shook everyone up quite a bit.

    One more example of why I believe..
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    So you want to hear something creepy? My sister one of many, was in our basement in the house we grew up in. She was on the computer typing away when all of a sudden she heard a noise and saw something running out of the corner of her eye. Apparently whatever it was had kicked the punching bag that was laying on the ground and ran off. She described it as being small like the size of a cat or midget with white fuzzy hair. Keep in mind the punching bag weighed about 70 Ibs. I don't know if the story is true but she swears up and down to this day it is real.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Another note, every since I was younger, I have always been very sensetive to the other side, or the demon world if you will.

    Many times when I was little I would wake up in the middle of the night and play with children in my room - They were black figures/shadows. They would be playing around my dresser then I would wake up, see them, play, go to the bathroom and when I would be back in my room they would be gone.

    I also get a 6th sense for people who seem to almost be posessed - not like the exorcist, but almost soulless. Its hard to explain.

    Just the last part about where you have a 6th sense for people who are soulless. That is creepy. I believe it too. :)

    It is very crrepy. There will be times when I will accidently lock eyes with someone..and it is almost like they ave black is so so weird, and I get the chills. Every hair on my arm goes up. My mother has this same 6th sense. Maybe it is that "womens gut feeling" but I feel like it is something waaayy more than that.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Oooo...I love a good ghost story! lol I've been interested in the paranormal all my life and have had enough personal experiences that I can't doubt the existence of a spiritual realm myself, but I can also see how someone who has never had an exerience can't just take the word of those who have. I think to be a believer you really have to have an experience for yourself. My problem with the whole "science can't prove it" line of thought is that there are a lot of things science can't for instance. We can see evidence that tells us there is SOMETHING going on when we experience "love", but we can't PROVE that love itself exists. I personally believe that most paranormal experiences don't occur on the physical level, so it would be next to impossible to prove they are real using scientific methods which are based on physical data.

    Here's a quick run down of some of my experiences...It started when I was about 4. I got a "visit" from my grandmother who had passed away. I've been "visited" many times by other people since then. I also grew up in a house where "something" would play tricks on us. It would mimic the voices of other people and would call our names. It would keep calling your name until you went to check. You would go in the other room only to find that that person never called or that they weren't even home. In college I had an experience with a very negative shadow person. I could see it very clearly and was close enough I could have reached out and touched it, but I didn't! That thing was creepy! In the house I live in now (which is over 100 years old) we've have had several odd things happen - objects being moved, hearing loud voices when no one is there, footsteps in empty rooms, etc. Compared to the house I grew up in, this is mild though. I've also been a paranormal investigator for a long time and have had quite a few experiences through that too, including things like having my hair tugged on and being touched. I'm very picky about evidence, but I do have a few good evp. I don't believe most orbs in photos are real, but I have seen REAL orbs with my own eyes - both white and black. (I don't think the orbs were spirits btw, but I saw them in places that had other activity.)