How much did you gain during pregnancy?



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I gained 60 lbs. 205 the day I had my son. Thank goodness I am 5'10 because I did not look like I weighed 205 but my wide *kitten* said otherwise.

    I'm 5'9" and was big as a house. See?

    I think you look absolutely stunning!

    Awe :) Thanks darlin. I could hardly walk my pelvis hurt so dam* bad *LOL* I hated being pregnant.
  • miasmom08
    I gained 60 lbs bcz I took "eating for 2" to the extreme. My sister in law only gained 8.
  • 123Kate
    123Kate Posts: 32 Member
    I gained 20-25 kilos in all my pregnancies... in pounds that would be 44-55lb - totally worth it. however with my first 2 the weight fell right off without me trying. After #3 however, not so much. There was 6kg (13lb) that i couldnt shed till I started with this website only a month ago - I have only 1.9kg (about 4lb) to go! My baby is 18months, so I had plenty of time before to lose the weight but it wasnt happening without effort lol
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    30lbs with DD (she was 7lbs 4oz)
    32lbs with DS (he was 6lbs 15oz)

    I ended up weighing 140lbs at the end of both pregnancies. I lost weight really fast after DD and went under my pre-pregnancy weight. After DS, the weight took longer to come off, but I got back to my pre-1st pregnancy weight.
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Pre-preggers: 95 lbs
    Day of delivery: 125 lbs
    Gained: 30 lbs
    Daughter: 6 lbs 9 oz

    I lost 20 lbs very quickly after she was born. The next 10 lbs came off slowly as I BF and got back in the gym, etc.
    I ate healthy and clean and was in the gym literally the day before I delivered. I managed to have a nearly med free delivery and attribute a huge part of that to being active!
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    55lb with both kids. Ate everything in site and loved every minute of it!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    25 in the 1st, 15 in the second but then I never made it past the 8th month with either.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    25 with the first two. 45 with the last and I started 20 pounds lighter that time.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    I gained 50 pounds from both of mine :( took me 2 years to lose it the first time because I was lazy and only about a year to lose it the 2nd time because as soon as I was able I started running!
  • georgiag111
    Most I gained was baby #4 I gained 21 lbs the least I gained in a pregnancy was 12 lbs

    My biggest baby was #6 at 7lbs 3ozs smallest baby was the one I gained the most #4 at 5lbs 10 ozs
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    am I allowed to pipe in since I gained weight when my wife was pregnant too? It became to easy to go through drive-thru's for her cravings and grab me something too!
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I gained 28 with my twins that weighed 6.4, 6.9lbs.
    I gained 32 with my youngest that was 9lbs
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    am I allowed to pipe in since I gained weight when my wife was pregnant too? It became to easy to go through drive-thru's for her cravings and grab me something too!

    Yes you most definitely can, My ex gained the weight both times. LOL.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Baby #1 - 23 pounds
    Baby #2 - 37 pounds
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    My first pregnancy, I gain about 40lb. Well, 40lb for a small frame person like me is quite a lot. Baby was 7lb 11 oz
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I think I gained about 60 pounds. I was doing good until about 3 weeks before I gave birth when I stopped teaching my step classes. I'm 5'3" and started turning my back to the scale at 195, but I now I ended up well over 200. I lived on pj&j's, milk, and twizzlers.

    Milk was my downfall!!!! I drank about 4-5 gallons of skim a week. My weight was going up, up, up. One month I gained 10 pounds and as I am sitting on the table waiting for my dr to come in CRYING, I hear her pick up my chart, say "Holy *kitten*" throw open the door and ask me what in the hell I am doing!! While I am crying on the table my husband starts asking her how much milk is too much. She looked at me and them him and asked what he meant. He went on to explain how much I was drinking and she very quickly told me to STOP because that was WAY too much! Once we figured that out my weight gain became "normal" but at that point it was too late.

    7 lb 10 oz, 22 1/2 in long
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I lost 50 with my first and 30 with my second. They were both healthy babies. I think heavy people tend to lose when they're pregnant. Of course, all of that came right back on :sad:
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    My doctor told me I should gain 30-35 lbs. So, I gained 35 lbs. All but 14 were gone when we left the hospital. Now I'm 18 lbs over my highest pregnancy weight--and my kid is in college. Guess it's time to lose the baby weight, along with the rest of it.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    36 pounds both times and my doctors said I gained too much both times.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    I gained back 23 of the 48 I had lost before getting pregnant...I ate at least 3 BoBerry biscuits every time I passed a Bojangles and I got two GIANT pickles EVERY day from a local Sub shop...My son's first nickname was Boberry. I really liked Boberry biscuits!