Do low carb fanatics drive you crazy?



  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Why is it always meat/dairy Vs fruit/veggies? What's wrong with both? yum!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    There are plenty of reasons to remove particulars from your diet and that doesn't always mean that someone is allergic to a particular food.

    Diabetics... what about them?
    People who have a history of heart disease... what about them?

    Low carb is not about eliminating foods from your diet. It is about making healthier choices regarding the carb intake, not the elimination of a food group.


    And no, low carb "fanatics" do not drive me crazy but the people who do are the ones who bash it without ever having tried it. I have and my breath never "stank" while I did. Personally, I think it's all about what works for an individual. Please don't try to cookie cutter weight loss when it's a very personal and individual process.
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    Hi There,

    My highest weight was 308 lbs. I lost over 100 lbs by counting calories and exercise. I recently had a baby so am back on it losing again. I've lost 15lbs in 32 days and I eat plenty of carbs. I eat bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. I don't eat much red meat because I don't like it.
    I find that people seem to think that low carb is the only way to go. I tried it once and I felt like fainting all the time and my breath STANK!
    I think that everyone has to do what works for them but personally, no one will ever convince me that eating all that meat, cheese and butter is good for you. Bring on the fruit and vegies....yum :)

    My moms a low-carb person...but it works for her. I never have energy and my mood is horrible if I cut something out of my diet (equal oxidizer.)
    Only time it bugs me is if we're all going out to eat, or if I have to hide my food so she isn't tempted (reforming comfort eater.)
    Otherwise I leave her alone about it.
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    Hate people who think have eat 25g or under of carbs to lose weight, they want it off quickly.
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    Not all people who are low carbers drive me crazy, just the insane ones...

    Like the one that I had to defriend a couple of months ago because he flat out told me that I would never reach my goals if I didn't stop eating pasta, brown rice, and couscous not to mention potatoes and sweet potatoes. But if you look at my diary, I only have those things a couple of times a week. I ignored those comments, but this goober continued on and told me that the reason that I get sick is because I eat carbs. He said carbs cause more cancers than animal fat. Hmmm...

    For me, I don't care what anyone else wants to do (unless it is a fad diet or something dangerous like HcG). If it works and you can sustain it, go for it! Just don't push your diet righteousness on me when I never asked for advice. I seem to get this mostly from the ones who think eating animals is a bad moral choice and the freaky low carbers described above. On the most part, though, it just doesn't happen like that. I mean, 1-2 people out of 1000 telling me some weirdness about my diet isn't too bad, lol.

    Sun exposure, smog, water contaminates, ozone, and hormones also cause/feed cancer.
    So tell him to outlaw all that while he's at it.

    edit: also, for anyone interested- the HCG diet isn't actually harmful.
    Or, at least it wasn't until they made it available OTC and let the diet pill companies run wild with it.
    My mother was a race-horse jockey (we're small boned, lol), back in the late 50's and early 60s. Her father was a doctor, and she received the HCG shot however many times a week it had been approved for back then (don't remember now) and ate a 1500 calorie diet with little to no exercise outside of horseback riding. The jockeys kept on this regimen were followed CLOSELY by the medical community to make sure they were healthy and there were no dangerous side effects going on.
    Keep in mind this was directly injected into the body- fastest way to the major organs. None of those people (my mother included) ever suffered complications from this.

    Nowadays they have it in pill form (if it's even in the pill AT ALL) and they have people on a starvation diet.
    I don't know what idiot in his right mind thought that it was *OK* to approve such drastic and dangerous things but apparently the buck is more valued than human life these days.

    And if it came off as me attacking you- I'M SORRY I didn't mean for it to, I promise. I was just stating something I knew because you reminded me of it. :flowerforyou:
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member

    My workouts are horrible if I don't have some carbs beforehand and afterward. I will never be a low-carb dieter, but I am a whole grain, natural sugar dieter :o)
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm a limited carb-er and I rarely eat fruit, but I eat lots of veggies. Even the super low carb-ers eat a lot of (green) veggies, so you must not have completely understood what low carb meant when you tried it.

    Congrats on your loss so far!