What made you finally get off your butt?



  • lauraparr
    lauraparr Posts: 112
    I realised I had to change just after Christmas 2010 when I got engaged. I wasn't looking forward to getting married at all, I hated the idea of being centre of attention and the thought of trying on wedding dresses made me feel sick!
    I realised that I was sick of feeling so low about myself, I had felt that way for about 10 years and just couldn't do it anymore!
    Now I cannot wait to get married!!! now, thhe thought of going and trying on wedding dresses when I get to my goal weight makes me get a bit giddy!!

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  • The doctors office....

    I knew i had gotten heavier, but i didnt realize it was as bad as i thought. I went to the doc for a check-up, they weighed me and i weighed in at 150lbs. i knew then and there i needed to do something about it. I also am so tired all the time and feel uncomfortable in everything i wear. I wanna get back to down to where i feel better about me.
  • jeanie✰
    jeanie✰ Posts: 127
    When I was little I was a chubby kid and came from an overweight family, but I grew into it for the most part. I was never rail thin, and stayed a little chubby, but I was ADORABLE. After high school, I gained a little bit of weight (freshman fifteen, lol) but it was fine. A few years later I had a medical problem that sort of sent me into a spiral. I knew I was gaining weight, but I just didn't want to acknowledge it; it made it real. Things got worse and worse, and despite the fact that I was never really lazy and wasn't super big on junk food and what not, nothing changed. I'd been trying on and off for a yearish to drop the weight because I figured I needed too. I wasn't happy with myself. I haven't taken a single picture of myself since the medical thing. Finally, my sister had her second baby and I saw what a difference just dropping 30lbs would make. I could never imagine what I would look like without the weight anymore, so it never seemed REAL to me. Seeing her lose weight was like a lightbulb in my head. It was like... "wow, I can still be really beautiful." and so far the lifestyle change is working. =]
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I lost a bet.
  • Trig0r
    Trig0r Posts: 47
    I lost a bet.

    And hows that working out for you now?
  • birdiet903
    birdiet903 Posts: 14 Member
    What made me get off my butt is the fact that I was always so tired I could barely move. Also, I found myself lifting my belly when washing. DISGUSTING!!! The weight must go. I'm finding this site so easy and fun. Also, I've found a new love - ZUMBA. Fun!
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    Looking into the eyes of my babies and knowing they deserve better. I want to be fit, healthy, and a good role model to them. Most people in my family are morbidly obese and have serious health concerns. I didn't want that to be me.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I knew it wasn't great, then got on the scales at the gym and was 16st (102kg), BMI 29.9 and body fat far too high. But it wasn't until I got it all together (tracking food, stopping snacking and getting focused with a PT) that anything started to really change. I've almost lost 10kg so that's a great start!
  • What made you finally say enough is enough and get off your butt to lose the weight? and what is the biggest you have been and where are you now?

    Let's see....When I was told by my then 9 year old daughter, "How come you got so fat mommy?" and then her twin brother co-signing. I think that hit a nerve. The biggest I have been is 207lbs. I gained weight from the steroid medicine I have been taking + finding out that I have Lupus put unwated stress and I started eating like crazy. I had never been over weight until 2 years ago, but I vowed to not let this take over my life and i have been working out and trying the best that I can to eat healthy for the past 5 months.
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    I was always a fat kid (not chubby, chunky of fluffy, but FAT), but slimmed down during college because i had to walk everywhere. But when i got pregnant with my first son, i was at my HW of 268. I lost 40 lbs during that pregnancy due to insulin dependent GDM. After i had him, i ballooned back up to about 250. Lost that then got pregnant with my second son. Lost 24 lbs during that pregnancy, again on insulin for GDM. At my 6 week check i was at my lowest adult weight of 208!!!!! Then 5months later, got pregnant with my daughter. Gained only 4 lbs with that one. GDM, but no insulin til 34 weeks.

    It makes me sick that i did that to them. Because of my choices, i have put them at a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes later in life. (in danger anyway due to family history on both sides). I joined MFP last year and did really good, but then "life" started happening, and i lost focus. Today, i am rededicating myself to my kids and myself and my husband. I will do this, i will conquer this generational curse that is on my and be a "fit" mom!
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    The doctors office....

    I would refuse to be weighed because i knew it was so bad and i was in denial!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I lost a bet.

    And hows that working out for you now?

    I actually think I won the bet now!
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I was told it was "Booty Thursday" so I had to get off my butt to take the picture for my profile.... duh!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I was told it was "Booty Thursday" so I had to get off my butt to take the picture for my profile.... duh!

  • I've been working my way into this positive mindset for the past six months. I finally let go of my two close and horrible friends, who were both bad influences in my life. Neither of them wanted to ever do anything besides sit around and eat or complain about the stupid guys they're going after. Don't get me wrong, I'm interested in being there for friends, but once they give up on one loser guy, they're on to the next. And after trying to get your point across to them and share your advice that they clearly aren't taking, it's a stressful and dissatisfying friendship. So now that I've dumped them, I've started getting myself out there and working my butt off. While I'm aware that I should be working harder, I'm working at it everyday. It took me dumping my friends to finally get off my butt!
  • Seeing my wedding photo that hangs by the front door (dang, I was a studmuffin) for the bajillionth time and finally saying "THAT'S IT!!! I'M NOT GOING TO BE LIKE THIS ANY MORE!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    the sofa caught on fire
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I finally stepped on the scale and realized I had gained 50 lbs in one year. OUCH. March 2009 I was a size 2. February 2010 I was a 12.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I lit my jeans on fire running for the bus.

    Tragic really. A true weekend killer.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member