dating and age



  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
    Thank you everyone for your replies. IT does not seem like age is an issue now adays and i feel a little better now. As far as kids go. I love kids and even if we wait several years I would be willing to have another, so i guess u guys answered my question. Once again. Thank u very very much. Have a blessed day.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I just turned 55 and my last "boyfriend" (he died last year :cry: ) was over 20 years older than me. We had quite a bit in common in spite of the age difference. My dad was 9 years older than my mom. You are both adults, so I don't see a problem at all.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    My grandparents had 15 yrs difference in their ages and were married for 56 yrs:heart:
  • weeble2008
    weeble2008 Posts: 147 Member
    My husband just turned 40 and I just turned 31 this year. We actually met on and we totally hit it off. At first there was the question of the age difference, but for us, we are a great match! Good luck, and go for today and don't get stressed about what may come tomorrow!:wink:
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    My boyfriend is 31 and I'm 22. I find the age difference works. Just remember, half plus 7! hehe
  • JJLM
    JJLM Posts: 48
    my husband is 43 and i am 27, I had a daughter when i met him (she was 6 weeks old and only knows him as dad) and we had our boy child together last year. We get along great and I don't even think about the age thing. except when i saw our marriage announcement in the paper....24 and 40 looked a wee bit odd but whatever