what have YOU given up to help attain your fitness goals?



  • kd10680
    kd10680 Posts: 31
    Candy... And I mean like a kid on Halloween night!! I could inhale chocolate and skittles like I was 10.

    I hear ya on the candy! I used to eat skittles, chewy sprees, sweet tarts, reese's pieces, etc. every day at work. It was like I could not make it through the day without having my candy fix and now I rarely eat candy and have found that Extra Dessert Delights sugarfree gum helps me out!
  • Pepsi or soda in general, i used to drink at least 3-4 a day. its been about 2 months now that i havent had any.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I've given up sleeping in till 10am on summer vacation. I now get up at 6:30am to exercise.
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    I gave up Long Island Iced teas and evening nap time....
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I agree with the the everything in moderation, but I make mostly nutrition concious decisions in how I spend my calories and have mostly eliminated the following that have little nutrition:

    doughnuts (don't think I have had any since Apr)
    candy (little to none, only excepition is 90 cal small snickers ice cream snack... least it has some protein)
    sweet tea (replaced by crystal lite leamonade with a little extra splenda)
    beer (farely rare anyway, but haven't had any since Apr)
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    great thread! I've given up:

    SODA - this was a really hard one for me!
    junk food

    All of these things took time (A LONG TIME - i didn't go "cold turkey" on any of it), but I learned to replace them with healthier options and now I don't miss any of them.

    I've also given up feeling crappy about myself and not feeling proud of my body. And my husband is happy that I've given up some inhibition in the bedroom because of my increased confidence :)
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I gave up Long Island Iced teas and evening nap time....

    oh sanie I feel for ya... Long Island Iced teas are hard to give up!!!!!!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I gave up:

    Shrimp and salmon (the only meats I used to eat)
    dairy (milk, cheese, butter)
    cravings for the above-listed items
    oily skin and scalp
    being sick all the time
    having no engery
    high blood pressure
    insulin resistance
    being too lazy to cook or grocery shop
    my chances at having a poor quality of life
    missing out on being active with my kids
    being too big for an airline seat

    and mostly,

    being afraid that I would never get the weight off. I am totally confident that I will see it to the end now.
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    I gave up Long Island Iced teas and evening nap time....

    oh sanie I feel for ya... Long Island Iced teas are hard to give up!!!!!!

    I know..felt like I lost my best friend :(
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Foodwise? Nothing. I still eat all of the same stuff for the most part but just eat it less often and in smaller portions.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Foodwise, nothing. But I have been able to give up my blood pressure meds and my awful self image. I like me now.
  • runninglol
    runninglol Posts: 44 Member
    Hours of video games HAHA!!
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