Girls between 125-135lbs!



  • atay18
    atay18 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 5'7'' and currently at 129.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm 5'6 a little on the petite side but I have a booty and a large bust. I always plateau at 135. 2 a days is what gets me down to 125, after working out once a day and attention to diet keep me at 125.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I am shooting for 125...I am 5'2"...medium built (sm built by wrist test). I will see if I want to continue once I get there. Good luck with your goals! :smile:
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" and am around 134-136... Medium build and muscle-y. My original goal was 136 but when I got there I realized I could go a little further so my current goal is 132.
    I was in the upper 140s for the past few years; I understand where you're coming from.... I wasn't overweight but not entirely happy with where I was. While I feel good in this 135ish range, I want to get to 132 and see what it looks like before I settle anywhere. I've lost some of my curves with the 12 pounds or so that I've lost and don't want to lose them completely, yet I want the ab definition that only comes when that last bit of weight is gone. Haven't figured out yet how to have both!
    You just gotta give it a try and see what feels best for your body.
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    5'3" here. started at 161 and now am 128. set my goal weight at 131 but when i hit that, i decided to reset my goal at 125. have gotten close (126) but can't seem to hit the elusive 125 :grumble: . good luck...
  • I am 5'5"-5'6" an at my heaviest weighed about 180lbs. I got down to the 140-150lbs range and got stuck there for a very long time. I was working out about 5 times/week (mostly running). In April, I started P90X and started counting calories (1300-1500/day). I am down to 128 lbs. My goal was 135 lbs. Counting calories sucks sometimes, but is necessary. I give myself one cheat day each week and I eat whatever I have been craving. That's also the only day I drink alcohol. I enjoy it without feeling bad, then go back to counting. There is really no big secret. work out hard and eat healthy. You'll get there!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Hard to say, so many factors weigh in, including bone structure. I am 5'7" at 142. I have pics of me between 125 and 130 and I look terrible and gaunt. I would like a nice 135 but am happy with my clothing size right now. Pants size 6 to 8 and shirts medium
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I'm 5'1 125. I think I'm chunky but most people say I am small. I hide the fat well. I want to get down to 115.
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    You can check online what kind of build you are. I am 5'7'' and my favorite weight is 125lb or so. I went down as 115lb due to stressed period in my life (just bones did not like it ) and after I had a baby I went up to 138 lb. I found out I have small frame, so for me 120-125 is perfect, and at 130 I am feeling kind of heavy. Now I am at 127 and I am doing a lot strength training to gain more lean muscles. I went down to 18.5% body fat ( from 24%), but muscle are more heavy then fat. But i you have more lean muscles you burn more calories just by sitting on the butt among other reasons :)) Btw, my friend from gym is 5'5'', she is very fit and skinny, but her weight is 130, because she has a medium frame, for her it is perfect!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    I'm 5'3" currently 135. My goal is 130, not really aiming much lower because I am athletic/muscular, especially in my legs thanks to the sports of choice I have had, currently now a runner :-) I am a small frame according to the wrist test, but definitely have curves. I think 135 would look great on your height! Go for it and always remember that if you are building muscle the scale may take a bit longer to budge, but that muscle is helping you burn faster !
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    My goal is anywhere from 120-124lbs and I'm fluctuating around 130-132 these days. Home stretch! I think anything is possible if you stay determined and learn how your body works. I didn't think I could break out of the 140s a few months back but I did. Haven't been in the 140s much less the 130s since before I got married almost 10 yrs ago. I'm pushing forward to my goal and no one can convince me otherwise :wink: . Oh and I'm only 5' 3" and a small frame.
  • I'm 49 years old, 5" 5 1/2" & small/medium build. I now weigh 125.5 lbs!! I wear a size 4-6, and I guess you could say I'm pretty small (everyone says I am so there you have it!) I haven't been this weight since my daughter's were 1 & 4 (they're now 15 & 18!!) I'm fairly muscular & athletic, and this is probably the lowest I'll get. The question for you is, how do you feel? Don't let the numbers on the scale dictate what is the best weight for you! Good luck!

  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    Btw, not only wright test, but also the elbow and hips/waistline, I have curves too, thank to my grandma genes, no matter what I always have butt ! just how i was build
  • i'm 5'6 1/2 " and have a slim/small runner-type build. i weigh around 130 right now, but 126 is what i call my "happy weight". it's easy for me to maintain and i look fairly slender and feel good. i wouldnt mind getting down around 120, but that's only because i would like to be able to run faster and competitively. good luck! i'm sure that you'll look great whichever weight you choose!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am 5'5" tall and at my smallest I was 126 pounds. I still had over 20% body fat and could have definitely lost some more pounds! Since then I have rebounded up in weight for various reasons, but my goal is to get to around 115 or so. Technically I go by body fat percentage and clothing size, but from all I have seen, my weight will be around that number when I get there.
  • MaximM
    MaximM Posts: 17
    I'm 5'5 and somewhere around 138 lbs. I'm VERY unhappy with my weight and would love to be 120.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    My goal weight is anywhere between these two weights. I'm in the low 140's right now, and I've been here FOREVER. I know I can get to 135lb... but I was wondering if 125lb is shooting too far.

    Anyway so my question for you ladies who weigh in this range - How tall are you? And how would you describe your build? For example, I'm 5'5ish and I'd say I'm medium built (not petite, but not necessarily bulky either).

    Thanks in advance!

    I'm 5'5" and I'm at 130 right now. I'm medium build (6" wrists). I've got another 5 pounds I could lose if I feel like it. Frankly though I'm tired of buying new clothes and for some reason, even just a few pounds seems to result in inches off my lower body, which means new pants. I'm also finding it difficult to find tops that fit right (small is too loose, and juniors looks weird). I've decided I'm going to workout and regularly watch what I eat, but I'm going to splurge pretty frequently (just not as much as before).

    FYI - I was at 140 FOR-EV-ER. What finally got me down was changing my eating to get all my carbs from fruits and veggies with occassionally having rice. No whole grains, which by the way, still spike your blood sugar just like white bread does. I get a ton of carbs in a day, just from things straight from the ground and not things that some faceless government entity tells you that you need.
  • Im 5'8.5" and am currently 142, probably would like to get to somewhere between 125-120 which is what Im used to. My build is athletic/thin but I carry a most of my fat around my stomach and inner thighs with a tendency to get cellulite even if I gain a little bit of extra weight.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I am 5ft 3.5, medium build and currently 131ish lb.

    I started at 144 and believe it or not I still haven't lost a whole clothes size and until I do I won't be happy.

    I am currently aiming for 126 and I think those last few lbs will make all the difference. It is taking SO long though :( !
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    I think if your MFP is set to lose .5 or 1 lb a week, that's probably healthy, if you're eating right and working out regularly. I think you'll find a spot where you won't lose too much more body fat and you'll be a lean machine, eating just the right amount and working out the right amount for your frame and metabolism.

    I'm 5'6" and 127 lbs. I was 130 FOREVER and it's been a ***** to try and lose these last 5. I'm beginning to realize that because I am lean and have been working out & running for years, there's really not a whole lot of fat I have to lose. I noticed my inches changed a bit since joining MFP but I can't lose much more before I become a rail IMHO.

    You'll reach a place where you're comfortable. I think if you're at a weight that's super hard to maintain, and you're eating 1200-1400 net cals a day and doing strength training and cardio, you're in a good spot. The number on the scale is secondary to how strong and capable you are.