Tattoos and work



  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I'm also a hiring manager. I have at least two employees (that I know of) that have tattoos. One of them, I actually did not hire...he was hired before I was manager. The other, I hired. I did not know he had a tattoo before, and I frankly wouldn't have cared. BUT...I expect them both to comply with the dress code policy, which says that they must be covered up. I didn't make the rule, but I do have to enforce it.

    We could debate the issue all day, but if an organization/business wants to project a professional image, that's their choice. Plenty of workplace environments would be accepting of visible tattoos. Plenty are not. There are choices.

    In my last position I was a hiring manager as well and I remember turning one lady away because she came in with a wrinkled shirt and dirty hands. I don't mean like dry not taken care of, I mean there were big dirt and oil spots all over her hand and her finger nails had dirt under them, it was gross. Appearance extends past body art too.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    As a hiring manager, if I see tattoos, forget it; next contestant please. I expect my employees to be extremely professional. If you like tattoos, whatever, but be smart enough to put them some place you can cover them easily.

    As a hiring manager myself, the last thing that would exclude a person from being hired is a freaking tattoo. Geez.
    In this day and age where so many people are looking for work and jobs are so few, it could very well be used as a "weeding out" factor as well. I work in governmental HR and we remove people from consideration for all kinds of things: not signing applications, not dating work experience, application is late, etc. The rules are the rules, they just might be enforced more then where are tons of candidates.
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    I wanted a tattoo really bad, but I'm young and worried about how a tattoo would affect my career choices. So I got the tattoo on my foot. Even now, I don't work with customers AT ALL I work with dogs and we are not allowed to have visible tattoos.
    So if yours are visible, cover them up somehow (long sleeves, watches, etc)