I'm in need of a rant, and some venting. Girls calling other

mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
Why do girls feel the need to call each other 'fat' when they don't like each other? I'm sorry, I never stoop to that level... I know how it affects me and my psyche- I would never wish that on anyone. Today was the the first time I actually laughed at that statement, when called 'fat' by my baby daddy's ex-(2nd) baby momma. (:laugh: THAT'S A MOUTHFUL) I mean really, Just because I'm better than you on literally every level doesn't mean you have to call me fat!!! Sorry hunny, I'm not fat, I work my *kitten* off to be healthy, I have custody of my child (when you fail to have custody of both of yours) , I don't do drugs, I drink a little bit- but I don't get wasted every night and live like I have no responsibilities, oh... and I'm in my 4th year of college to have a ****ing career to support my child... when you barely graduated highschool. I'm so fat and worthless and ugly? **** you, I'm not fat, You're the definition of evil. That's all. I do mean EVIL, anyone that knows a girl has a history of struggling with eating disorders- and proceeding to call them FAT. Pure, relentless, EVIL.

There. I feel better. :smile:

WHY DO GIRLS DO THAT????!????!?!?!?! What is so satisfying about knowing you can cut someone to the core with your words? I'm sorry, I usually try to find the good in everyone... but this chick- she has nothing 'good' that I can see. Hating me from the get go because her boyfriend happened to have a kid before he got with her. RIDICULOUS.

Sorry for the rant! But I needed somewhere to spill it.


  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Some people are just full of hate. Don't let them get you down!! You're worth it!! :smile:
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    So much drama! I couldn't even finish reading the whole thing. Girls call each other 'fat' because they are biznatches with a limited vocabulary. It obviously stirred something in you so she got the reaction she was after by using that word.
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    Some people just can't feel good about themselves unless they bring others down....it's ridic.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    well i think your gorgeous, so who cares what this jealous dumb ***** has to say.
  • Jhillian
    Jhillian Posts: 185 Member
    Anything to make them feel superior because in the back of their minds they know you are better.. Good to hear you took a negative situation and came out on the upper hand.. Karma is a B***H
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    They stoop to that level because they have nothing more creative to say :)
    You get to a point where you just have to laugh at it. You're obviously not fat, and basically she just wants to boost her own self-esteem and can't think of anything more interesting or creative than "Hey, fat *****!" because that's all other girls say to each other when they're upset .. Why, I don't know. Just think of it that way. She's clearly not intelligent enough to come up with an insult meant for an adult rather than a middle schooler, so just keep that in mind and keep doing what you're doing :)
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Girls are mean and have no respect for each other. For guys there's a certain level of "hespect" the they generally have. You call a big fat guy fat, he might just decide to kick your *kitten*. So, on some level there's more respect between men than between women.

    Not only that but everyone knows if you really want to hurt a woman, make her feel unattractive. So, it's an easy out.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Some people just can't feel good about themselves unless they bring others down....it's ridic.

    This....it's part of a defence mechanism that helps hide their own faults. No worries!
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    nicely said!
  • Chantelle160
    People throw out insults when they have nothing intelligent to say or they are jealous. lol. You are definitally not fat you look amazing!
  • BroncoMan
    it basically means that she is jealous of you. So, you should smile knowing that you get under her skin just because you are you.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Is this post meant to be ironic?

    Why are girls mean and call each other fat?
    ....now any way.... there's this girl, she's a total skank ho *****, junkie, uneducated cow....
    But I'd never call any one FAT, how mean!!

    Hilarious lol
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    You sound like a great mum......she's obviously jealous of you.... Dont let her words get to you...

    Some people are hurtful sometimes....nasties!
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Haha, thanks everyone, that one insult just gets to me, when ANYONE uses it....... useless!
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    She's obviously jealous...you're pretty and now that you're losing the baby weight she's prob even more jealous. You have great goals set for yourself...don't let her bring you down.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Is this post meant to be ironic?

    Why are girls mean and call each other fat?
    ....now any way.... there's this girl, she's a total skank ho *****, junkie, uneducated cow....
    But I'd never call any one FAT, how mean!!

    Hilarious lol

  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    People (it's not only girls) do and say things like that because for some insane reason it makes them feel better about themselves, at least for a little while. I've personally never understood it either and having been called fat before and remembering how I felt, I can't imagine ever stooping that low and calling someone else that. Good for you for knowing your not fat! The self doubt that came with being called fat for me hurt way more than the actual comment
  • icandothistrish85
    Normally honey, when people are mean and hateful and spew venomous words, it's usually how they see themselves. It's how they feel when they look in the mirror, and they don't like how it makes them feel, so they use those harsh descriptive words like weapons on whomever is frustrating them ATM. And even for a brief powerful moment, she feels a bit better about herself by being mean to you, but in reality, she's being negative to herself. Let it roll off your shoulder. She didn't give birth to you, she's not your spouse, she's not your bestfriend--my point being, she doesn't know you on a personal intimate level to say anything about you as a person; physically nor mentally. Be the bigger woman and let it go. Every minute you spend dwelling on someone/something so negative, is 60 seconds of blissed out happiness you're missing out on.
  • Ajontheguitar
    Let the haters hate!
  • NA_Willie
    NA_Willie Posts: 340 Member
    Because time and time again it always proves to be true: Women hate other women.

    Not dislike, hate.