Please can I have some support...



  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    You have had huge amount advise given already,so I wont comment too much.The fact that your noticing your clothing fitting differently is a positive note.
    I struggled for years with my weight,while believing that I ate healthily and also working out like mad in the gym.The truth was although it was pretty good stuff I was eating,I was just eating too much of it and far too much processed food.The trouble with the processed stuff is the sodium content and unless you drink loads of water each day then this will inhibit your weight loss.It really is 75% diet and 25% exercise and unless these two are harnessed people will go round in circles,just losing/gaining the same two/.three pounds over and over.
    I would use every opportunity to eat during the day,eating smaller meals more often and try to keep your metabolism boosted.
    Drink plenty of water,maybe shave of 10 per cent of the information that the machines tell you that you have burned if your not monitoring them yourself.
    Finally I would get all nosey and look at other peoples diaries who have been successful,so that you can gain some fresh ideas.I have found foods that I had long forgot about which have proved a real help as well as new ones that I wouldnt have even considered before.To do this add plenty of friends for motivation and to have a laugh with,it really does make life easier.
    Good Luck and Best Wishes...:smile:
  • nickiw68
    nickiw68 Posts: 71
    Thanks everyone for your kind comments x
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Your diary makes me a bit home sick I must admit. I'm English but we moved to the States when I was 6. It will always be home though. :-)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member

    You have had huge amount advise given already,so I wont comment too much.The fact that your noticing your clothing fitting differently is a positive note.
    I struggled for years with my weight,while believing that I ate healthily and also working out like mad in the gym.The truth was although it was pretty good stuff I was eating,I was just eating too much of it and far too much processed food.The trouble with the processed stuff is the sodium content and unless you drink loads of water each day then this will inhibit your weight loss.It really is 75% diet and 25% exercise and unless these two are harnessed people will go round in circles,just losing/gaining the same two/.three pounds over and over.
    I would use every opportunity to eat during the day,eating smaller meals more often and try to keep your metabolism boosted.
    Drink plenty of water,maybe shave of 10 per cent of the information that the machines tell you that you have burned if your not monitoring them yourself.
    Finally I would get all nosey and look at other peoples diaries who have been successful,so that you can gain some fresh ideas.I have found foods that I had long forgot about which have proved a real help as well as new ones that I wouldnt have even considered before.To do this add plenty of friends for motivation and to have a laugh with,it really does make life easier.
    Good Luck and Best Wishes...:smile:

    Yep, what Bayles said, btw he's a great pal to have on here as his diary is great for inspiration.
    Just remember you don't have to make changes all at once and you don't have to cut out all the foods you like. Like someone suggested above, with pizza eat less of it and have it with salad, I actually prefer my pizza like this now and can't imagine eating it without salad. I used to still eat chocolate occasionally when I was losing weight but now I don't usually feel any need to, if you cut down gradually you may find it easier to control any cravings (if you have them) which I find quite liberating. I would definitely recommend weighing foods foods such as pasta, rice, potatoes as I also used to way over estimate a portion, my scales are my best friend now.

    Feel free to add me if you like, I'm on here everyday so will be happy to cheer you on.