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I have a Confession...

binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
I have a confession... I have a little bit of OCD. My family thinks I'm slightly crazy because I like things in certain places, organized and clean. Another thing is (I'm not even sure if my family has ever noticed this) is I like thinks lined up. I like things to be straight either by height, size, or whatever looks best. I'm not completely OCD where it will consume me but it bugs me. The show hoarders freaks me out!

I admit that I can get compulsive about certain things but I thing everyone has things in their life that they are particular about for some guys its their tools, for some woman its the way clothes are folded, etc. My husband's compulsion is kind of hard to explain so I'll give an example: He does things the long way. Example: when doing dinner dishes he puts the left overs in their containers and then puts them on the counter-top next to the frig and then wipes down the counter-top that we used to prep and then puts the leftovers in the frig. This drives me crazy because I don't understand why he just doesn't just the leftovers straight into the frig.

So I thought it would be a fun topic for everyone to answer two questions:

1. What are you compulsive about? (weighing yourself doesn't count because we all do it)

2. What is someone in your life compulsive about that drives you crazy?


  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I have to put the opening on my pillow cases in the middle of the bed
    Towels have to be folded before being hung on the towel rail, irregular placing isn't the done thing
    My tuna salad on a plate is preferred in this order: lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, olives, tuna. If, for example, you put the tomatoes on first (and why would you?!) then the juice wouldn't drizzle down over the lettuce thus creating it's own dressing.
    I don't like my coffee stirred with a spoon which has been used for a coffee with sugar. I can taste it!

    How long have you got?
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Oh, and btw, my husband's compulsion is to leave everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in the wrong place. EVERYTHING!!!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Um when i was at school i had OCD everything had to be perfectly square to the desk..
    Now, um i dont no.. Ahh i know my cup of tea has to be made exactly how i like it... Otherwise il loose it..
    Thats about it though...

    And my fiances compulsion is that he has to buy expensive computer parts...
    It doesnt really annoy me..
    Its just afterwards, once i said can i buy these 3 pens for £1.50..
    And he said no! we cant afford that!
    Im like you just spent £800 on 2 graphics cards! -_-
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    someone call Dr. Phil
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    I am a control freak...

    I am compulsive about:.

    2) Always have been with food..ugh!
    2) Clothes must be folded right from the dryer, even before hanging up LOL
    3) Hubby puts food in fridge without covering...Grrrrr

    The list can go on and on and on... ha ha!
  • When my son was a baby, I alphabetized and categorized his babyfood. Bookshelves had to be ordered by size of book, I can't stand it when someone is at my house and moves or touches my things...probably why I'm such a loner! My truck has to be parked in the same spot every evening. If it's wrong, I move it. I am an obsessive sweeper. Everything has it's place. "No one does it right but me." When things are not done right by me, and I have to observe them being done wrong by others I feel like I may have a panic attack....Hoarders is like watching a nightmare....the list goes on and on!

    you are not alone! :)
  • I'm compulsive about washing my hands. I like them to be clean and I probably wash them 60 times a day or more. Especially when my sister brings her kids over.

    My ex was obsessed with crumbs. His kids were allowed to jump on our brand new couches (And they weren't little) with dirty shoes but if they got a crumb in the kitchen on the counter he would freak out and start yelling. It was really bizarre lol
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Toilet paper has to go over the roll or I'll fix it, I don't care where I am.

    Pictures on walls MUST be straight, or I'll fix them, too. If I'm out somewhere and the pictures are crooked, I'll fix them, if I think I can get away with it, or else I'll obsess over them.

    I'm not a neat freak, but things must be in piles if they are on top of a table.
  • I have a LOT of them. That being said, the worst are a) Toilet paper has to be the right way. If it's wrong, I have to change it before I can use the toilet. b) Towels must be folded the right way and put in the correct pile. The closet is sorted. I hate when my family helps with the laundry and puts them away wrong.
    What bugs me: when my family loads the dishwasher, they put the glasses in front to back; I always start at the back and fill it towards the front. That way, the fuller it is, the less work it is to put stuff in. It makes sense to me!
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    I have to count things, and they have to be in even numbers. When I talk I will sometimes make sentences longer even so there is an even number of words. During some workouts I will even add an extra move if it is not an even number of reps.
  • sorrelduncan
    sorrelduncan Posts: 69 Member
    I am an OCD wanna be! I think if it were not for my three kids, two dogs, one cat and one MESSY husband, I would have everything in it's place all the time! But having a busy family has pretty much broken my neat freak habits. I tried to hang on to them with child #1, but I almost went CRAZY, so something had to go, and it was the attention to details. I do still balance my checkbook at least twice a week, though! It's my one last stand!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I have 3 specific pillows that I sleep with, they have a particular pillow case on each one and they have to be in a certain order. if they aren't I can tell and can't sleep. My husband thinks hilarious to mix one of his in and see if I notice, this always pisses me off and causes an argument.
    The dishwasher has to be loaded a certain way, including silverware. If someone else has loaded it and it's wrong I'll empty the whole thing and reload before running. Even if I'm not at my house.
    Towels and laundry have to folded a certain way, again if it's wrong I'll redo it.
    Other peoples compulsions don't bother me, it's their lack of doing things my way that tick me off.
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    Don't get me started on my husbands compulsions........but I will say I cannot drive a car with him in it! He is the worlds worst passenger! Although I've been driving for nearly thirty years he still treats me like I am a learner.....he literally drives with imaginary pedals while I'm driving......I get a constant stream of dialogue like....watch this...mind that....break now...etc...

    Apart from that I do love him dearly!!
  • heather_elise85
    heather_elise85 Posts: 69 Member
    1. What are you compulsive about? (weighing yourself doesn't count because we all do it)
    I count things... When I walk up or down stairs.. I count each stair. When I do dishes, I separate them into groups of 5 or 10 and count as I do them. I count loads of laundry.. I narrow them down to how many I have and keep track and I count how many times I brush my teeth, also count things as I put them in the fridge (emptying cans of pop from a box to the shelf. ) This is weird to me because I hate math ( HATE ! ) lol... not sure if anyone else does this but ... i do..

    2. What is someone in your life compulsive about that drives you crazy?
    My sister in law has to have things at an even number ( such as the volume on the tv .. if she notices that it is at 23 she will change it to either 22 or 24 )
    My husband does things all over the place.. he has no organization.
    My mom has to have something in the washer or dryer at all times.. she searches the house for things to wash. Anytime I call or come over she is doing laundry. She also save detergent coupons and has so much laundry detergent I never have to buy any, she always has enough for the family lol. she also washes her hands A LOT and puts lotion on right after. She can't do anything without washing her hands before and after.
  • I have had OCD for as long as I can remember. A few years ago, I developed an extreme fear of germs, so I am constantly sanitizing, washing, or moisturizing my hands. I refuse to touch pretty much anything in public, especially door handles and railings. School was hard, because it was so public, and I felt dirty sitting in a desk that someone could have sneezed on before me. I also do the whole organizing thing where everything must be perfectly in order. I set up my makeup table a certain way and my mom always messes it up on me and I get extremely frustrated and must put everything back in order immediatly. I also can't sleep unless my computer chair is perfectly straight and pushed in properly. Also, my mom and sister are always leaving the cupboard doors open in the kitchen, and if there is one open while we are going to eat, I can't eat until it's closed.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    Toilet paper has to go over the roll or I'll fix it, I don't care where I am.

    Pictures on walls MUST be straight, or I'll fix them, too. If I'm out somewhere and the pictures are crooked, I'll fix them, if I think I can get away with it, or else I'll obsess over them.

    I'm not a neat freak, but things must be in piles if they are on top of a table.

    oooh straighening pictures can be expensive in some of the bars i've been in (mainly on military bases) there is often a crooked picture and the person who straightens it has to buy a round for whoever is there.

    but i'm with you on the toilet roll got to go over the top (makes it easier to find in the dark), i used to be really freaked out if the toilet paper wasn't torn perfectly across the perferation, i had to tear it off and start with a fresh piece, now i'm not as bad i can use it but it always has to folded into a straight line and the rough piece has to be folded in a manner that it won't come into contact with whatever is being wiped
  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    Shirts have to be on white plastic hangers all facing the same direction and pants on metal hangers with black padding. All my books are alphabetized by author first and then title of the book, ignoring articles such as "the," "a," and "an." If I have a box of crayons, markers, or colored pencils they have to be in rainbow order; ROY G. BIV.

    My husband must have the volume at an equal number and often does things twice or repeats what he says. It doesn't bother me, but sometimes I will set his car radio volume to an odd number to mess with him.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    I have to put the opening on my pillow cases in the middle of the bed
    Towels have to be folded before being hung on the towel rail, irregular placing isn't the done thing
    My tuna salad on a plate is preferred in this order: lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, olives, tuna. If, for example, you put the tomatoes on first (and why would you?!) then the juice wouldn't drizzle down over the lettuce thus creating it's own dressing.
    I don't like my coffee stirred with a spoon which has been used for a coffee with sugar. I can taste it!

    How long have you got?

    I have to put the opening of the pillow case in the middle too, never thought that was ocd untill this minute, I guess i could on on has well
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Thought of a few more ::sigh::

    Hangers have to go the right way and shirts have to be hung with the front to the left side. I have special hangers for pants and it drives me crazy when my husband puts his on a different hanger after changing his mind about wearing a pair. I'll move them to the proper hanger.

    I have two laundry baskets, one for lights and one for darks, and my husband, even after being reminded dozens of times, will put clothes in the wrong one.

    I hang my clothes straight out of the dryer and put them away immediately.

    Can you tell I'm in the middle of doing laundry this afternoon?
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Toilet paper has to go over the roll or I'll fix it, I don't care where I am.

    LOL You must be the one flipping my toilet paper. The correct way is UNDER the roll. I have controlled the urge to fix everyone else's toilet paper, but don't mess with mine. My biggest pet peeve is I can't stand dirty dishes in the sink!