I have a Confession...



  • pghsteelerfan
    pghsteelerfan Posts: 132 Member
    Do you realize the can of worms you just opened??? OMGOSH!!! I have so many, and little time to even begin...my other half just drives me crazy not putting anything back where he finds it...then he'll say..."Hey Honey have you seen so and so""" I wanna answer "HELL NO!!! PUT it back and you could find it huh!!!

    OK...settling back to normal....i think we all have something that we want to control...so we all cant be on DR> Phil's show...LOL!!!
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    Toilet paper has to go over the roll or I'll fix it, I don't care where I am.

    Pictures on walls MUST be straight, or I'll fix them, too. If I'm out somewhere and the pictures are crooked, I'll fix them, if I think I can get away with it, or else I'll obsess over them.

    I'm not a neat freak, but things must be in piles if they are on top of a table.

    I totally get the toilet paper thing...over is the only way to go! LOL
  • Ajontheguitar
    Sometimes I feel like the only person withotu compulsions like these. I have habits, but nothing that I may do in odd compulsion or throw a fit about if given differently. I also find germs funny. We are HUMAN BEINGS built, designed, and even evolved to fight off little infections every day. The ones we get that make us sick are usually very difficult to not get once they're even around.
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    Toilet paper has to go over the roll or I'll fix it, I don't care where I am.

    LOL You must be the one flipping my toilet paper. The correct way is UNDER the roll. I have controlled the urge to fix everyone else's toilet paper, but don't mess with mine. My biggest pet peeve is I can't stand dirty dishes in the sink!

    I don't like dirty dishes in the sink either but crumbs on the counter drive me completely nuts!
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    Do you realize the can of worms you just opened??? OMGOSH!!! I have so many, and little time to even begin...my other half just drives me crazy not putting anything back where he finds it...then he'll say..."Hey Honey have you seen so and so""" I wanna answer "HELL NO!!! PUT it back and you could find it huh!!!

    OK...settling back to normal....i think we all have something that we want to control...so we all cant be on DR> Phil's show...LOL!!!

    ROTFLAO... your husband and my husband must be related.... He NEVER remembers where he puts things and them stomps around the house looking for it and starts thinking we've moved them and then when he finds it he remembers why it was there. AND when he cleans up he just stuffs things in the drawers!! That drives me bonkers because now I can't find what I'm looking for and I always put my things where they belong. LOL
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    Thank you everyone... I feel so much better knowing that I'm the normal one and my family is nuts! For the record the toilet paper goes over the top... its just wrong going from the bottom!!! LOL
  • Ajontheguitar
    I couldn't tell you which way the TP facing at any given time. I don't notice. The job gets done either way...Why is this grating or of any consequence to anyone??
  • Ajontheguitar
    YES! I found something that drives me absolutely crazy! I DO have an obsession about something!


    Also anything else that should be basic friggin' english.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    socks have to be turned out the right way before washing other wise I wash them again the right way out.. My other half still doesn't get why but if they are the wrong way round then they can't get cleaned properly in the wash!!

    also the loo roll in my bathroom goes under.. I can just about deal with it in public toilets but in other people's bathroom's I have changed it in the past although not every time..
  • anita1939
    Me too.What drives me crazy is people saying I when it should be me. It seems everybody is doing it. Has there been a law passed
    because even my very educated friends and a daughter do it.
    They say things like :"between my husband and I," btw if it is between it is always me not I. This car belongs to Jim and I???????? OMG give me new ears these are hurting from that.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I don't get the thing about the toilet paper lol.

    I MUST have an immaculate house. My toilets, shower, floors and everything else are cleaned at a minimal once a week. I have a zero toleration for cat hair so I don't let my cat sit on me. :( But I pet her and play with her otherwise. Clothes must be put away and I can't tolerate them being in baskets. I freak out when there is crumbs on the counter because I'm afraid of ants and mice getting in the house even if its a newer place. The car must be spotless. I drive my husband nuts because I can't stand things being left like like video games or tools.

    I believe that the state of one's house really says a lot about that family/person's mental well being. I don't expect it to be untouched or sparkling but at least organized and clean!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    1) I HATE open cabinets or doors that arent supposed to be open.
    2) My sister NEVER EVER EVER closes her cabinets...whenever I go to her house, I walk right to the kitchen and close them.
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    Myself: -- It drives me insane when cabinets and drawers are not fully closed. I will walk all the way back to the kitchen if I think I remembered one being slightly open. lol

    --When in the car (passenger) I will try and connect things.. telephone poles, drive ways, mail boxes, etc... I have to be able to "jump from one to the other" with my eyes.. or like a circling thing.. like I will move my eyes under like a half circle to connect them. Its so strange, ive done it since I was a kid.

    --I wash my hands a lot. Esp after touching meat.. even just lunch meat. I can NOT stand to have my hands smell like lunch meat or burgers... eww.. gross.. nasty.

    --I try and around things to 3... or turn them into 3.. to trace them back to 3... so the 9... would be 3 3s.. Or like 27.. if you take 1 from the 7 and put it with the 2 then it makes it 3.. and then you have 6 which is 2 3s... SEE? weird... I even got married in March. :D lmao..

    My Hubby: He never closes anything.. ever.. Its like he has no idea that tupperware not only OPENS but it CLOSES too. lmao
    He never puts anything away.. And he can NOT see a pimple without trying to GET IT! ugh.. I hate it. And he will pop my toes. I hate that more then I can even express... lol
  • mandy2571
    mandy2571 Posts: 15 Member
    Glad to see that I am not the only nerotic person on MFP.

    I have to have the volume of the tv/radio at an even number, and God forbid NOT 13!

    The clothes in our closet all have to face towards the middle (mine on the hanger to the right, my husbands on the hanger to the left). All the items have to be organized by what they are and by color.

    I cannot touch meat. I will sit at home hungry until my husband comes home to unpackage the meat for dinner.

    Every items on my desk at work needs to be exactly where it is "supposed to go", and perfectly straight. Don't use my stapler and put it back croked, and WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS HAVE TO MESS UP MY BUSINESS CARD HOLDER WHEN TAKING ONE!

    I don't no anyone else that is as OCD/nerotic as me... but I know plenty of people who like to mess with me about mine.
  • anita1939
    reading all of these posts I suddenly feel so "normal," I don't suffer from any of this although I 'like' my toilet paper to go over.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I'm got little things that I like done in certain ways. Everybody does. Everything in the kitchen has a place. Things on my desk and in my closet go a specific way. That's normal.

    The only thing that will really keep me up at night is how the bed is made, but even this doesn't bother me if I'm not sleeping in it. Fitted sheet must be smooth - no wrinkles! No crumbs, dirt, fuzz, etc in the bed. I can feel it and it will keep me up. I've got a serious Princess and the Pea thing going on. The top sheet must be tucked in tightly at the bottom and on the sides. The top edge of the comforter should fall right at my chin - I don't want to be smothered in extra heaps of cover. If there are creases or lines in the comforter, they should line up with the edge of the mattress. Pillows, again, should be free of wrinkles and should have the opening facing the middle of the bed.

    The crumbs/dirt thing is a problem considering the fact that my boyfriend feels that he cannot sleep without having a last minute snack while laying in bed. I hate hate hate that. If you want a snack, get up. Don't eat in bed! When my ex and I lived together, he would not wipe his feet off before getting into bed. There would be dirt and sand and crap in the bed all the time. I can't tell you how many times I had to tear the covers off and remake the bed just so I could sleep. He thought it was hilarious & would do it on purpose. But he was a jerkface, and that's why he's single now :P