Do You Have A Tattoo?



  • deadliftdavie1918
    deadliftdavie1918 Posts: 60 Member
    I have two. One is a philipino tribal symbol, it symbolizes the female, it's on my wrist. I got it when I was with my ex. I don't regret it - it's my girl power tattoo. I got it because she was wearing it when we met. My other is on my back, it's a flower blooming out of fire with a butterfly flying away from it. I adore that tattoo - it symbolized my own rebirth. I am definitely getting more, just not sure what yet.
  • NicoleLyn1818
    I do have a tattoo....two actually. Both are pretty personalized, as I designed both of them and every piece of them has a meaning. They are both in spots that can be hidden (upper back and outside of right ankle).

    One is on my upper back, medium/large-ish. It is in honor of my grandpa who died three years ago. It is an army hat (he was in the army and served during WWII), along with two purple flowers that mean life and also a blue forget-me-not. His name is right above the top of the hat.

    My second one is on the outside of my right ankle, small/medium-ish. It is a pink flower that means happiness and contentment. Around the outside of the flower petals (but on top of them) is a saying as follows "Angels lift us up when our wings forget to fly..." in honor of the people in my life who have passed on, whether it be from cancer, COPD and other lung issues, or suicide. They are never forgotten and I feel that they are always watching over me somehow.

    I don't regret them and actually wish to have a couple more. Someday within the next few years, I'm sure I'll be able to plan it out. They both took me a while to decide exactly what I wanted.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I have one and planning on getting another one soon.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    5 total right now. 2 on my back (one large), 1 small one on my stomach, one on each foot

    I love them all because it was kind of a growing phase for me ... 16 years old, 18, 20, 21, and 22. Next one and probably my final unless I go all out and get a 1/2 sleeve will be around 25.

    I find it relaxing. I find them unique if you have a good artist and you're open to their art style.

    Its my body ... I'll do with it what I want.

    And it's true they're addicting.

    My right foot is 'hope' written in pink ribbon; my grandmother is a breast cancer survivor. My left food is a dandelion that says 'Not all those who wander are lost'. My hip/bikini line is an outline of a maltesse cross for the fire service. My "tramp stamp" is clovers and squiggles (first tattoo/part irish). My last one takes up one side of my back ... it's girly tribal/french art nothing with meaning other then we (artist and I) designed it together.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    Next weekend I will! I'm going to be getting a Zia- It's on the New Mexico state flag; it represents the four seasons, the four directions, the four stages of life, and the four times of day. The circle in the middle represents never ending love and brother hood. It's going on my foot, and I sure as hell hope I don't regret it!
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    I have the Eye of Ra on the left shoulder. My first and only tattoo at the moment, however, that is going to change soon as I have my second currently been drawn up :)
  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    I have two. I have a dolphin jumping over a heart on the calf of my right leg. It's small, I have one on my left arm as well. I am thinking about getting my daughters initials put in the heart. I some times regret the one on my arm, as the lady said before you can't hide it when you want to dress up. I would like to get a dragonfly somewhere. Maybe my wrist or foot? Still debating...
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Yes, I have three... one has two roses (ankle), one is a tiger (other ankle) and the other has two dolphins (lower back)... I love them all and may get more later on.
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Yup, love them! I have a big mural up my side of a daffodil and some hummingbirds - I have a line from a John Keats poem high on my ribs, I have a butterfly near my hip bone and when I reach my goal weight I'm getting a Shakespeare quote up my other side :)
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    I have one. I don't regret getting one but I regret the placement and partially the design. I wanted a frog b/c I love frogs. But I rushed into getting it at 19 and don't like the design so much now wish it was more cartoon-like. I placed it on the inside of my right ankle as low as the tattoo artist was willing to place it. I wanted it to look like a frog was hopping past my foot. But I'm a teacher now and any time I wear dress shoes there is a chance students will see it and then it becomes the topic of discussion (this happens several times a year because someone always misses the first one and someone else forgets about it).

    So I like it but don't LOVE it...
  • sexylonglegs
    I have four and want more. I think one is pictured in my pics.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I have one on my upper right shoulder blade. I got it because my sister got a wild hair that she wanted one and wanted company, so she offered it as a birthday present and I said what the hell. I'm an ancient Roman/Greek nut, so I ended up with an Omega in a sunburst with a lightning bolt through it. I slept through the thing, can never remember that I actually have it, and could get another one or not. No burning desire one way or the other.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Yes. I have two. One on each ankle - left side is a shamrock (my mom and all of us girls have these - it makes sense based on my maiden name) and on the right side is an "8". It was Dale Jr's number in NASCAR for many years. His dad and grandpa also drove the 8. When Jr switched to the 88, I considered adding another 8 but decided to leave it as a tribute to the past. :)

    Now that I've reached my goal I plan to get one as my final reward (especially since I have maintained for awhile). I have 1 more I want to get eventually. :)
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    I have three. First one was on the back of my neck, treble clef with a rose and "joy' written underneath. I have a music ministry and my favorite quote is "choose joy". Second one - my BFF and I got the same one together. It's on my upper left arm, blue butterfly with pink flowers on either side. Third one was designed by tattoo artist. It's a hand signing "I love you", with our daughter's name on the bottom and husband's name on top. This is the first sign she really learned. She was brain-injured at birth, and does better communicating visually. I have my fourth designed, and will get it soon. All of mine really mean something to me.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    No. Good thing too or my wife would've never wanted me. I've seen tats on her grandpa. He has a huge tiger on his back. Looks like a sickly wet cat now. Main reason why I don't want one.

    HA! Funny. I see so many old people where I swim who have lots of them, and the look of the tattoos sure don't improve with age!
  • dericcarson
    dericcarson Posts: 78 Member
    I regret getting mine.....I have a pink heart on my low back outlined in black .....I LOVE them on other people and I thought I would love mine.....but no.
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    I have 3. I didn't start getting tattoo's until I was almost 30. I put a lot of thought into them. My first is a "motherhood celtic knot" on my lower back repesenting my 2 live births and 1 lost pregnancy. Then I got a large flower on my inner ankle after the death of my mother. And my older children are both sagatterius so I got the symbol on my inner wrist.

    I have since gotten divorce and remarried and had another child. My husband and I plan on getting stars (meaning "new life, rebirth) as this is both our second marriages. and i want to have a dot added to my motherhood knot for my new daughter.

    I'm will probably get more down the road but they are all very well thought out and I don't regret any.

    Oh and being a teacher, I always "strategically" place my tats. They are seen when I want them to be and easily coverable when it would be inappropriate to the situation. Because like it or not...they leave an impression....
  • slybaby
    slybaby Posts: 125
    I have a tattoo on my right foot that says ''Fabriqué au Canada''( Made in Canada) with a red maple leaf. I am very proud of my country and my french canadian and acadian heritage. It defines me.

    I don't regret didn't hurt...pinched a bit. I do think it will be my only one. It's definitly something to think about!

    Note: don't ever get the name of your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend tattoed on your body. I know someone who is no longer with her boyfriend and has his name on her body. Now, her husband gets to see that every day:( Conclusion: to each their own but make it something important.
  • Determined1980
    I have a tattoo I got when I lived in Iceland, it was legal at 16 there and I ran off and got a tattoo on my 16th b-day. I regret it so much!!!! I am going through tattoo removal now, and it is the worst pain in the world. I will try to post a pic of how painful it looks after the treatment.
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    I have two tattoos. Both on the upper part of my left arm. working on doing a partial sleeve. Planning a new tattoo on my right arm right now, though.