WEEK 2 ~ Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROUP) August Challenge



  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 121 Member
    homemade cucumber dip (creamy cucumbers) - i make up dip and keep seperate from cukes:
    8 T Helman's real mayo
    8 T sour cream
    2 T dill weed (tweak to taste)
    several shakes of 'Beau Monde' (a spice)
    pinch of salt
    (none of this is low fat or fat free - so you could shave more calories by replacing what you'd like)
    serving: 1 T = 59 calories, 1 carb, 6 fat and 0 protein

    I am 43 and have 4 children: twin boy 27 w/5 kids, twin girl 27 w/3 and one VERY SOON TO COME, boy 24 recently moved back home with siberian husky (who is my walking pal) and youngest boy 17 junior in HS and active football player. by the end of next month i will have 9 grandchildren - crazy eh? I love Jesus with all my heart, soul, strength and mind - He has seen me through many (difficult) things. I have a garden and enjoy (?) canning. there is NOTHING like home canned stewed tomatoes! i like my life to be simple and surrounded by loving family and friends.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Call me crazy but I actually LOVED doing those squat kicks! I think I have a new favorite! I love working out my legs though - these felt great :bigsmile:

    You are crazy!! Actually, it was one of my less hated ones too. I kept pretending I was kicking the fat to the curb!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I'm tired now! Why is a mile on the treadmill so much harder than when you are walking outside? Anyway, I did my squat kicks (5 sets of 10), drank my water, did my regular cardio and then walked the extra mile.

    I decided to try the elliptical beast again today. When I first tried it 2 months ago, I could not even do 1 minute. Then a month ago I tried again and was up to 6 minutes. Today I made it up to 12 minutes!!
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    50 Squat Kicks CHECK
    4.8 Miles Jogging CHECK
    Water CHECK
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I'm loving all of these "about me" blurbs!!!

    @Clew - I love working my legs too. I did 50 squat lunges yesterday, instead of 25, I love it that much. And I am looking forward to the squat kicks!!

    @musky - My father-in-law never had any children of his own (married my mother-in-law and she already had two kids), and he now has 9 children calling him grandpa!!! When we get together as a family, there are kids EVERYWHERE!!! So, I can imagine!! :D

    @maureendonahue - I imagine you are just bored on the treadmill!!! It's much more enjoyable to walk outside, breathe in the fresh air, enjoy the scenery, people watch... I don't know about you, but when I am on a treadmill I just can't help but get frustrated that I am walking but not getting anywhere!!

    About me: My name is Sarah (obviously). I have never used my middle name until I set my username on this site... so having people actually call me "Sarah Ruth" is sort of strange, but I don't dislike it... I think it could grow on me. I have been married for 16 years, and I have three wonderful daughters. My oldest is 17 and will be a senior in HS this year, my middle one will be 16 next month and will be a sophomore this year, and my youngest is 12 and going into 7th grade.

    My heaviest weight was around 220. I lost 55 lbs by doing Weight Watchers and exercising regularly with step-aerobic dvd's. Then I went through a severe depression, during which I put 40 lbs back on. After kicking myself in frustration for a long time over allowing myself to be so out of control for so long, I found this site and it was exactly what I needed to get my motivation back. My lightest weight (from when I was in Weight Watchers, that is) was 160-165. My most recent weigh-in put me at 169.6, so I am almost back to where I was before the depression, and I am ready to take it even further this time and reach my goal of 140. I enjoy watching movies with my family, and I have a fascination with bad horror movies. I love to read, and I love to study religion. :)

    Favorite recipe is one that I found on the Weight Watchers website when I was a member. Everyone who has tried this has loved it. :)

    Balsamic Chicken with Mushrooms

    2 tsp vegetable oil
    3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
    2 tsp Dijon mustard
    1 clove(s) garlic clove(s), crushed (medium)
    1 pound(s) Chicken, breast, raw, without skin & bone, four 4-oz pieces
    2 cup(s) mushroom(s), small, halved
    1/3 cup(s) canned chicken broth
    1/4 tsp dried thyme, crumbled

    In a nonstick skillet, heat 1 teaspoon of oil.

    In a medium bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar, the mustard and garlic. Add chicken and turn to coat.

    Transfer chicken and marinade to skillet. Sauté chicken until cooked through, about 3 minutes on each side. Transfer chicken to a platter and keep warm.

    Heat remaining teaspoon of oil in skillet. Sauté mushrooms for 1 minute. Add broth, thyme and remaining tablespoon of vinegar. Cook, stirring occasionally, until mushrooms are deep brown, about 2 minutes longer.

    Serve chicken topped with mushrooms.

    The weight watchers site doesn't give nutrition information, it gives points. LOL. So I entered this into the MFP recipes section. This serves four, and according to MFP each serving has:

    Calories: 239
    Carbs: 4
    Fat: 7
    Sugar: 10
    Protein: 38
    Fiber: 1
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Just coming back to say:

    Squat Kicks done
    Log complete, under calorie goal
    10 glasses of water today, and counting.

    Also, I covered 3.8 miles walking today towards my total goal of 24 miles this week. I don't normally track how many miles very closely, so I think I will keep a running total in this thread so I don't lose track. Oh, and do I have to add another mile for the extra one tomorrow? So it would be 25 total for the week?
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Squat kicks complete If i did the right ones. I looked it up on youtube to make sure. Pretty much is what it says it is, that was hard but felt great when i was done!.
    Water in..I hate drinking this much lol, Am i the only one who has trouble drinking the water?
    under calorie goal
    did my reg exercise.
    I plan on walking at lunch tomorrow.
  • Just coming back to say:

    Squat Kicks done
    Log complete, under calorie goal
    10 glasses of water today, and counting.

    Also, I covered 3.8 miles walking today towards my total goal of 24 miles this week. I don't normally track how many miles very closely, so I think I will keep a running total in this thread so I don't lose track. Oh, and do I have to add another mile for the extra one tomorrow? So it would be 25 total for the week?

    Yes SarahRuth, you have to add another mile (over and above) tomorrow..... :happy:

    Oh, and I'm loving these recipes!!! I cant wait to try some of them.... they sound great!!

    For me..... squat kicks done - that was very hard on my knees.. sorry, but I had to do a modified version and could only "squat" only so low.... lol. Walked 6.8 miles tonight which is 1.5 over what I normally do.... 10 glasses of water and counting, and will come in under my calorie goal once i log my walking....
  • cath1717
    cath1717 Posts: 120
    AUGUST 8TH 2011

    water = check
    50 squat kick = check
    Under calorie = check

  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    C25k this morning
    50 Squat kicks after that
    8 glasses of water
    Under calorie goal!
    Birthday dinner with my daughter at Red Lobster!
    Evening out afterwards with hubby at the Walmart store!! Forever perfume was on sale!! His gift to me!
    What a good day to be healthy and alive!

    Thank you Lord!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Water in..I hate drinking this much lol, Am i the only one who has trouble drinking the water?

    I don't like this much water either. I don't really like water and I'm constantly going to the bathroom!! What helps for me is to drink it out of a straw of some kind-usually a sports bottle. My bottle holds 3 cups with the ice strip (an extra 1/2 cup without the ice thing) and I fill it 3 times a day. It also needs to be filtered water (our tap water is yucky) and really, really cold. I may be picky, but I'm getting it down!
  • taranmisty
    taranmisty Posts: 48 Member
    Came in under calorie goal. Drank 8 glasses water. No extra exercises. No extra miles.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    C25k this morning
    50 Squat kicks after that
    8 glasses of water
    Under calorie goal!
    Birthday dinner with my daughter at Red Lobster!
    Evening out afterwards with hubby at the Walmart store!! Forever perfume was on sale!! His gift to me!
    What a good day to be healthy and alive!

    Thank you Lord!
    What a sweet thing for him to do! I hope you enjoyed your evening!
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    August 8:
    Squat Kicks -- done
    Water -- 12 and counting
    Under calories -- yep (thanks to a longer than usual walk!!)

    Not guaranteeing I'll always get the cumulative challenge exercises in, but I'll try!! With the surprise I received at work today, this week's gonna be even busier than I expected!! yippeeeeeeeee Nothing like doubling my stress-load -- thank goodness I've learned to exercise stress, instead of eat it!!
  • Whew . . . what a workout! It was great!
    Squat kicks - done
    Water - 10 glasses
    Calorie Count - under goal
    1 mile towards the 10 extra I committed to this week . . . 9 more to go!
  • sorry fell off the radar for one day was doing a lot of travelling yesterday and was beat and had not computer. but back on the track today and ready to kick it this week good luck to us all

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Did 50 squat kicks, 2 mile walk, and 9 glasses of water....Not down any weight....I have stalled...
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 121 Member
    for YESTERDAY:
    water - ck
    exercise - ck
    squat/kicks - ck (these were actually kind fun, alittle hard on right knee tho)
    under calories - ck

    i will try to walk 2 extra miles this week (got blueberries & peaches to can this week - and a VERY NEGLECTED garden (&flower beds) that need my UNDIVIDED attention!
    as for the 'accumalative' (sp?) - amazinggrace --- did you get that idea from me???? IF so - i apologize to e/1 in the group - j/k LOL.
    just an FYI - my daughter is due 'any' day - if that happens this month - i may be out of the loop for a day or two (torn between being with her and SIL for the delivery and watching their 2 older children. - just thought i'd let you'all know.
  • About the walk / jog / run (100 mile) team challenge..... just post your miles walked/jogged if they go towards the 100 mile goal. Some of us walk or jog/run everyday, so just post the amount over your "normal" that you want to go towards the 100 miles. (and of course your daily exercise challenge too).....

    I need Sundays weight from the following (even if you haven't lost - you have to let me know)

    So far, I've only had commitments of 85 miles towards our team challenge of 100 miles this week!! ALSO, I JUST GOT AN EMAIL FROM GARY, AND WE CAN INCLUDE BICYCLING IN THIS TOO.....

    There are 8 of you that haven't responded to let me know what you can commit to walk or jog or run OR BICYCLE this week - please let me know!! Remember, this has to be over and above what you "normally" do. Everybody needs to let me know by end of today so we can stay on top of these 100 miles!!!!!

    Last - I need updates for Monday from the following people:

    clew - (water?? Did you end up staying under the calorie goal? It didn't look like your diary was finished, so I wanted to be sure;)

    deidreJean - (same thing... did you get in your water? It wasn't posted in your diary. Also, did you end up staying under for the day? Also, did you do the squat kicks yesterday? Let me know!!)

    Yay_Me - be sure to log every day!! Are you staying under your calorie goal? Are you getting in your water everyday? Did you do the squat kicks for yesterday? Let me know!!)

    Lisaap is on vaca this week and will check in with us when she can.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    If cycling is included, I can take on at least another 10 miles. My *typical* days are not consistent, so I have to just aim for a total mileage above whatever my normal weekly mileage. So I am aiming for 25 miles of walking/running this week total. I can count *extra* bike rides as any that are not a commuting ride. And I can easily cover 10 of those. If you can't fine anyone to take on the remaining five miles let me know. I can bike 15 miles in one weekend ride on the trail easily.