Month 'o Challenges - Week 2 (open to all)



  • love_30034
    I did fair this week i definitely made it up 10000 steps but i will continue to do this challenge for myself to get 10000 steps in a day
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Laz - you machine!!!! The bf just bought a bike and wants to go riding, but the weather has been so hot or rainy that we haven't gone. A hilly trail?!?!? And you weren't huffing and puffing at the end! That is a total NSV if I've ever heard one! That just shows that you pushed but paced yourself and were smart enough not to overdo it! So proud of you. And those losses are great!

    Love - I love that you're going to keep tracking your steps. Me too!!! This week showed me that I'm sometimes a slackass and need to move more!!!

    On a funny note - - - I normally kept my pedometer on my pant pocket (you could see it if I had a shorter top on). Yesterday, I was at the store and some teenager laughed at me and asked if that was a pager. LOL!!! Pleeeeeeease, pagers are so 1995! It's a pedometer. I thought that, but didn't say it! I felt that if I said that, the kid would be rolling on the floor in laughter, so I didn't. Darm youth! :laugh:
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    So MO what's our week 3 challenge? I am ready....Let's go!!! :tongue:
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    aparker_ you can find it in ,onth'o challenges-week page