What's your budget?



  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I guess I should feel guilty for the amount we spend on food each month; but I don't. We struggled for many years. In the 70's I lived on Turkey Pot pies, because they were17 cent apiece and I was saving up to buy a house. We are now no longer struggling. We are comfortable and properous, because we put in the hard work in the beginning. We have no budget for food. If we want it, we get it. I love to cook and that can get expensive.
  • Mybetterme
    Mybetterme Posts: 80 Member
    Anybody live in California in these posts and have teenage boys. I use coupons and spend way more then anybody here. I know it's a lot and would like to cut it down. What can 4 people all 11 and up eat 3 meals a day 7 days a week for 100 or even 200 a week. We easily spend 300 a week. Anybody that claims this 100 a week and lives in so cal can I shop with u and cook what u do for a weekand see how u do it. Cause I thought I was frugal. Even those veggie co ops things from my sons school wants 120 a month for vegetables.please help.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I spend around $100 a week on myself, my daughter, and 3 dogs. I buy local, fresh, and do not buy more than we can eat. This also includes any paper products, cleaning supplies, dog food...ect. I love the farmers market and I use coupons as often as I can. If possible grow as much produce as you can, become friends with a local farm for eggs, fresh dairy, and meat (thankfully I am a vegetarian so I can save that money). Also...start keeping a log of what you consume daily, weekly, monthly and it will let you know what you need to keep in stock and use coupons for or if it truly is an every once in a while item that you can splurge on.
  • Kaycurrier
    I live in Cali, bay area, one of the most expensive places in Cali, also use to live in SoCal, San Diego

    For my husband, our son, and I
    we spend about 400 hundred a month, sometimes more, sometimes less
    we never waste anything, if there are leftovers, even just for one person, we eat them for lunches
    we portion all of our meats into small portions so that we do not cook to much
    I also make a monthly food menu and look for sales and use coupons
    I buy all my produce from farmers market and local fruit store
    we never have more than two boxes of cereal open
    I make most stuff fronscratch unless it is cheaper to buy prepared, like sauces and stuff like that

    our eating out bugdet is separate, because honestly for three people (one is 2 so he is usually free or shares with me) it is sometimes cheaper to eat out, but not often , twice a month or so
  • leopardlushh
    I saw you live in Eureka, CA...go to the Winco there! It's inexpensive compared to other grocery chains and you can buy large quantities of poultry for inexpensive prices and freeze them. The produce there is decent but I'd rather spend $20-$40 on produce than unhealthy junk food. I've bought plenty of healthy food from there that can feed a family and be used for left overs.

    Just curious why you have no choice in the shopping??? Maybe you guys can make it to the store as a family and set an example for your child.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    We are a family of 4 boys 3 dogs and a cat, we spend around 80£-100£ a week on groceries. That is around 160$
  • Elmaunie
    Elmaunie Posts: 78 Member
    I spend about £150 every fortnight on the big shop that we get delivered and probably around another £30 a week to top up on milk, bread etc; probably another £30 a week on takeaways. That covers me, hubby, 2 boys - 10 and 12 who have packed lunches for school, 3 cats and a dog. I don't buy processed or boxed food. My family are my guinea pigs and I experiment on them with my random concoctions regularly lol.

    My biggest problem is that the fresh stuff is all gone or goes off before we can get another shop in but I can't justify doing another big shop (and paying a fiver for delivery!) any more often than that. I spend a depressing amount of the month living off the credit card and so frequently can't take advantage of the weekly farmers' markets here. Then I totally shoot myself in the foot by buying takeaways when I'm not able to make it home at a decent time lol. I work full time, hubby is at college and we're currently renovating a house that's falling apart. The kids have been great at pitching in and helping but it leaves us with little time in the evenings. They still need to eat at a normal time and when we all get home they just head off to bed.

    Argh! This is why I'm broke and fat!!! lol
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    2 adults, 1 cat.

    I spend roughly £50 a week on the online shop (heavy goods, cat litter, tins, store cupboard items) Plus another £30 a week on fresh food - meat, veg, salad, fruit. Another £10 a week on lunch stuff and another £10 on bits and bobs. So that is £100 a week - £400 a month!!!! Jeez!!!

    I do cook at home every night, this does include my lunches every day and OH's lunches most of the time though!