I need some support BADLY



  • jallen67
    jallen67 Posts: 19
    i've been there. i'll send you a friend request now :) you can do it!
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    I'm going to send you a friend request.
    I hate feeling like people are staring at me in workout classes, if I fumble and mess up I feel as if they are making fun of me. I did Zumba with my Mom, and it was great, but she wanted me in front of her, adn litterally everyone in the class watched me. I hate mirrors, I can't stand how I look, but as I loose weight I find my self confidence growing, I constantly ask my fiancee" Is my butt firmer, touch it, tell me." Then I'll lift up my shiort and ask him "Is my belly getting smaller?" Sometimes it not the scale to look at, but the inches.
    I personally enjoy walks with my ipod, it's me, myself and I, the reason I am loosing the weight, not for anyone else, but for me, for me to be more secure with my body. I was so sick of looking at perfect body women, and going out with my fiancee and his friends, and his male friends all looking at the skinny, model body girls. My fiancee would tell me I'm beutiful, but it was never enough. We all need tothink positive, and support each other, our friends and family who are not trying to loose weight do not know the ups and downs, and how you feel when you level out and get down for a few weeks.
  • Treebeard2012
    I agree with everyone else. I am new here, but have been losing weight off and on my whole life. I would like to take a little different tack than everyone else and ask you about your depression. Remember that depression is not something that comes from outside of you. Everything that has happened to you in your past has had an impact on you, but the depression itself is a condition in your mind and body. Losing weight can help you feel better about yourself, but depression often runs deeper than that, and quite often counseling and/or medication is needed to get a long lasting substantial improvement. So you should definitely hang in there and listen to all the encouragement that you are getting from others on this site, but also keep in mind that you might benefit from professional help if this depression is a recurring theme in your life.
    I have lived with people dealing with depression, and let me tell you, that no matter how hard you work at it on your own, in some cases, professional help is definitely needed. It is amazing the difference an antidepressant can make, when it is what you need.
    I hope I am not offending anyone here, but I just don't want you to feel that you have done all that you can do with the weight loss effort and you still don't feel any better about yourself, and then give up. If the depression doesn't let up, then please go to a psychiatrist and see if they don't recommend a course of treatment. If it is what you need, you could begin to enjoy life more while you continue to lose weight. So, keep up the good work, and don't hesitate to get extra help if you need it.
    Good luck, and from what I've read in your profile, I'm sure you are going to do well. Keep us all updated since the accountability to a group of friends really does help.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Maris165
    Maris165 Posts: 175 Member
    Hey there! You've lost 12 pounds! Did you take a minute to pause and think about the feat that is!! That is absolutely fabulous in itself! I can't wait to hit double digits!! You have it within you! I hope that I can be a motivation to you as you have been for me. I have been depressed and I wish I knew good advice to get you out of this funk. I do agree to take rest days and to measure with a tape measure to see some progress. We got this girlie, WE CAN DO THIS!!
    MFP love to ya!
  • jkincaid0202
    12 pounds is an accomplishment! :)

    Hang in there!