

  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Good morning, Fitties! I hope that you are all having fantastic days. Of course, it's Monday, so I completely understand it you aren't. :grumble:

    I'm ready for another great week! A week ago today, I rejoined Weight Watchers Online, and it's been a very good week. I'm happy with my decision, and I'm enjoying tracking on both here and WW for now.

    Time for another QOTD! :heart:

    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!

    QOTD #9: How do you stay on track with diet and exercise in times of severe stress?

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not? I wanna know everything, hahaha.

    QOTD #11: Do you drink diet soda and/or other drinks with artificial sweeteners? Why or why not?

    QOTD #12: What are your goals (weight, food, exercise, other) for September?

    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it!

    QOTD #14: What is your goal (doesn't have to be weight) for this week?

    QOTD #15: Name 3 things that you can do in the next few days to feel better about yourself. Or if you already feel so freaking amazing about yourself that you don't need to do anything, please share with us some things you've done in the past.

    QOTD #16- Share a typical daily menu with us! (For example, what are you planning to eat today, or what did you eat yesterday?)
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Typical daily menu...

    Breakfast is always easy - usually oatmeal with nuts and fruit or yogurt
    Lunch depends - sometimes leftover dinner, maybe a sandwich, with fruit, and 100 calorie snack (chex mix, cookies)
    Dinner - spaghetti for dinner tonight, yesterday was turkey burgers
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    QOTD #16- Share a typical daily menu with us! (For example, what are you planning to eat today, or what did you eat yesterday?)

    This is typical for a weekday for me (and is the plan for today)-

    breakfast- oatmeal made with almond milk, with peanut butter
    morning snack- fruit
    lunch- brown rice with black beans, tomato, EVOO
    afternoon snack- fruit and veggies
    dinner- sandwich made with Tofurky slices and a sandwich thin, veggies, pretzels
    evening snack- fruits, veggies, wasa crackers w/ salsa
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    QOTD #16- Share a typical daily menu with us! (For example, what are you planning to eat today, or what did you eat yesterday?)

    breakfast- fruit flavored oatmeal and a slice ofplain toast(almost daily) or cereal and toast

    lunch-usually a sandwich and yogurt or leftovers

    dinner- whatever I have to cook(I do major measuring)

    snacks-crackers with laughing cow cheese, fruit, or trail mix
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    breakfast - 1 x whole grapefruit

    morning snack - low-salt, low-fat protein bar (150 cals)

    lunch - romaine salad with red peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and sesame seeds. Lite italian vinaigrette dressing on the side.

    afternoon snack - low-salt, low-fat protein bar (150 cals) + 1 x 40 cal zero yogurt

    dinner - 4 oz protein, plus a starch (1/4 - 1/2 cup), plus veggies

    evening snack - edamame beans
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    Breakfast - Not much of a breakfast eater ( only have breakfast if I'm starving that morning)

    Lunch - left overs or a sandwhich ( today it will be chicken fried rice)

    Dinner - Will decide as the day goes (Depends on how many calories I consume earlier)

    Snacks - apple, Rice cakes, Fiber one bar ( really all depends)
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    breakfast- waffle butter only,oj
    snack- special k crisp
    lunch- 2 boiled eggs, 100 calorie snack pack
    snack- cheetoes and brownie bites
    dinner- porkchops,sliced potatoes,carrots and onion w/ italian dressing in the crockpot

    I had a bad snacking afternoon.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    ROLL CALL!!!

    Who's still here and working towards their Fit By October goals?

    QOTD: At this point in the challenge, there are about two weeks left. Do you feel that you will make your FBO goals by then, or have to modified your goals a bit?
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    ROLL CALL!!!

    Who's still here and working towards their Fit By October goals?

    QOTD: At this point in the challenge, there are about two weeks left. Do you feel that you will make your FBO goals by then, or have to modified your goals a bit?

    Present! :bigsmile: Still here and working hard, p90x 6 days a week, drinking water like it's going out of style, and taking walks every spare moment I have. I haven't changed my goal of 165#, but I am pretty sure I will not make it. I have lost 5# since joining this thread and weighed in at 172.2# today. Not where I thought I would be by now, but thats ok, I will take it :happy: Everyone here has been so supportive and I am glad I joined. :flowerforyou: I hope everyone else did well and if not, hell, we still have 2 weeks!
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    ROLL CALL!!!

    Who's still here and working towards their Fit By October goals?

    QOTD: At this point in the challenge, there are about two weeks left. Do you feel that you will make your FBO goals by then, or have to modified your goals a bit?

    I'm stilll here!! I have met my goal+ a little. I'm hoping the scale stays down or even better goes down more! I hope everyone else is doing well.
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Way to go julidav! Super happy for you!
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    ROLL CALL!!!

    Who's still here and working towards their Fit By October goals?

    QOTD: At this point in the challenge, there are about two weeks left. Do you feel that you will make your FBO goals by then, or have to modified your goals a bit?

    I am still here and last weigh in I was 5 pounds away from goal. I think I will make it!!!!
  • hanaibo
    Present! Been off this thread for a little...so I have some catching up to do:
    QOTD #14: What is your goal (doesn't have to be weight) for this week?
    - I adjusted my goals, but would like to get under 126.6 sometime (anytime!) this week...I've been fluctuating and can't find a good time to weigh myself. Diet-wise, I shouldn't be over so often with carbohydrates, and I hope to incorporate more protein. Fitness-wise, I would like to rely less on cardio and tighten up with some strength training! For some reason, i get really lazy with this..

    QOTD #15: Name 3 things that you can do in the next few days to feel better about yourself. Or if you already feel so freaking amazing about yourself that you don't need to do anything, please share with us some things you've done in the past.
    1. Keep riding to school on days when I don't have class at 9am.
    2. Kick *kitten* this quarter! Just started a new school year :D...I'm such a nerd
    3. I've been feeling better about myself lately...good news. My new goal is lower, but I slowed down my rate of weight loss. So...don't be discouraged over slow and steady weight loss :)

    QOTD #16- Share a typical daily menu with us! (For example, what are you planning to eat today, or what did you eat yesterday?
    Breakfast - medium size salad (is that weird? Japanese people eat salad with breakfast sometimes lol) with beans, and lots of veggies...a plate of fruit, some hot cereal
    Lunch - Raw veg medley, or leftover steamed/stirfried veg. On long bike days, I add a PB&J with Ezekiel bread
    PM Snack - depends on what's available, how much I can (or are allowed to) eat...sometimes some trail mix, sometimes fruit, sometimes candy :P
    Dinner - I live with my folks...so whatever they are planning to have. If I'm making my own, I use leftovers and throw a bunch of veggies together ( see a pattern here?...I'm the home compost heap) Pasta occasionally. I kind of track as I go, unless I'm having a busy day that I've planned ahead, so dinner is either big or tiny depending on how I ate and exercised during the day.

    At my current weight, I am 1 lb from my initial goal, 3 lbs from my second goal, and 6 lbs from my new ultimate goal weight! As for my goals for october...I have modified them a little..ensuring that I lose weight, but at a more gradual pace (0.5lbs/wk). That said, I should reach my first goal (which I think I posted in the beginning)..of 125 by October! How exciting!
  • sp53
    sp53 Posts: 40
    Still here! I didn't have a set amount of wt to lose, just wanted to continue to lose vs gain. I've been eating healthfully, exercising regularly--and most important, silencing the negative self-talk. Really tired of bad body image, ready to put energy into the good things in life, stop beating that same old dead horse!
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    I'm just checking in. I'm down 2 pounds this week!! I'm 3.2 pounds under my goal weight for this challenge. We still have 12 days left.
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    I'd like to share this with you. I did not write it and don't know who did. It was shared on another challenge group that I am in. There is supposed to be a picture with it but I think you will enjoy it anyway.

    Waking Up Full of Awesome

    There was a time when you were five years old, and you woke up full of awesome.

    You knew you were awesome.

    You loved yourself.

    You thought you were beautiful, even with missing teeth and messy hair and mismatched socks inside your grubby sneakers.

    You loved your body,and the things it could do.

    You thought you were strong.

    You knew you were smart.

    Do you still have it? The awesome.
    Did someone take it from you?
    Did you let them?
    Did you hand it over, because someone told you weren't beautiful enough, thin enough,smart enough, good enough?
    Why in the hell would you listen to them?
    Did you consider they might be full of ****?

    Wouldn't that be nuts to tell my little girl below that in another five years she might hate herself because she doesn't look like a starving Photoshopped Fashion Model?
    Or even more bizarre, that she should be sexy over smart, beautiful over bold? are you freaking kidding me?
    Look at her she is full of awesome.

    You were once. Maybe you still are. Maybe you're in the process of getting it back.

    All I know is that if you aren't waking up feeling like this about yourself, you are missing out.
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    I'm still here!! I actually met my original goal a couple weeks ago (118). Weight is coming off slower now. So the plan is to not step on the scale again until this challenge is over. I want to lose another 2 lbs. We'll see what happens.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Hello, everyone! I hope that you all had fabulous weekends and are ready to really push hard for the final two weeks of the challenge!

    I had a great weekend. Probably the first time that I tracked honestly on both here and on WW in months. I usually will start tracking on Saturday morning, but then just stop worrying about it until Monday morning. I didn't always make the healthiest choices, but everything was tracked, and that is amazing for me.

    It's time for another QOTD. :bigsmile:

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!

    QOTD #9: How do you stay on track with diet and exercise in times of severe stress?

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not? I wanna know everything, hahaha.

    QOTD #11: Do you drink diet soda and/or other drinks with artificial sweeteners? Why or why not?

    QOTD #12: What are your goals (weight, food, exercise, other) for September?

    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it!

    QOTD #14: What is your goal (doesn't have to be weight) for this week?

    QOTD #15: Name 3 things that you can do in the next few days to feel better about yourself. Or if you already feel so freaking amazing about yourself that you don't need to do anything, please share with us some things you've done in the past.

    QOTD #16- Share a typical daily menu with us! (For example, what are you planning to eat today, or what did you eat yesterday?)

    QOTD #17: What is your favorite workout right now?
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    QOTD #17: What is your favorite workout right now?

    My favorite work out right now is zumba? I have it for the WII and can do it whenever I feel like.
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    QOTD #17: What is your favorite workout right now?

    My favorite work out right now is zumba? I have it for the WII and can do it whenever I feel like.