Over 50 and still at it....



  • SWC54
    SWC54 Posts: 14
    Hi--I was so happy to read your posts this morning. I am 54,wife and mother to three young men, chronic 'dieter', who has hard time sticking to any one plan. I have exercised my entire life--starting with high school tennis and track. Love to ski, walk, yoga. Over the years I have gained a number of sports related injuries and that has really slowed me down--physically and mentally. My friends and I have been training for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in NYC and really increased our walking mileage. Has left me with an injury in my right foot--total overuse. I am so upset. So figured I would at least start tracking my food and get that together while I wait for foot to improve. Think I am an all or nothing kind of person.
    Look forward to learning and supporting one another. I too see the effects of an inactive life on my mother and mother in law. I too want to be an active grandma--taking my (future) grandkids on hikes and playing in the ocean with them. I think it is so hard getting older, but can be wonderful too.
    Off to walk the boardwalk--slow, but doing it!! Have a good day--Suzann
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hi--I was so happy to read your posts this morning. I am 54,wife and mother to three young men, chronic 'dieter', who has hard time sticking to any one plan. I have exercised my entire life--starting with high school tennis and track. Love to ski, walk, yoga. Over the years I have gained a number of sports related injuries and that has really slowed me down--physically and mentally. My friends and I have been training for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in NYC and really increased our walking mileage. Has left me with an injury in my right foot--total overuse. I am so upset. So figured I would at least start tracking my food and get that together while I wait for foot to improve. Think I am an all or nothing kind of person.
    Look forward to learning and supporting one another. I too see the effects of an inactive life on my mother and mother in law. I too want to be an active grandma--taking my (future) grandkids on hikes and playing in the ocean with them. I think it is so hard getting older, but can be wonderful too.
    Off to walk the boardwalk--slow, but doing it!! Have a good day--Suzann

    Hi Suzann!! It's always nice to hear from another Over 50 girl!!! I too look forward to being an active grandma someday:)) It's great that we are still out there giving it our best!! If you go back in time a few decades or more......50 year old people looked ancient!!! I'm so glad that we live in a day and age that we now know a healthy lifestyle can slow down aging, keep us active, fit and sharp, improve our quality of life and increase longevity!!