Treadmills vs. Elliptical Trainers



    IAMQUEEN Posts: 52
    I have a treadmill... I tried the elliptical at the gym and did not enjoy it. With my treadmill, I can jog, run, walk or incline. After my dinner on bad weather days I will just walk to clear my head. Also, my tm folds so storage is not an issue. If you have a gym membership I will try them both out for a week each to see which one will fit your lifestyle.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    As far as everyone saying you can just go outside to run...this isn't really true. Like she said...she is in South gets really hot and humid there...not a great environment for running...and here in the Pacific Northwest, we get tons of rain throughout the year, so having a treadmill means no excuses related to the weather.
  • Spinkel
    Spinkel Posts: 6
    I had the same dilemma about a year ago and with much research found that you have to spend a lot more money to get a decent treadmill than you do to get a decent elliptical. You need to make sure you know how big the rollers are on the treadmill and how wide the path is. With an elliptical you need to know how big the rotation is because you want I believe it's at least 18". I got a good elliptical from Home Shopping Network (I know, I was my first/only purchase ever on there). The benefits are that I got to pay for it over 6 deferred payments for no extra interest. It has a built in fan, an SD card slot for "iFit" and it's iPod/iPhone compatible. One year later I'm so glad I went with the elliptical. Like someone else said, you can always walk outside. (:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I got tired of the elliptical but I love to run so I would looove a treadmill. It would save me the 15 minute trip to the gym on hot days.