


  • andforpoise
    With regards to the weigh in, I'm on maintenance calories now so would like to stay within a certain range. Do people like me get points if we don't go over the range or something like that?

    Thanks for bringing that up! I didn't even think of that... I guess that's what collaborating is for! I would say yes, definitely!

    Now is there anyone out there that thinks they could handle being a "team captain" for the school year?
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Never captained anything before, so not sure what it involves, but probably fine to give it a go.
  • kaseyb21
    kaseyb21 Posts: 24
    This is actually my first post on MFP :).

    This sounds like a great idea. I'm definitely in. Could we possibly make the weigh-in day more flexible? I weigh in on Mondays.
  • x_sotonguetied
    This is actually my first post on MFP :).

    This sounds like a great idea. I'm definitely in. Could we possibly make the weigh-in day more flexible? I weigh in on Mondays.


    and i don't know how everyone feels about this, but i was thinking friday could be more of a check-in day? i mean, people can weigh in friday, obviously, but for people who like to weigh in other days, monday for example, or i like to weigh myself on thursdays, maybe we could just weigh in on our normal days and then just report our weights for the week on friday? like i would weigh in on thursday, and then friday post that weight on here? and you could weigh in monday and then report that weight on friday, etc. etc.

    just an idea :)
  • sccamero
    sccamero Posts: 164 Member
    I am in. Want to lose more lbs and get to the weight I want before graduation. :)
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    i'm in! going back to school on the 26th and i want to keep this up through the school year! feel free to add me :)
  • matticrew
    I don't want to captain but I am sooo in for this challenge. This is perfect for me!
  • andforpoise
    This is actually my first post on MFP :).

    This sounds like a great idea. I'm definitely in. Could we possibly make the weigh-in day more flexible? I weigh in on Mondays.


    and i don't know how everyone feels about this, but i was thinking friday could be more of a check-in day? i mean, people can weigh in friday, obviously, but for people who like to weigh in other days, monday for example, or i like to weigh myself on thursdays, maybe we could just weigh in on our normal days and then just report our weights for the week on friday? like i would weigh in on thursday, and then friday post that weight on here? and you could weigh in monday and then report that weight on friday, etc. etc.

    just an idea :)

    I guess that's kind of what I meant by "weigh -in" I didn't know there was a difference :P Check in day Friday :)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Cool :) friday it is..
    I weighed yesterday and lost 3lb in the week so hoping to repeat that or at least 2lb this week. :) Feels good to be back on track.. 1 month till Uni.

    Just had some 'insider info' about our timetable.. someone emailed Uni and whilst I'm gutted I'll be on nursing placements for everyone of my 3 girls birthdays (I can hold out hope that I'm doing shifts so maybe just maybe I'll be off on the actual days), I get 4 weeks off at xmas!!! yes 4 whole weeks!! You watch they'll give me a 5000 word assignment or something! lol

    anyone else know their timetable?
  • kaseyb21
    kaseyb21 Posts: 24
    Check-in on Friday works for me!

    I don't return to university until mid-September, so I should probably be utilizing this free time to hit the gym hard instead of sleeping in :)

    When does everyone else go back to school?
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Ah school! I got back Sept. 6th. Not sure if this is encouraging to anyone but I took a full load summer now I'm on a bit of a break. Anyway I was able to lose 22 pounds this summer =]. It's not too bad sometimes it was a bit hard, but I made myself get up earlier to make my food for the day. Or on the weekend prepare.

    This is a great idea I'm excited!
    Good luck to everyone and I'm sure we'll all do great!!
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    We get back September 6th.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    I start on sept. 7th :) and I can't wait!!! I'm in dire need of the structure back in my life!
  • andforpoise
    I start back Sept 4 for orientation. Actual classes start September 8! I'm super excited! I'm starting a new program this year as a transfer student and am 3000 km away from home! I've lived here for a year already though, and did a one year certificate program at the college. That's where I started to slide! I don't want to do that again... so that's my inspiration for suggesting this challenge! Anyway, enough about me...

    So far we have two team captains... I think it would be great if we could try for at least 2 more! That way the organization can be spread out amongst more people making it less stressful :) Any volunteers?
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Holy SMOKES girl that's far away! What does team captain entail, if it doesn't take up too much time then I can take a space.
  • andforpoise
    Holy SMOKES girl that's far away! What does team captain entail, if it doesn't take up too much time then I can take a space.

    Well, I'm part of a challenge right now where each team captain maintains a spread sheet and the members that have been assigned to them as team members send their weekly weigh in results to them every Friday and they put the data in the spreadsheet. But then I was also thinking, maybe we could just have a closed thread where each of us can put our weigh in for the week, and then I guess all the team captain would have to do is monitor it from time to time?

    What does everyone think will work the best?
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Spreadsheet would work better for organizational skills probably, either that or have everyone msg their weights to their team captain and then the captain posts it would be better than everyone coming in and posting their weight all randomly, personally I think it would be easier to probably keep track that way.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Agree with spreadsheet or emailing captain as best ideas, as if captain doesn't hear from one of their team, they can encourage them to get back with it :)
  • kaseyb21
    kaseyb21 Posts: 24
    Emailing the captain sounds like a good idea to me as well. Can we still check in on the thread as well though? It's always nice to get the support of the whole group for our accomplishments.

    I just stay more motivated when I have pats on the back lol :)
  • andforpoise
    Oh yes! The thread will definitely be a place to check in whenever you want :) We'll all need motivation from time to time... I think maybe everyone emailing the captain and the captain posting it on the thread should work well. I'm going to go through and count up how many people are actually interested in this challenge and then divide them up and make sure the ones that said they were interested in being a team captain are still interested :) I think it's just 3 of us right now, but that might even work perfectly once I figure out how many people are participating!