Reward for yourself after you reach your goal



  • cml_b
    cml_b Posts: 8
    I have a number of goal rewards (including a parachute jump, playing lasertag in the Netherlands or Czech Rep, and bodyflying - at 100kg, 90kg, 80kg) and, for my endgoal, a husky trip through Norway.

    Such active, crazy goals are very motivating for me, I'll be rewarding myself for 110kg with an outdoor survival camp (and I'm soo close. Waiting every day to book it.) 5kg goals are more "girly", as in facials, haircuts,..
  • YeOldeLancer
    Sounds like fun! I unfortunately don't have a *ton* of money to do things like that. I just bought myself a new bike a couple weeks ago and that was a great purchase! not as a reward but to get me out and active. Tools for a healthy lifestyle are totally worth it.