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Ripped in 30 starting week of August 14 - any takers?



  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Also noticed during week 1 the cardio isn't as intense like it was in her 30 day shred. I had a easier time, was just happy there wasn't jumping jacks in this week.
  • Gabika
    Gabika Posts: 26
    I hate lunges, feel like cant get the kees right and worried will harm them..
    week 2 has lots of lounges :-(
    Not looking forward to them argh
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    I agree with you on the lunges, I never feel like mine are right.

    Week 2 day 3 done. And I am still hating the strength part of the second circuit! I managed to do 3 tables today before I collapsed and the crow push ups are impossible! Sometimes I think those girls are robots!

    What are your favourite exercised of week 2? I think mine is the stork pose. I can do the advanced move and I kind of like it when Shelley loses her ballance and I don't!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    What are your favourite exercised of week 2? I think mine is the stork pose. I can do the advanced move and I kind of like it when Shelley loses her ballance and I don't!

    I felt like Week 2 was so much easier on Day 2. Day 1 was killer for me, but yesterday was better. I, too, like the stork thing. Of course, I'm sure I'd lose my balance, too, if crazy ol' Jillian was circling me! :)

    The crow pushup are insane. I try to do a couple of those, then a couple real pushups, then a couple knee pushups. I'm sure I look ridiculous. Thank goodness for the privacy of my home!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I'm still not in on this. Tried to find time this morning but it was so hectic with the kids. I think I'll try doing it at night tonight. That or it looks like I'll have to wake up at 5am to fit it in and that's not happening. It's discouraging to get a few days into it, feel good about it, and not be able to keep it up.

    EDIT: I got the kids to leave for school a little early and was able to fit her in. Being away for 3 days really made a difference in how hard it was!!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Week 2 day 4 done! I as I was doing the tables (:explode: ), my five year old came downstairs and told me that he thought my table was broken. Nice kid!

    Do most of you do the advanced or modified exercises? For many I try to do the advanced but switch 1/2 way through. Some (lunges with leg lifts, crows and renegades), I can't even attempt the advanced. I just can't find the right muscles to do the exercises!
  • seekimrun
    seekimrun Posts: 8 Member
    Hey all! How's it going? What are your thoughts on the timing of this thing? Are you supposed to do each week 7 times, taking 1-2 days off, so it takes 8-9 days, or are you supposed to spend one week on week one, so you workout 5-6 days, and take 1-2 days off before moving on? It's Ripped in 30, but if you do 4 1-week workouts, that's 28 days. Am I completely overthinking this unnecessarily?

    Today is my first rest day, and I'm happy about that. I'm doing other workouts throughout the day, but I needed the psychological boost of knowing that I had today off from Jillian. It's weird, because I actually like the workout (inasmuch as you can like that sort of thing, of course).

    Have a great day, and please share your thoughts on the timing. I'll also post in my little newsfeed. Thanks!

    I don't remember where but I read somewhere that Jillian says to do one workout a week for four weeks. Her recommendation is to work out 6 days a week but to do small weights, nothing heavier than 8 pounds so that you can work out for 6 days a week (if you work out really heavy then your muscles will need to rest).

    BUT on a podcast, a lot of listeners were saying they needed a break and couldn't do it everyday and she was saying do whatever you want. As long as you work out, it's good. If you can only do it 3 days a week, then do, if you want to stay on week 1 for two weeks, that's fine too. As for me, I definitely can't do it 6 days a week. I'm aiming for 4 days a week with some Couch25k.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Week 2 day 4 done! I as I was doing the tables (:explode: ), my five year old came downstairs and told me that he thought my table was broken. Nice kid!

    That is cracking me up this morning! As I was doing the cool down, with the tricep stretch and bending to the right, my kitten climbed my leg and all the way up my hip and sort of sat there on my side. Weirdo.

    So, I'm through four days of week 2. Today is my rest day. I will do spin, yoga, and a class at the Y instead. Looking forward to the day off from Jillian. She freaks me out when she wants to bite Shelly and Natalie!

    I have to thank my husband, because I have not been all that into Ms. Jillian these past couple days. And he has said "don't do it, then, but if you don't, you're going to be mad at yourself." And I really needed to hear that, because he was right. Just don't tell him that!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Hey guys! Does anyone have any advice on how to make the ab-hold/table move work for me? I cannot do the ab hold. And I really think it has nothing to do with my lack of core strength. I feel like my butt is too large or my arms are too short or something. I just can't wrap my mind around how to do it with the arms placed as Jillian says they should be. Any thoughts? I can swing up into the table fine, but I feel like I get nothing out of the ab hold. Probably because I'm not doing it at all.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    I would hardly call that a rest day! And I have no advice for the tables, because mine is broken. I think I have short arms/long torso because I can barely get my butt off the ground either.

    I made it through week 2 day 5 today. I am REALLY hoping to see some movement on the scale tomorrow.
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    OK, today was D1/W1 for me. It was tough, but not as bad as level 4 of 30DS. I finished the shred on Sunday and started a new running plan so I am yet to have a rest day.. Tomorrow I rest..:) I am going to do Ripped 3 days a week in addition to my running.. I seem to sweat a lot more doing Ripped than I did with Shred.. So hoping I'm meltin LOTS more fat..:)
  • I'm right there with you. I keep thinking my arms/hands are maybe too far back....??? Don't know, but I'm not getting that right. I'm really struggling with the plank stuff also...I don't have the strength yet. BUT, I'm sticking with it!

    Week 2, day 4 done. Tomorrow is my "off" day. Finish week 2 on Sat/Sun, then on to week 3....lord help me!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Week 2 Day 6 done! We are going to a friends cottage tomorrow morning, so I might take it off and start with Week 3 on Sunday.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Week 3 Day 1 done. I like week 3 better than week 2. It seems faster (and I do think it's 3-4 minutes shorter). Some of the moves I'm not attempting due to my too-recent knee surgery (jumping lungings, the single leg cross jumps, and the squat walk duck thing). That said, I made sure to do something during those moves, whether it was a modifier or whatnot. I was happy that she did a 30-second ab hold. Her saying that it might not feel like your lifting at all made all the difference to me, and I was able to really focus on my abs, and not all the flab that apparently hangs off my butt preventing me from doing it perfectly!

    And I gotta say, I do not miss the crow pushups!

    Can't believe we're about halfway through this! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Awesome for starting week 3! I didn't get to it today, and we are going out tomorrow morning. Hopefully I will find the time energy tomorrow afternoon to get it done. I am back to work on the 6th so I want to get week 3 out of the way before then!
  • Week 3 Day 1 done. I like week 3 better than week 2. It seems faster (and I do think it's 3-4 minutes shorter). Some of the moves I'm not attempting due to my too-recent knee surgery (jumping lungings, the single leg cross jumps, and the squat walk duck thing). That said, I made sure to do something during those moves, whether it was a modifier or whatnot. I was happy that she did a 30-second ab hold. Her saying that it might not feel like your lifting at all made all the difference to me, and I was able to really focus on my abs, and not all the flab that apparently hangs off my butt preventing me from doing it perfectly!

    And I gotta say, I do not miss the crow pushups!

    Can't believe we're about halfway through this! Hope everyone has a great week!

    My right knee is killing me...had to do a lot of modifiers this morning. I think this workout is really hard, but I'm also glad week 2 is done...hated the cardio in plank and never felt like I was doing the ab hold correctly. I'm hoping I'll improve as the week goes on...So happy to be half way through it!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    My right knee is killing me...had to do a lot of modifiers this morning. I think this workout is really hard, but I'm also glad week 2 is done...hated the cardio in plank and never felt like I was doing the ab hold correctly. I'm hoping I'll improve as the week goes on...So happy to be half way through it!

    I decided after yesterday (day 2, week 3), that Jillian is attempting to ruin our knees this week! Good grief! I do modify it as needed. I am not willing to risk being on crutches for another 8 weeks.

    Did anyone else notice that she blows off the second set of the crooked rows (1st strength circuit - I'm not sure if that's the real name of the exercise or not, but you're in a squat, and you have one hand palm down, one palm up - holding weights - and you're rowing)? Cracks me up a little, but also annoys me. Should I pause the dvd and do my own 30 seconds? Probably, but I haven't yet. I sort of thought I was crazy the first day, and then realized that nope, it's definitely not there the second day.

    I have a lot of trepidation about Week 4.
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    I did Week 2 Day 1 yesterday - dripping sweat at the end!! OH MY! A different sort of challenge, I can do everything pretty well except that whole two minutes of cardio in plank. The 30 seconds of holding plank in week 1 was NOT enough to prepare me for 2 minutes. What a crazy lady that Jillian is. Tonight I'll be doing Day 2 and going for an hour long walk.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I did Week 2 Day 1 yesterday - dripping sweat at the end!! OH MY! A different sort of challenge, I can do everything pretty well except that whole two minutes of cardio in plank. The 30 seconds of holding plank in week 1 was NOT enough to prepare me for 2 minutes. What a crazy lady that Jillian is. Tonight I'll be doing Day 2 and going for an hour long walk.

    The plank cardio in Week 2 is killer! That's probably the one reason I prefer week 3!
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    I have practically given up on this dvd, why does week 2 seem to get HARDER every time I do it?? I'm thinking I may go back to week 1 for a while.