SAHMU Challenge Week 4 (Revised)

Your Normal Routine x3 days
Dance!!! Dance with your kids, your Husband or by yourself. Have fun with it! x1 day
Try something New! - be it take a class somewhere, try a new workout video, give running a shot, etc. etc x 1 day

Step ups x 3 min a day x 4 days (How many can you do in 3 min?)
Different Heights Work Different Muscles
A basic height step works the hips and thighs. A higher step works the hamstrings harder, while a lower step targets the quadriceps. However, the basic height for a step obviously differs from person to person, depending on the person's height. To set a step to work your leg muscles to the max, you want to be able to easily place your leading foot flat on the step. When you bend the leading leg at the knee so that your thigh is parallel to the ground, the foot of your other leg should be able to touch the ground while still keeping the heel elevated. Basically, your step up should not be higher than your knee when you stand in front of it.

Food Challenge: Desert Recipe (Yummy!!)
Each person submit a recipe to your Team Thread then Teams submit ONE Desert recipe to the main thread that you all agree could win by Monday.
Tuesday we will take a vote and there will be a winner by Wednesday and I will post that point along with the weight loss point.

Relaxation Challenge:
Do something for yourself this week that has nothing to do with food. Take a bubble bath or read a book or give yourself a manicure. Almost like a congratulations for the hard work we have put in.

Emotional Challenge:
Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.

A special thanks to MichelleLydia,Purplefly,sisa2324,Jwlzboatie, and Lovenevrnds. You all made this challenge this week! You are awesome!


  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Wow week 4 already! Yay :)


    Upside Down Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie – from Hungry Girl

    1 packet of 25 cal cocoa mix
    One 8-oz. tub fat-free cream cheese, room temperature
    2 Jell-O Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding Snacks
    1/3 cup Splenda No Calorie Sweetener (granulated)
    2 tsp. vanilla extract
    2 cups Cool Whip Fat Free, thawed, divided
    3 tbsp. reduced-fat peanut butter, room temperature
    Two 100 Calorie Packs Oreo Thin Crisps or 3 sheets (12 crackers) chocolate graham crackers
    Optional: Fat Free Reddi-wip
    Dissolve cocoa mix in 2 tbsp. hot water. In a medium bowl, combine cocoa mixture with cream cheese, pudding, Splenda, and vanilla extract. Using a handheld electric mixer, whisk until smooth. Fold in 1/2 cup Cool Whip.
    Transfer mixture to a large pie pan and set aside.
    In a medium bowl, combine remaining 1 1/2 cups Cool Whip with peanut butter. Whisk until smooth and uniform in color. Spread over the "pie."
    Cover and refrigerate until chilled and slightly firm, about 2 hours. Meanwhile, crush Oreo Thin Crisps or chocolate graham crackers into fine crumbs, and set aside.
    Once ready to serve, top pie with crushed cookies/graham crackers. If you like, top each serving with a squirt of Reddi-wip. Enjoy with a spoon!

    PER SERVING (1/8th of recipe, about 1/2 cup): 143 calories, 3.5g fat, 320mg sodium, 19.5g carbs, 1g fiber, 6g sugars, 6.5g protein -- PointsPlus® value 4*



    Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.

    Truthfully, no one has ever affected me in a negative way, contributing to my weight gain. That being said, you can almost say everyone negatively affected me and contributed to me gaining weight because no one EVER mentioned the fact that I was piling on weight. I never really noticed either. But I would say, “oh I look fat” and everyone would say “oh no, you’re not fat!!” Well yes, at 5’2 and nearly 200 lbs., I was, in fact, fat. Now I know others aren’t to blame for me stuffing my face, but I just don’t understand why everyone stood around, watching it happen, and no one had the guts to say it to my face. Like heck, had someone said, hey you seem to be eating a lot and looking a little bigger these days; I would have turned beet red and probably started eating healthy and working out that day, because I am someone who really cares what others think of me! Now I have told everyone, if I start gaining weight again TELL ME!!! And they are, in so many ways. In April I was down to 142 lbs. and then my papa (who I was incredibly close to) suddenly passed away after only being diagnosed with cancer a week prior. I started eating my feelings, because being a mommy to a toddler didn’t leave me much time to grieve. After a month or 2 of this eating like crazy, my mom and my sister both started prodding me to go running with them, or my sister would start telling me about her diets and I got the hint; stepped on the scale and lo and behold I was 158 lbs!!! I wasn’t embarrassed or upset, just got on MFP and started working away those pounds.
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    it is "Closed" because there is a set number of members on each team in the Stay At Home Moms Unite- 60 Day Challenge. This is the Pink team and we have 5 (max. capacity) members. But if you would like to join, let me know and I can see if another team has an available spot. The only requirements are that you are a Stay At Home Mom and that you are ready for a challenge. :)
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    I did it! I did it! I broke into the 140s. 149 on the dot! Woohooo!!!! I'm only 4 lbs. away from the goal I set for my birthday (145 by Sept. 1). Wow, I am so proud of myself. Thanks you all for being awesome supporters - totally looking forward to this weeks weigh-in!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I did it! I did it! I broke into the 140s. 149 on the dot! Woohooo!!!! I'm only 4 lbs. away from the goal I set for my birthday (145 by Sept. 1). Wow, I am so proud of myself. Thanks you all for being awesome supporters - totally looking forward to this weeks weigh-in!

    That is awesome! I'm so happy for you Michelle! :)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    How's everyone doing today? I really didn't want to do anything today, but I decided to do part of the challenge and do dancing. So, I did the Wii Just Dance 2 with my boys for an hour. Then I worked on the Step Ups. I'm using our fireplace as my step since it's raised and hits just below my knee (since I'm so short!). I was able to get 62 done in my 3 minutes. It was pathetic and I hope to do better tomorrow, but I guess after the hour of dancing, my legs just didn't want to cooperate anymore, LOL.

    What are you all doing for something different this week? That's going to be a tough one for me because I NEVER try new things. I'm always so nervous about it. I have no idea why, since no one sees me but the boys, but it's a mental thing.
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    I didn't get any exercise in today, and didn't eat well. My boyfriend and I are having some problems, so I've spent the last 2 nights at my mom's house while she is out of town, to cool down and work on things. My mom has no food in the house, and I am broke - so I've been making do. Without my Wii or the stroller getting some exercise in has been hard. But I'm making it work, and heading home tomorrow morning.

    Trying something new will be hard because I always like to try something new, but I think I may start the 30 day shred - I get bored of work out dvds, so we'll see how it goes, but it's worth a shot!!

    Amy have you tried Zumba? There's lots of videos on youtube and it's sooo much fun!

    Oh and I just did something for myself; painted my nails! Pink with silver crackle coat. I haven't had my nails painted in ages!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I didn't get any exercise in today, and didn't eat well. My boyfriend and I are having some problems, so I've spent the last 2 nights at my mom's house while she is out of town, to cool down and work on things. My mom has no food in the house, and I am broke - so I've been making do. Without my Wii or the stroller getting some exercise in has been hard. But I'm making it work, and heading home tomorrow morning.

    Trying something new will be hard because I always like to try something new, but I think I may start the 30 day shred - I get bored of work out dvds, so we'll see how it goes, but it's worth a shot!!

    Amy have you tried Zumba? There's lots of videos on youtube and it's sooo much fun!

    Oh and I just did something for myself; painted my nails! Pink with silver crackle coat. I haven't had my nails painted in ages!

    I'm sorry things aren't going well right now, Michelle. If you need to vent, feel free, I'm a good listener ;)

    And no, I've never tried Zumba. All for you, I'll do that as my workout today....so if you all don't hear from me again, you know that the Zumba video did me in, LOL!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday and a good weekend. We are planning on heading to Six Flags on Sunday as long as my boys are feeling OK. They don't know yet, so it will be a surprise for them and all my walking in the 100+ degree heat will my exercise for the day!
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    I did it! I did it! I broke into the 140s. 149 on the dot! Woohooo!!!! I'm only 4 lbs. away from the goal I set for my birthday (145 by Sept. 1). Wow, I am so proud of myself. Thanks you all for being awesome supporters - totally looking forward to this weeks weigh-in!

    THAT IS FREAKIN AMAZING! I am so proud of you! (I'm already up a lb. from wed. *sigh*). You should be proud of yourself!!! I am sorry about what is going on in your life, however, you are a Strong woman and you can get through it the healthy way. WTG!
    (P.S. Don't take any *kitten*!) LOL.
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    I didn't get any exercise in today, and didn't eat well. My boyfriend and I are having some problems, so I've spent the last 2 nights at my mom's house while she is out of town, to cool down and work on things. My mom has no food in the house, and I am broke - so I've been making do. Without my Wii or the stroller getting some exercise in has been hard. But I'm making it work, and heading home tomorrow morning.

    Trying something new will be hard because I always like to try something new, but I think I may start the 30 day shred - I get bored of work out dvds, so we'll see how it goes, but it's worth a shot!!

    Amy have you tried Zumba? There's lots of videos on youtube and it's sooo much fun!

    Oh and I just did something for myself; painted my nails! Pink with silver crackle coat. I haven't had my nails painted in ages!

    I'm sorry things aren't going well right now, Michelle. If you need to vent, feel free, I'm a good listener ;)

    And no, I've never tried Zumba. All for you, I'll do that as my workout today....so if you all don't hear from me again, you know that the Zumba video did me in, LOL!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday and a good weekend. We are planning on heading to Six Flags on Sunday as long as my boys are feeling OK. They don't know yet, so it will be a surprise for them and all my walking in the 100+ degree heat will my exercise for the day!

    Michelle- I can totally relate on the painting of your nails. I can't remember the last time I had pink nails. That will probably be my "thing" for myself as well. Hope you don't mind if I'm a bit of a copy cat on that end. And I too, have never tried Zumba, but would love to. That's all I hear and see now. Commercials and MFP are blowing up with Zumba. I will have to check it out.

    My something new is Insanity. I had attempted it before and heavily failed so I guess it's not completely new, but I'm going to give it another shot and stick to it. Today is day 1. Wish me luck lol. I may have a heart attack though... my body is still processing the 3 whoopie pies I ate last night (it was about 800 cals.) <----WTF!?!?!?! (What the hell did I do that for?)

    Amy- Good luck on the Zumba work out. Let me know how it goes. I've been meaning to try it but haven't attempted it yet. Have a blast at Six Flags on Sunday. Your boys will be so excited. That's quite the surprise!

    Have a great weekend ladies! I may not be on as much as usual... we have a jam packed weekend full of family functions. (I will not eat any more whoopie pies, or cake, or ice cream, or ANYTHING WITH PROCESSED SUGAR!) Okay there... now I can't do it because I've told someone else about it and you can all hold me accountable! Yell at me if you see me post bad food on my food journal, and if I bite it, I write it, so what you see is what you get. Seriously, just say WTF?! and I will know what you mean. lol.
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Hi ladies! First off congrats on that amazing milestone Michelle! OMG what an accomplishment!
    I'm having a tough time with some of the components of the challenge this week but we'll see how it goes over the next few days.
    As for trying something new, I did that last night! I went to a zumba class and it was..unreal! I have aweful rhythm and felt so ungirly being unable to wiggle like that haha, but I tried my best, sweated up a storm and I'm going back next week to see if I can improve and give it a fair shot before I try something else. It really was neat though!
    Little girls waking up so I'll check in a bit later, talk to you all soon!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I didn't get any exercise in today, and didn't eat well. My boyfriend and I are having some problems, so I've spent the last 2 nights at my mom's house while she is out of town, to cool down and work on things. My mom has no food in the house, and I am broke - so I've been making do. Without my Wii or the stroller getting some exercise in has been hard. But I'm making it work, and heading home tomorrow morning.

    Trying something new will be hard because I always like to try something new, but I think I may start the 30 day shred - I get bored of work out dvds, so we'll see how it goes, but it's worth a shot!!

    Amy have you tried Zumba? There's lots of videos on youtube and it's sooo much fun!

    Oh and I just did something for myself; painted my nails! Pink with silver crackle coat. I haven't had my nails painted in ages!

    I'm sorry things aren't going well right now, Michelle. If you need to vent, feel free, I'm a good listener ;)

    And no, I've never tried Zumba. All for you, I'll do that as my workout today....so if you all don't hear from me again, you know that the Zumba video did me in, LOL!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday and a good weekend. We are planning on heading to Six Flags on Sunday as long as my boys are feeling OK. They don't know yet, so it will be a surprise for them and all my walking in the 100+ degree heat will my exercise for the day!

    Michelle- I can totally relate on the painting of your nails. I can't remember the last time I had pink nails. That will probably be my "thing" for myself as well. Hope you don't mind if I'm a bit of a copy cat on that end. And I too, have never tried Zumba, but would love to. That's all I hear and see now. Commercials and MFP are blowing up with Zumba. I will have to check it out.

    My something new is Insanity. I had attempted it before and heavily failed so I guess it's not completely new, but I'm going to give it another shot and stick to it. Today is day 1. Wish me luck lol. I may have a heart attack though... my body is still processing the 3 whoopie pies I ate last night (it was about 800 cals.) <----WTF!?!?!?! (What the hell did I do that for?)

    Amy- Good luck on the Zumba work out. Let me know how it goes. I've been meaning to try it but haven't attempted it yet. Have a blast at Six Flags on Sunday. Your boys will be so excited. That's quite the surprise!

    Have a great weekend ladies! I may not be on as much as usual... we have a jam packed weekend full of family functions. (I will not eat any more whoopie pies, or cake, or ice cream, or ANYTHING WITH PROCESSED SUGAR!) Okay there... now I can't do it because I've told someone else about it and you can all hold me accountable! Yell at me if you see me post bad food on my food journal, and if I bite it, I write it, so what you see is what you get. Seriously, just say WTF?! and I will know what you mean. lol.

    Tayla-Have a fun weekend with family! And good luck with the staying away from processed sugar/snacks. I'll check out your food journal for you ;)

    So, I went ahead and found some Zumba videos on Youtube. I made an account and playlist so that they'd play back to back and I did 45 minutes worth. It was hard because I am COMPLETELY unccordinated and have no rhythm, but quite the workout. Thanks for suggesting it Michelle! So now I've done my "something new" challenge for this week.

    I've also been spending time everyday reading on my Kindle on my iPhone. I LOVE to read and haven't (besides stuff I have to read) for at least 2 years, so it's been nice.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Hi ladies! First off congrats on that amazing milestone Michelle! OMG what an accomplishment!
    I'm having a tough time with some of the components of the challenge this week but we'll see how it goes over the next few days.
    As for trying something new, I did that last night! I went to a zumba class and it was..unreal! I have aweful rhythm and felt so ungirly being unable to wiggle like that haha, but I tried my best, sweated up a storm and I'm going back next week to see if I can improve and give it a fair shot before I try something else. It really was neat though!
    Little girls waking up so I'll check in a bit later, talk to you all soon!

    Let me know if you need any help with anything in regards to the challenge or anything else. We're all here to help each other :)

    Congrats on attending a Zumba class. I am impressed of you. I would be way too nervous to even try, because like I posted above I am uncoordinated and have no rhythm!
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Thanks you guys :) Just been a long and frustrating past few days!

    Amy: So glad you tried it! And yay for checking something off the list!! Also have a blast at Six Flags, I wish we had something like that nearby!!

    Tayla: Ohhh Insanity - let me know how you like it! I've been interested in it. Have a blast at family things - I'll be checking your journal! Just keep telling yourself you are SOOO close to the 140s!

    ChellaJKR- Thank you. Let me know if you need a hand with anything. Glad you tried Zumba too. It's such a fun workout.

    I have a friend who sent me a couple Zumba playlists the other day, on youtube, if anyone is interested! I think I'm gonna buy the Zumba game for the Wii too, I think I love it so much because I preprofessionally danced my whole youth, and miss it more than anything!! My goal when I get down to a comfortable weight is to enroll in ballet classes, because I've been dreaming about getting back into it for years, but my weight has held me back.

    Happy Friday all, hope everyone has a great weekend :)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Small NSV for me: I have been doing the Step Ups for the challenge and yesterday I was able to do 62, but today I was able to do 82 of them in the 3 minutes. Yay me! LOL :)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Teams!!
    I hope you are all doing fantastic!!
    I have created a spreadsheet for our group. Please go to it and fill in your points and weight loss for the last 3 weeks. If you are a new person you can give yourself full points for the weeks you where not here. Captains please fill in your Team points (the ones you get for the whole team completing each challenge and the weight loss point and the recipe winner point) I am so glad I finally figured out how to do this! I started to fill in everyones info but figured it would be much easier for everyone to just go there and fill it in themselves.
    We have a pretty large group and now you can see who else is in this challenge on the other teams easier. If you need help let me know but I tried to make it pretty simple.

    If I put anyones info in wrong you can go ahead and just fix it, I am sorry if I did.

    Here is the link.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I have done a recap on the challenges and point system for each week for everyone here is the link:
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Hey guys =) Hope everyone is doing better than me this week. I don't know what my problem is maybe TOM is coming, maybe I'm just not ready to be faced with deliciousness and turn it down.. I'm working out hard to fix what I did at the fair this weekend. Next few days are gonna be sweaty!! I've been doing good with the challenges, I have one more day to do of the step challenge. I like to do it while I watch a show in the evening and break during commercials, it's really fun. Kudos for being able to count though- theres no way I'd be able to!
    For my relaxation I did a craft, it's been AGES since I took time to finish a craft- not since before my kids, I love it and I think it turned out great =) I found a yummy sounding little treat so I might as well post that now before I lose it:

    Fluffy No-Bake Cheesecake
    8 Servings in 9x9 pan

    11 ounces fat-free cream cheese, softened
    1 cup confectioners' sugar
    1 (8 ounce) container fat free frozen whipped topping, thawed
    1 (9 inch) low fat graham cracker pie crust

    In a large bowl, beat cream cheese and confectioners' sugar until smooth. Gently fold in whipped topping. Spoon into crust. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until set.

    Nutritional Info (Per Serving)
    Calories: 292 | Total Fat: 8g | Cholesterol: 3mg

    Like I said I hope everyone is doing well, I hope I can pull off a miracle and get back down by weigh in, and hopefully I'll post the emotional challenge at some point =/ And the plan is to hit Zumba again on Thursday! Hopefully I improve there haha. I like the youtube playlist thing, I've never heard of that! Well back to life ladies, talk to you soon.
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Hey guys, I'm really sorry I've been so MIA lately. I have a lot of crap going on in my life, and part of me thinks I should pull out because it's not fair to our team. I really enjoy being a part of this, so I"m gonna try my best to continue to make an effort. I just wanted you guys to know I'm still working on this all, just not getting onto the computer as often right now.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Happy Monday Girls :)

    I did my step ups for the challenge today. I was able to get 90 done in 3 minutes. I was hoping for more, but my legs didn't want to cooperate, LOL.

    Here's my recipe for the challenge.

    Brownies with Diet Soda

    ~Just take a box of brownie mix and using a mixer, add in a can of diet soda (any flavor you like). Mix until all blended. Do not add in any eggs, oil or water. Pour into greased baking dish and bake according to directions on brownie package. (it may need a couple additional minutes)

    I used Pillsbury Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix and a can of Diet Coke. Here's the nutritional information for 24 brownies:
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Hey guys, I'm really sorry I've been so MIA lately. I have a lot of crap going on in my life, and part of me thinks I should pull out because it's not fair to our team. I really enjoy being a part of this, so I"m gonna try my best to continue to make an effort. I just wanted you guys to know I'm still working on this all, just not getting onto the computer as often right now.

    Don't feel bad, Michelle. I'm so sorry you are going through bad stuff, but we are all here for you. If you need to talk/vent, feel free to post here, on my wall or message me. I'll listen to you :) You are doing great and we are all here to support you!