

  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I thought I had already done the Emotional Challenge, but I guess not, so here goes:

    Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.

    I don't think that my mom has contributed to my weight gain, but definitely to making me feel bad about myself. Growing up, I was always compared to my younger sister and my mom would always say "I hope you don't grow up to be like Amy." I still can hear those words in my head and of course, it has always made me feel bad about myself (and still does to some extent). My way of dealing with it (or actually not dealing with it), was to feed my feelings with food. I figured if my own mom can't like me, then at least I'd make myself happy, which meant eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. However, since I've started eating healthier and losing weight, I am starting to feel a lot better about myself. I'm still not confident, but I don't "hide" as much. I try to be happier and am learning to love myself. I have no relationship with my mom. I haven't talked to her in a little more than a year and I haven't seen her in 3 years (my sister and I both have no relationship with her at all). Our relationship won't change due to weight loss, but at least the weight loss is slowly making me love myself more.
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    This is going to be a tough one... these recipe's sound so good. Will post mine along with my emotional challenge in a few. Just getting settled and starting on my coffee :)
    I did take a day and do some retail therapy for myself (I did have to take the kids but i didn't mind lol). I bought a nice silky tank top from GAP and it's the first thing I've bought in a really long time (a year?). Also got a new sports bra. love it.

    Michelle- We are all here for you and for eachother. At the end of the day, no matter what your decision is, I support you. If you decide to leave the challenge, we will miss you deeply and I will keep in contact with you from here on out. I consider you one of my best MFP buddies. But I will say "Please Don't GO!" ... we love ya here and I think that you are just so great! P.S. the dessert you posted has me drooling lol.

    Amy- umm let me just start off by saying that your brownie mix and a can of diet soda is so simple and sounds yummy! and I'm a sucker for brownies.

    Secondly, my heart dropped right into my stomach when I read your emotional challenge. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I can relate on some level to being compared. It's not fair to you for her to have done that. As a kid, we don't have the right "tools" in place to adequately deal with remarks like that and don't know how to not have it negatively affect us. Actually, most adults I know still have trouble with it, so how can anyone expect a child to be prepared for pain like that? I know from my own personal experience as well. Definiltely an emotionally charged subject for me... I hope that this journey has given you solice through difficult times. :)

    ChellaJKR- I too had that damn TOM this week and it screwed me up royally lol. I am proud of you for pushing through all of that. I am wowed by your perserverance. Amazingly done! And your cheesecake looks scrumptious. :)

    Ladies, you are all AMAZING and I am proud of you all! xoxox
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Weigh in tomorrow, eek, everyone as nervous as me?
    Michelle- DONT GO! I can only speak for myself but I find you inspirational and uplifting and a major asset to our team. Once in a while life throws curveballs but I think we can be patient while you work it out and come back to us full force! I found myself up a few pounds this week and wanted to throw in the towel so you guys weren't disappointed, but then I realized you are all incredible and supportive and the only thing that would disappoint you is if I ran off just because of a blip in the road. I know it's your decision but I hope you stay, and just pop in whenever you can! =)
    Tayla- I never thought of retail therapy, I might need to treat myself to a new sportsbra for relaxation 2.0 =P
    Amy- Your challenge gave me a lot to think about. You are incredible and strong and deserve to love yourself. It's so strange to be treated that way by someone who brought us here and is supposed to be our main love and support, and completely blindsiding to not get validation from a major figure in our lives. Luckily you're a better person and mother for it, and the way she chose to treat you had nothing to do with you, it was all her. It's so unfortunate how it came across the complete opposite!
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Thanks you guys, means a lot to know you're here!!! To sum it up I've been weighing my options of whether to stay with my boyfriend or if I should go. There's been so much going on, and it's been building for the last year or so. But I KNOW I need you guys, because as soon as I get stressed out I've been pigging out (and miraculously NOT gaining!) but I need the support to make sure whatever I decided I don't balloon up from the stress! So I'm here I'm feeling much better and ready to go!

    Mmm. Amy I vote for your recipe (ps. diet soda also works instead of the liquid ingredients in a box cake mix)

    Oh shopping Tayla, always makes me feel so much better!!

    I splurged on a pair of Silver jeans ($118) a few months ago when I thought I was as thin as I would get, they were tight when I bought them though to accomodate for a little weight loss. Well today I put them on they are loose on the thighs, and gapping at the waist! Woohoo I was so stoked when I bought them cause they were a 29 which I hadn't worn in years... well now I guess bring on the 28s! My goal has always been to wear a 27 though, so maybe I'll put up with the baggy jeans until I reach my goal size, before I shell out that kind of money that I do NOT have! haha

    ANNND I did TWO things for myself this week. I also dyed my hair. Just a darker mahogany color. Feels so much better to get rid of my blonde roots (which make me look like I'm gray!)

    As for the challenge, I have done everything. Tried the 30 Day Shred - will start full blown with it next week. Definitely got some dancing in, did my usual walks. Did Step ups, using my couch haha!
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    Cardio- done (tried Insanity again... love it this time around)
    Strength- done (83 step ups in 3 minutes is my best... so far ;))
    Relaxation Challenge- painted my nails hott pink and did a little retail therapy.
    Food Challenge- (from skinnytaste.com)

    No-Bake Fudgy Snow Balls
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 21 • Serving Size: 1 cookie • Old Points: 1 pt • Points+: 2 pts
    Calories: 69.5 • Fat: 3.8 g • Carb: 9.2 g • Fiber: 2.2 g • Protein: 2.1 g

    15 pitted dates
    2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 cup whole roasted unsalted almonds
    1 tbsp honey
    2 tbsp water (or more if needed)
    3 tbsp confectioner's sugar

    You Only need a food processor...
    Add almonds to your food processor and pulse until ground. Add dates, cocoa powder, honey, and water. Mix until it forms a sticky mass. If it seems too dry, add a little water, 1 tsp at a time. Wash hands and using damp hands (keep sink running) measure 1 tbsp and roll into a ball with the dough. Set balls on parchment paper.Put confectioner's sugar in a bowl. Roll balls in your hand and then roll in sugar.
    Can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.
    OMG so good! they are like doughy cookies rolled in powdered sugar!!!

    Emotional Challenge- Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.

    My weight gain goes back to my childhood and our family dynamic just escalated from there. So I have more than one person, but I re-iterate the post from my 1st emotional challenge... as it still stands: My heaviest weight on record was 201 on the day my 1st son was born. However, I was heavier in high school than I was at my son's birth, but I was too scared to step on a scale and put an actual number to my shame, but I can tie back to my childhood. My parents were constantly dealing with my drug addicted older bother (by 7 years), and I was always put on the "back burner", no matter what my question was. Too busy focusing on his "issues" and all of the heartache and chaos that came with it, but without them ever actually coming out an admitting that he might have a problem. So there were so many issues that were swept under the run and never spoken about. I am 26 now, this started when I was 10, and my parents just recently came forward an acknowledged the problem (he's still using). My Mom always put a lot of pressure on me to be thin and always compared me to my older (by 10 years) sister and tried to motivate me by offering to buy a whole new wardrobe "if" I lost weight. Eventually she stopped commenting on my weight, once I hit 125lbs and started complimenting me. THanks MOM! (<--F.U. btw... why didn't you just Love me for who was... no more, no less.) (<---rant)
    Don't worry... I turned out pretty well considering, and now have a great relationship with her and my sister. Nontheless, it was hard to deal, or should I say not deal with all of this at home, and then go to school and be picked on and beat up everyday for being the fat, scrubby kid. I internalized everything, and food was my only comfort. Looking back on it, I had no confidence and so easily allowed others to influence me, and was always seeking other's approval without considering how I would feel no matter the consequences. That's all changed. Thank goodness I met my husband 8 years ago (after a bout of being a gym-a-holic and losing 75 lbs., I weighed 125 and had never looked so good.) He's changed my life for the better. He's helped me regain my confidence, see me for who I really am and the person that I want to be. Sorry for the rant, but I feel better actually having put it into words for the world to see. Yes, I've been through hell, but I'm back and life couldn't be better. :)
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    P.S. i vote for Amy's Brownies and Diet Soda... I love how simple it is too!
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    Ladies I am currently looking for a 5th team member as NinaSparx (Becky) has bowed out of the challenge with grace and style. Please if you can, try to keep in touch with her, as we are all on this social network to achieve the same goal. If you know anyone who would like to join please let me know, first come, first serve :).
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I vote for Michelle's recipe. I love peanut butter and chocolate together, so sounds good to me :)

    Cardio- done (I did Wii Just Dance 2 one day with my boys and I tried Zumba once)
    Strength- done (91 was my highes number)
    Relaxation Challenge- I've been reading on my Kindle a little each day/night
    Food Challenge- (submitted recipe and voted)
    Emotional Challenge-completed

    Now it's just on to tomorrow's weigh in....I hope I lost something, but I'm really doubting it. We shall see!
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Mmm dessert, I vote for the fudgy balls lol. I know the vote won't count but I don't like pop so I didn't wanna lie!
    Emotional challenge- I'll just say that a teenaged boy hurt me very badly when I was a chid, destroyed me. Every time in life that I am reminded that I am a woman (puberty), have girl parts (breastfeeding) or have someone display interest in me physically, my depression spirals out of control. I am medicated but it's not a perfect system, the only true satisfaction is yummy food and knowing that it will make me fat and hide my parts and keep me undesirable. It's hard to know if I'll be okay if I lose weight, only time will tell, but I found someone I trust and loves me no matter what, and he deserves to have a healthy, happy, run around and play catch kind of partner in life. And it's about time that I love myself regardless of what shape I am, I certainly don't when I'm round and unable to fit any clothes. So I'll say I'm responsible for my weight gain, because as I lose weight and gain more confidence I'll be able to forgive myself for letting this happen- I won't be able to forgive anyone else!

    Cardio: 1
    Strength: 1
    Food Challenge: 1
    Relaxation Challenge: 1
    Emotional Challenge: 1

    Good luck on weigh-ins in the morning (including self)!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am going to start a New Thread for Week 5 so it is easier to see the challenge, I will do this each week. Everyone come and say hello. We will complete the weigh in and Recipe challenge here for this week.
    Week 5 Link
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Good morning!

    MFP Start:180
    SAHMU Start: 169
    Week 3: 169
    Week 4: 168
    Total: -1

    That was the hardest pound I've ever lost. A lot of sweat went into that. I found myself up FIVE pounds during this week and didn't know if I'd be able to get it off in time for the weigh in. PHEW! I did it, I did it, I did it =) Anyone else sing Dora on a regular basis? haha

    What do you all think of the new challenge? I LOVE the daily workout challenge. I'm going for 4000 calories, wish me luck! Happy weigh-ins =D
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Good morning!

    MFP Start:180
    SAHMU Start: 169
    Week 3: 169
    Week 4: 168
    Total: -1

    That was the hardest pound I've ever lost. A lot of sweat went into that. I found myself up FIVE pounds during this week and didn't know if I'd be able to get it off in time for the weigh in. PHEW! I did it, I did it, I did it =) Anyone else sing Dora on a regular basis? haha

    What do you all think of the new challenge? I LOVE the daily workout challenge. I'm going for 4000 calories, wish me luck! Happy weigh-ins =D

    Congrats on your weight loss. I had to laugh at the Dora mention because even though my sons don't watch Dora, we do actually sing it around our house. I immediately started singing along when I read your post. :)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Starting MFP Weight 177 (My heighest weight was 223 when starting in my journey in September, 2010)
    Starting SAHMU Weight 141
    Week 1 Weight 141
    Week 2 Weight 138
    Week 3 Weight 138
    Week 4 Weight 137

    Down 1 lb. YAY! :)

    I am REALLY nervous about the challenge this week. I NEVER have huge calorie burns, so that part is going to be really hard for me. Also, I don't know what some of the exercises are that we are supposed to do, so it looks like I'll be doing some googling!
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    Good Morning! Congrats on the losses ladies! First off, congrats Amy on your win for the recipe challenge. I am posting it in the main thread as we speak.

    Okay so here are my stats:

    Starting SAHMU Weight 156
    Week 1 Weight 152.9
    Week 2 Weight 151.8
    Week 3 Weight 151.8
    Week 4 Weight 150.2

    Down 1.6 lbs.

    Ugh- two OUNCES away from the 140's LOL! Seriously that's gonna bug me all day now. :/

    Once Michelle posts her stats then I will tally for everyone and post the final results and points here ...
    SO far here are the Team stats:

    Amy- 1lb and 5 points
    ChellaJKR- -1 lb and 5 points
    Michelle- 5 points
    Tayla- 1.6 lbs and 5 points

    We have a new member and I will introduce her once I send her the challenge info and she accepts. Great Job this week ladies!!!
    Also, look for the Week 5 Team Thread as I will be posting it shortly with this coming weeks challenge! BEST OF LUCK!
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Hey guys, am I the only one on the west coast? I'm always last to post!

    Anyways I just woke up and I'm pretty freaking excited that I still had a loss after my pretty slack week!

    Starting SAHMU Weight 154
    Week 1 Weight 153
    Week 2 Weight 150.4
    Week 3 Weight 150.2
    Week 4 Weight 148.4

    Down 1.6!

    OHHH Tayla Soooo close... That was exactly what I weighed on week 3, so frustrating to be OUNCES away, but you'll definitely be there next week!!

    Woohoo. Everyone did great this week! Congrats :)