No eating past 6pm?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've always heard that it's less about when you stop eating and more about the time between then and when you go to bed. Basically, you burn more calories when you're awake than when you're asleep so if you eat within a certain time before sleeping more of those calories don't get used and go to storage. Now, if what you're eating before bed is an apple...not so bad; low calories, no fat, doesn't take a lot to burn it off. If it's a chocolate bar or heaping pile of pasta, no way will your body use that and hello storage-fat matter where you are on your calorie intake for the day. If that's your normal thing then you won't notice a difference because its status quo. If you stop eating calories you won't burn both before bed and while sleeping you won't loose weight any faster, you just won't be putting more on to burn.

    I know quite a few people who believe that theory! To the others who are saying you're wrong...why don't you explain your reasoning? At least she took the time.

    Personally I eat dinner late, around 9 p.m. every day because that's when it fits my schedule. I have done this much of my adult life, and most of that time I've been a healthy weight. But one anecedotal experience does not mean much, There is conflicting medical evidence on the subject of whether late night eating effects weight gain/loss.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I've always heard that it's less about when you stop eating and more about the time between then and when you go to bed. Basically, you burn more calories when you're awake than when you're asleep so if you eat within a certain time before sleeping more of those calories don't get used and go to storage. Now, if what you're eating before bed is an apple...not so bad; low calories, no fat, doesn't take a lot to burn it off. If it's a chocolate bar or heaping pile of pasta, no way will your body use that and hello storage-fat matter where you are on your calorie intake for the day. If that's your normal thing then you won't notice a difference because its status quo. If you stop eating calories you won't burn both before bed and while sleeping you won't loose weight any faster, you just won't be putting more on to burn.

    Sorry but you are wrong.

    Totally agree. That person above you is WRONG!

    ...Ok, so you guys think she's incorrect. We get it.
    But seriously, do you have to be so brash about it?
    Everyone has an opinion here.

    Telling someone they are wrong =/= to bashing
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    I've always heard that it's less about when you stop eating and more about the time between then and when you go to bed. Basically, you burn more calories when you're awake than when you're asleep so if you eat within a certain time before sleeping more of those calories don't get used and go to storage. Now, if what you're eating before bed is an apple...not so bad; low calories, no fat, doesn't take a lot to burn it off. If it's a chocolate bar or heaping pile of pasta, no way will your body use that and hello storage-fat matter where you are on your calorie intake for the day. If that's your normal thing then you won't notice a difference because its status quo. If you stop eating calories you won't burn both before bed and while sleeping you won't loose weight any faster, you just won't be putting more on to burn.

    Sorry but you are wrong.

    Totally agree. That person above you is WRONG!

    ...Ok, so you guys think she's incorrect. We get it.
    But seriously, do you have to be so brash about it?
    Everyone has an opinion here.

    Telling someone they are wrong =/= to bashing
    Are you referring to my comment?
    First of all, I said BRASH not BASH. Those are two different things.

    I think there's a more polite way to say that someone is incorrect or you disagree with their statement.
    Saying something like, "Oh, well I disagree with this statement" & then GIVING a reason why you disagree is a lot more helpful than "This person is WRONG." We're all here to learn & grow, but snuffing someone's post so brashly - who may have their facts incorrect or the unpopular opinion - is not the best way to go about it.
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    I've always heard that it's less about when you stop eating and more about the time between then and when you go to bed. Basically, you burn more calories when you're awake than when you're asleep so if you eat within a certain time before sleeping more of those calories don't get used and go to storage. Now, if what you're eating before bed is an apple...not so bad; low calories, no fat, doesn't take a lot to burn it off. If it's a chocolate bar or heaping pile of pasta, no way will your body use that and hello storage-fat matter where you are on your calorie intake for the day. If that's your normal thing then you won't notice a difference because its status quo. If you stop eating calories you won't burn both before bed and while sleeping you won't loose weight any faster, you just won't be putting more on to burn.

    I know quite a few people who believe that theory! To the others who are saying you're wrong...why don't you explain your reasoning? At least she took the time.

    Thank you. Exactly.
    That's why I got so bent out of shape about people's comments!
  • Chainsaw_Flowerchild
    I'm a big fan of not being hungry. I've read that you shouldn't eat 2 hours before bed and that is doesn't matter. Everyone seems to have an opinion on these things and even claim to have facts to back them up. Of course that causes the other opinion to need facts for them too. So what we are left with is a bunch of opinions and facts that don't conclusively answer the questions.

    I say eat when your hungry because a doctor in Helsinki Finland may not be right, but your still not comfortable.