Valentines day challenge?!?!



  • livinglifeandlovingit
    Hey yall...I forgot to do my measurements this morning so I will do them tomorrow and post them.

    What is everyone's August goals????

    My August goals are to complete w5 of the c25k. I finished w5d1 today. I am also making sure to stay active at least 6 days of the week and keeping Sunday as my rest day. I have already made a lifestyle change with my eating habits. Thanks to my sister. I am trying to lose 10 lbs by the end of this month, but I am not sure if I am going to make it as the scale doesn't show me losing weight, however my clothes are much more loose. Well I don't want to continue to ramble. So tell me, what are your goals for August.
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Hey yall...I forgot to do my measurements this morning so I will do them tomorrow and post them.

    What is everyone's August goals????

    Well...this is my first week with MFP, and I thought hey, I'm going to lose at least a pound this week. And I didn't...I didn't lose or gain anything. so...i'll be happy just to at least get down to 210!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Name: Amber
    Challenge starting weight: 174
    End of challenge goal weight: 130
    Plan to get to your goal weight: Drinking at least 8 glasses/day
    Watching sodium intake
    Staying under calories
    Completing c25k
    Gym at least 3 times/week
    Challenge starting measurements:
    Neck: 13.4
    Chest: 38
    Arms: R: 13.5 Forearm: 9.5 L: 13.6 Forearm: 9.5
    Waist: 37
    Hips: 41.2
    Thighs: R: 20.5 L: 22

    August challenge: 10 miles/week of either walking, running, or biking; finish weeks 2-4 of c25k.
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    So, I had my husband take my measurements and I'm going to disregard all previous measurements and start from here, having him take my measurements for consistency .
    Name: Kristi, aka SpecialK_Flett

    Challenge starting weight: 192 lbs

    End of challenge goal weight: 153 lbs

    Your Plan to get to your goal weight: Maintain a calorie goal conducive to a pound and a half per week weight loss and to alternate days between my interval treadmill work out and Wii Fit Yoga. My goal for the treadmill is to start off with 30mins at a 3.5 incline, 2.5mph base and a 4.5 incline, 3.5mph sprint and increase my time by 5 mins every 2 weeks until I'm doing 45 mins at my starting speeds. Then I will do 2 weeks of 30 mins at 3 and 4 mph respectively. Once again, upping my time by 5 mins every 2 weeks until I'm doing 45 mins. Finally, my final goal will be 30, eventually increasing to 45, mins at 3.5 and 4.5 mph respectively.

    My Yoga Goal is to add a new pose every time, always doing at least 30 minutes every session. When the kids are back in school, my husband and I are going to look into Hot Yoga. We thought that, in addition to improving flexibility and balance, it would be a great thing to do ‘together’. Kind of an alone time thing :)

    Challenge Starting Measurements: (I will take these when I get home and fill them in)
    neck: 15"
    chest: 43 1/4"
    arms: left and right L-11 7/8", R-13 1/8" (can you tell I'm right handed, lol)
    waist: 41"
    hips: 45 1/2"
    thighs: left and right L-24 1/2", R-24 3/8"

    My regular weigh in day is Thursday so I will be updating my weight then. I will also update my measurements every 2 weeks as this is my 'usual' routine.

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • x_sotonguetied
    Hey yall...I forgot to do my measurements this morning so I will do them tomorrow and post them.

    What is everyone's August goals????

    i think for me august is really a "getting back on track for serious" month. getting back in the habit of eating better and working out... losing a few pounds wouldn't hurt, either lol.
  • Karen_need_2lose
    I haven't did my measurement yet. I have to buy a new measurement tape.

    But my August goals is to lost a toal of 8 pounds. I have lost 3 so far.
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Hey yall I hope everyone reads this. I have made a new thread for august for us. Please follow the link!