10 pound countdown to the New Year....



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    here's our New Year's 10 pound countdown crew so far....

    chrissyh - 10
    yellow_pepper - 5
    lcorrell14 - 10
    plantlady - 10

    I think sweettart will join us...

    Everyone is welcome - quote this and add you name to the list!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Welcome everyone that has now joined - we have a lot of support in this one!

    We will check in on Mondays since that's when the challenge started but updates throughout the week would be great to keep each of us motivated.
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    Count Me In!
    Today 206 even though i was 204 yesterday...maybe the scale was off
    so today 206
    and by new year 196

    im ready to break the 200s by new years!
  • looovely_x3
    I'll join if it isn't too late as well (:

    but I just want to lose 8lbs not 10 thanks,
    good luck everyone
    STACYESPARZA Posts: 308 Member
    STACYESPARZA Posts: 308 Member
    Ok so monday is the check in day!!
    Good motivation to be on good behavior through the weekends!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Updated group....here's our New Year's 10 pound countdown crew so far....

    chrissyh - 10
    cyberswitch - 10
    dewpearl - 4
    familygirl37167 - 10
    lcorrell14 - 10
    marshall153 - 10
    menjivas - 5
    our5cooks - 10
    sweettart - 10
    yellow_pepper - 5
  • DjBliss05
    I would like to join, too!!

    CW: 219

    GW: 209

    That would get me out of the 210s and into a really pretty New Years outfit!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    What a great group we have - here's everyone so far and what they hope to countdown for the New Year...

    chrissyh 10
    connieq288 8
    cyberswitch 10
    dewpearl 4
    familygirl37167 10
    HOOLAHAY20 10
    jawalsh1 10
    kwill23 6
    lcorrell14 10
    marshall153 10
    mbb8682 10
    menjivas 5
    mommared53 5
    our5cooks 10
    pixiestick 10
    sweettart 10
    wlhanisch 10
    yellow_pepper 5
    plantlady99 10
    hgam1 10
    renae5 10
    natalia221 10
    newmk08 7
    drevans_mom 10
    DjBliss05 10
    looovely_x3 8
    BeGorgeous 10

    Keep us updated on progress but we'll officially check in on Mondays - you can post it or send me a PM and I'll post all of our progress......

    The ball is dropping and the countdown has begun--we need **** Clark! :laugh:
  • DjBliss05
    Heh, love that you had to censor Mr. Clark's first name!! LoL.

    So I'll add another "Must drink water!" to the chant! I'm really terrible with the water. I just broke down and bought a big thing of bottled water to make myself drink at least one or two a day... I've probably had two all week! Terrible...

    I plan on getting back to the gym very soon (hopefully today) and keeping up with 4x a week in the gym. I also plan to get back on track with counting calories and staying within my goals. I was off track for a few weeks because I decided I needed to take a break to quit smoking first. Now I am smoke free for 4 days (and a half!) and ready to get back to work.
    STACYESPARZA Posts: 308 Member
    try those little no calorie flavor packets in your water...
    I put some in mine and it really helps with the water...
    I also eat spicy so I tend to drink more too...
    Just some tips
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Heh, love that you had to censor Mr. Clark's first name!! LoL.

    How funny - I actually typed it and I guess we have a great site to censor for us! I didn't even think about it.

    I find I can drink a lot more water faster if at room temp. If it's ice cold I like it ok but I find that I chug and I REALLY chug it down at room temp--my husband makes fun of me cuz I drink about 8 oz in one drink!

    spicy foods is a great way to get it in - here I am talking water and I just realized I've been busy at work and haven't had any - off to a 32 oz haven of Smart Water!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Heh, love that you had to censor Mr. Clark's first name!! LoL.

    How funny - I actually typed it and I guess we have a great site to censor for us! I didn't even think about it.

    I find I can drink a lot more water faster if at room temp. If it's ice cold I like it ok but I find that I chug and I REALLY chug it down at room temp--my husband makes fun of me cuz I drink about 8 oz in one drink!

    spicy foods is a great way to get it in - here I am talking water and I just realized I've been busy at work and haven't had any - off to a 32 oz haven of Smart Water!

    Im the opposite. My water has to be ice cold or else I cant drink it. If its really cold it tastes so good then.

  • hgam1
    hgam1 Posts: 237 Member
    Is there going to be an official weigh in day?? To check in once a week or something?

    Marvellous idea this...so, are we going to have an official day to weigh in?

    Actually someone should try and convince Tall_t to join this challenge. She'll soon whip it all into shape and organise it all....She is superb!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I just wanted to let you everyone in the 10lb challenge that I am already 4.8lbs down!!!!! I wasn't going to weight myself till sat but I just couldnt take it anymore!!!!!

    Good Luck Everyone!!!!!! :drinker:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I would like to lose 5. Well I would like to lose 10 or 15, but I'm shooting for 5. I really need to get under the stupid 160's.

    right now I'm 162 goal is 157.
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    When I first joined this fab challenge, I was 221lbs, I've been doing really well - even if I do say so myself, so, I think the losing 10 pounds is a definate goal for me, I've lost 5 pounds since my last posting, so I stand corrected: I CAN DO THIS by New Year :bigsmile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Sweettart and Jackie_W you are doing great! I've lost 1.6 since we started so 7.2 to go--I am less than 5 pounds away from getting out of the 200s and a loss of over 40.......(see me biting my finger nails!)

    Official weigh in will be on Monday!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Chrissyh: Keep up the great work! You can and will do this!
    Remember......:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Anyone know a hypnotist - maybe they could get us to drink more water.......

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I'm drinking I'm drinking!