25 by Halloween ( closed group )



  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    okay so here are the results of the first week! ( sorry I am backed up and behind so we are a week behind sorry bout that.) this is how the last group i was in did the results, hope this is okay with everyone. These are the only people i got weights for.
    THIS WEEKS CHALLENGE IS TO DRINK MORE WATER!!!! weights are do in by tomorrow asap and that winner will choose the challenge starting on labor day!!

    susanjackson 147 145.8

    stabenowrj 227.1 219.2

    annalobdell 315 311.8

    wzimmerman 183.4 183.4

    sthum 253 250.8

    monicabredwell 164.2 161.2

    rileydi 214 209
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    My weight stayed the same. 145.8 Everyone have a great day!
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    okay so I am such a crappy leader. I ahve been so jammed pack busy I ahve let he team down. I just cant be in charge if this challenge. Can someone take over?
  • sthum
    sthum Posts: 25
    Hey all!!!
    Im gonna be recording the weights from now on..So everyone who still wants to participate, friend me , send me a message with your weights by 6pm (starting to where you are now) and I will post asap!!

    Im excited to get back on track and loose some more!!! We can do this!!! =)
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    thanks you girl!!!!!
  • sthum
    sthum Posts: 25
    Hey Ladies!!

    I didnt get any weights...Hopefully everyone is still on track!!

    Message me current weights and I will chart them for some extra motivation!! Remember to Drink Drink Drink!!!! =D
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    like me i thinkk the group flopped :(