

  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Processed and fast foods, bad.
    Fresh fruits, Vegetables, Whole grains, Lean Meats and Fish, Nuts and Low fat Dairy, Good
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    Good Food - Greek Yoghurt (Best breakfast ever, mix it with fruit, honey, cereal, protein powder, anything)

    Bad food - white sliced bread. Once you stop eating it you'll never miss it. If I have it now it just makes me feel bloated and gross.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    read will see..good luck
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    CAP LOCK no cap lock

    McDonalds - bad Salad - good
  • Olivia1977
    Olivia1977 Posts: 84 Member
    There is no good and no bad foods just some foods should be eaten in moderation and some should be eaten more of. It's common sense....less fat and sugar but more protien and fiber.
  • ajk828
    ajk828 Posts: 335
  • wijac10
    wijac10 Posts: 47
    Good Food - Greek Yoghurt (Best breakfast ever, mix it with fruit, honey, cereal, protein powder, anything)

    Bad food - white sliced bread. Once you stop eating it you'll never miss it. If I have it now it just makes me feel bloated and gross.

    any suggestions of what to eat instead of "white sliced bread" other than brown bread? i swear im addicted to white bread
  • alz139
    alz139 Posts: 36
    To be honest, I dont think there's an exact answer to your question. For example some people class dairy as good other think its bad. Some things are more obvious like chips, cakes etc. I've been taught to think of low fat foods as bad as they ften hve more sugar than the full fat alternatives. Dont know though!

    My rule of thumb is generally, the more processed the worse, but doesnt always work
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Made by Nature= Good, Made by Man= Bad. All fast food other then salads without dressing are generally bad. Butter is good, Fake butter ie margarine or spreads made with vegetable oils is bad. Use real fats when you eat them not chemically engineered fats. Eat your eggs and avoid fake eggs or egg substitutes. Again eat what comes from nature first and foremost.. Good Luck
  • good foods are blueberries it increases your metabolism by 30%
    water is good
    flaxseed also boosts the metabalism and even helps the comlpexion and high cholesteral
    b6 helps get rid of exes water weight.
    whole grains are healthy
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Well in general. . stay away from overly processed foods, foods that are high in sodium or sugar will inhibit weight loss. .. anything white is a no. . white pasta, bread, sugar, flour. ..

    Choose whole grains and things that are as raw as possible.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Bad foods sometimes have mold on them or smell funny. Occasionally they ooze. You shouldn't eat those.
  • Really?

    ^^^^ This
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Bad foods sometimes have mold on them or smell funny. Occasionally they ooze. You shouldn't eat those.

    Sage advice there. Wish I would have known last week.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Bad = Any ingredients you can't identify (if you did a line-up, would you know what it is?)
    Good = Everything else, in moderation, governed by rationality
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    CAP LOCK no cap lock

    This ^^^
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member

    THIS! X's 100,000,000
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Bad foods sometimes have mold on them or smell funny. Occasionally they ooze. You shouldn't eat those.

    You do not know the latest diet!!! The mayo diet. Let a jar of mayo on the counter for a few days then eat a sponfull every few days. I've losty 20 pounds in 2 weeks....the fainting is a bit anoying I have to say.
  • evesacks
    evesacks Posts: 94 Member
    I think there are red amber and green food.

    Red - don't eat - processed food, refined carbs, white sugar, artificial sweetners,
    Amber - eat but excess some degree of caution if you want to lose weight - dairy, fruit, healthy carbs
    Green - eat lots day - lean protein, veggies, pulses