
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Made by Nature= Good, Made by Man= Bad.

    the best answer yet
  • Sara Lee makes a low calorie bread, only 45 calories a slice and I think about 10 carbs. I love my bread and this is what I eat. Alos Publix has their own low calorie bread that is 40 calories a slice. I like the Publix brand better :)
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    Good food goes outside to do its business
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Good Food - Greek Yoghurt (Best breakfast ever, mix it with fruit, honey, cereal, protein powder, anything)

    Bad food - white sliced bread. Once you stop eating it you'll never miss it. If I have it now it just makes me feel bloated and gross.

    any suggestions of what to eat instead of "white sliced bread" other than brown bread? i swear im addicted to white bread

    I was addicted to it too, but after a few days I didn't miss it at all!! The bloating is gone, I just feel better! Multigrain bread is very yummy (I don't consider it brown bread but you might) but I don't eat a lot of that either anymore. My fave bread of all time is called Ancient Grains, yum!
  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    Made by Nature= Good, Made by Man= Bad.
    Excellent way to sum it up!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Good Food - Greek Yoghurt (Best breakfast ever, mix it with fruit, honey, cereal, protein powder, anything)

    Bad food - white sliced bread. Once you stop eating it you'll never miss it. If I have it now it just makes me feel bloated and gross.

    any suggestions of what to eat instead of "white sliced bread" other than brown bread? i swear im addicted to white bread
    Pepperidge Farms Light Style Bread/ Oatmeal. It is a low cal bread that doesn't taste like cardboard.
  • Minoesh
    Minoesh Posts: 105 Member
    Made by Nature= Good, Made by Man= Bad.

    the best answer yet

    Great answer - short, sweet and accurate! :-)
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member

    omg if i personlly ate according to that i would weigh 400 pounds LOL , maybe turn that upside down and it works for me.

    oh and by the way the pyramid is out date officaily, look up nutrion plate, slightly more accurate
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    chocolate brownies are goooooooooooood.... but so bad..... but so gooooooooooooooooood!
  • natali_sh92
    natali_sh92 Posts: 37 Member
    how would we rate diet coke on this good-bad scale? I have a horrendous addiction to sugar and chocolate (dont we all) and cant get by without it. so ive substituted sugar for one can of zitrus diet coke a day (or less) and one 100cal bar of chocolate a day (or less, but lets face it, usually it isnt less). So im just wondering whether im kidding myself here or not?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    how would we rate diet coke on this good-bad scale? I have a horrendous addiction to sugar and chocolate (dont we all) and cant get by without it. so ive substituted sugar for one can of zitrus diet coke a day (or less) and one 100cal bar of chocolate a day (or less, but lets face it, usually it isnt less). So im just wondering whether im kidding myself here or not?

    not great but pretty darn sure one wont kill ya.
  • natali_sh92
    natali_sh92 Posts: 37 Member
    how would we rate diet coke on this good-bad scale? I have a horrendous addiction to sugar and chocolate (dont we all) and cant get by without it. so ive substituted sugar for one can of zitrus diet coke a day (or less) and one 100cal bar of chocolate a day (or less, but lets face it, usually it isnt less). So im just wondering whether im kidding myself here or not?

    not great but pretty darn sure one wont kill ya.

    yeah but will it hinder weight loss? i mean its within my calorie and carb allowance, but i dont know whether there is anything in there hindering the weight loss process
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I'll give the OP the benefit of the doubt.

    Not all of us are computer savvy and by the looks of it she genuinley seems to want to lose weight?

    As *some* others have said good foods are fresh and unprocessed (IE not out of a packet) so this includes the majority of fruit / salad and veggies. Try to have at least 5 helping of these a day (I do this by having a side salad with lunch and a few veggies with dinner!)

    Cut back (and I mean really moderate) fizzy drinks, crisps, chocolate, ready meals, take aways, cheese, alcohol.

    Aim to make as much of you food as possible as you can from scratch.

    Opt for lean meats (chicken and turkey are my staples)

    Log everything you eat, use you diary to plan in advance.

    Good luck!
  • how would we rate diet coke on this good-bad scale? I have a horrendous addiction to sugar and chocolate (dont we all) and cant get by without it. so ive substituted sugar for one can of zitrus diet coke a day (or less) and one 100cal bar of chocolate a day (or less, but lets face it, usually it isnt less). So im just wondering whether im kidding myself here or not?

    not great but pretty darn sure one wont kill ya.

    yeah but will it hinder weight loss? i mean its within my calorie and carb allowance, but i dont know whether there is anything in there hindering the weight loss process

    Not for me it didn't. I use it as a little treat, and it really helps when I have a sweet craving because it tastes sweet without the calories. It's pretty horrific for you nutritionally speaking but I wouldn't have thought it would hinder weighloss, unless for some it could act as a 'gateway' food- leading them to crave high cal sweets
  • natali_sh92
    natali_sh92 Posts: 37 Member
    how would we rate diet coke on this good-bad scale? I have a horrendous addiction to sugar and chocolate (dont we all) and cant get by without it. so ive substituted sugar for one can of zitrus diet coke a day (or less) and one 100cal bar of chocolate a day (or less, but lets face it, usually it isnt less). So im just wondering whether im kidding myself here or not?

    not great but pretty darn sure one wont kill ya.

    yeah but will it hinder weight loss? i mean its within my calorie and carb allowance, but i dont know whether there is anything in there hindering the weight loss process

    Not for me it didn't. I use it as a little treat, and it really helps when I have a sweet craving because it tastes sweet without the calories. It's pretty horrific for you nutritionally speaking but I wouldn't have thought it would hinder weighloss, unless for some it could act as a 'gateway' food- leading them to crave high cal sweets

    sounds good to me. I mean other than that i eat really well and try include all good stuff (veg, fruit, protein) every day too. So I think I will allow myself this nutritional horror
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member

    I hear soaking oreos in windex is tasty.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    CAP LOCK no cap lock
    CAP LOCK=bad
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think classifying food into "good" or "bad" categories is unhelpful. It hints at a moral classification which some people use to beat others over the head with. I eat "good" food therefore I am superior to you poor lowly MSF who eats "bad" food (more commonly known as junk food) and I am therefore a better person. Honestly, some clean eaters are so self righteous the need a swift drop kick...

    It is better to think of food in terms of nutrient density, especially if fat loss goals. Nutrient density is the ratio of nutrients a food provides in comparsion to its energy (ie calorie) content. In essence, food which will give you the most amount of nutrients for the least amount of calories. Generally, the nearer a food is to its natural state the more nutrient densce it will be eg, fresh fruit and veg, lean meats, fish, eggs and so on.

    On the opposite end of the spectrum is energy dense food. They supply lots of calories for little nutrients and little volume of food consumed. The more processed something is generally the more energy dense it will be. So, commercially baked products like pastries and donuts, refined sugar, booze, chocolate etc,

    A workable fat loss diet, for most people at least, will involve food from both categories (everything in moderation.) However, it will certainly include more items from the first category than the second.
  • Thank you I wasn't trying to be ignorant nor trying to cause offence I am simply asking as I was raised on junk food (fizzy pop/fast food etc) so there fore I have come to ask for help not to be made fun of!!

    Thank you to those who did and were and are helping me. x