Turkey Bacon is a LIE



  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    Bacon for me is a treat. It's not something I eat every day, or even every week (or heck, I haven't had any bacon for well over a month). So if I eat bacon, it's the real bacon.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    DK is correct.

    Jade, you must still be under the impression that high cholesterol is the cause of heart disease. Saturated fat is not the cause of clogged arteries. Please do your research before you try insulting someone.


    High cholesterol most certainly is a huge risk factor for getting heart disease. Consuming large amounts of processed meat also puts one at higher risk for heart disease and high cholesterol. And there are many things that can contribute to clogged arteries, a couple of those being cholesterol consumption and vitamin c deficiency.
  • Dkenny74
    Dkenny74 Posts: 26 Member
    I once read a report about how turkey bacon is most definitely NOT a better choice health-wise than the real thing. It specifically referred to the exhaustive list of additives and higher sodium content as the reason. So you are right. Turkey bacon IS a lie!!

    And real bacon is artery clogger. .. it takes the body 4 days to digest red meat and 2 for lean white meat such as chicken.

    Real Bacon does not clog arteries. It can be part of a healthy diet. Arteries in the us are clogged with manufactured fats from Vegetables.

    Hmm thanks for the enlightenment (insert severe sarcasm). . . . must come from the farmers association.com. . . Just like the gotta drink milk commercials by the beef association. . . what a joke. . . . .

    No not a joke. You have Sarcasm I have science. The lipid hypothesis was founded on junk science. Heart disease in our country is a result of Trans-fatty acids pushed by among others, the industry that brings us soy products.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    DK is correct.

    Jade, you must still be under the impression that high cholesterol is the cause of heart disease. Saturated fat is not the cause of clogged arteries. Please do your research before you try insulting someone.


    High cholesterol most certainly is a huge risk factor for getting heart disease. Consuming large amounts of processed meat also puts one at higher risk for heart disease and high cholesterol. And there are many things that can contribute to clogged arteries, a couple of those being cholesterol consumption and vitamin c deficiency.

    Yes. . .exactly why my dads MD told him to only eat lean meats. . . increase fiber etc. . . .I was not out to insult anyone. . . Just saying anything in moderation is fine, but beyond that. . you are looking at health problems down the road. .. Organic turkey bacon is much leaner and healthier to be putting in your body. .

    And is is a fact that it takes the body longer to process red meat than lean white meats. . .So what people choose to put in their bodies is up to them. ..
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    High cholesterol most certainly is a huge risk factor for getting heart disease. Consuming large amounts of processed meat also puts one at higher risk for heart disease and high cholesterol. And there are many things that can contribute to clogged arteries, a couple of those being cholesterol consumption and vitamin c deficiency.

    No... it's not. I will agree that processed meats are not good for you, but not because of cholesterol.

    Total cholesterol IS NOT a key indicator for heart disease. Even LDL isn't that strong of an indicator (there are more than one type of LDL). Your HDL and triglycerides are much stronger in predicting your risk.

    Your body needs cholesterol. When you have inflammation, your body uses cholesterol to repair where the inflammation occurs. If you have too much vLDL (and not enough HDL) in your body, these can get stuck and that's how you get "plaque" buildup.

    Edit: I'll stop trying to convince who ever doesn't believe. Not everything your doctor (or big pharma) says is 100% accurate. I just hope that this encourages you to do your own research and to question "common knowledge".
  • Dkenny74
    Dkenny74 Posts: 26 Member
    Of course the quality of bacon makes a difference. Un-cured vs cured, with or with out nitrates.
    I feel bad for bacon. It's kinda like the poor egg. Slandered by bad science.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    Yup, turkey bacon is processed floor scrapings basically. They tumble the bones, connective tissues, etc in a giant centrifuge thing that strips the bits and pieces off. It then gets mashed and ground together with some of the organs then washed in lye to disinfect it, then washed and rinsed again. Then formed into "bacon".
    OK, I think I just threw up a little. ack2.gif

    I've never bought turkey "bacon". I stick to either center cut or look for a very lean thick cut package. Also, a better way to cook it is to lay the strips on a broiler pan and bake it in the oven for about 20 minutes. Most of the grease will drip down through the slots. it also keeps it pretty flat. Then peel off each piece and lay it on a paper towel and blot off the excess.
  • I only eat lois rich low sodium turkey bacon... I don't like regular bacon, never have - it upsets my stomach, greasy as heck and its nasty. must be your selection.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    High cholesterol most certainly is a huge risk factor for getting heart disease. Consuming large amounts of processed meat also puts one at higher risk for heart disease and high cholesterol. And there are many things that can contribute to clogged arteries, a couple of those being cholesterol consumption and vitamin c deficiency.

    No... it's not. I will agree that processed meats are not good for you, but not because of cholesterol.

    Total cholesterol IS NOT a key indicator for heart disease. Even LDL isn't that strong of an indicator (there are more than one type of LDL). Your HDL and triglycerides are much stronger in predicting your risk.

    Your body needs cholesterol. When you have inflammation, your body uses cholesterol to repair where the inflammation occurs. If you have too much vLDL (and not enough HDL) in your body, these can get stuck and that's how you get "plaque" buildup.

    Edit: I'll stop trying to convince who ever doesn't believe. Not everything your doctor (or big pharma) says is 100% accurate. I just hope that this encourages you to do your own research and to question "common knowledge".

    Please give me links to research articles that show cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart disease, as well as some evidence that cholesterol from animal products is good for you.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Please give me links to research articles that show cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart disease, as well as some evidence that cholesterol from animal products is good for you.

    Here's a good start.

  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Oh geezus people, come on. If you're eating bacon once in a while as a treat, having the real thing isn't going to be harmful. if you're scarfing it down everyday, then yeah it's not going to be good for you. I personally think that refined sugars are much more harmful than animal fats but whatevs.

    Just eat what you want to eat, being nasty to others b/c of their choices isn't helpful at all.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Please give me links to research articles that show cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart disease, as well as some evidence that cholesterol from animal products is good for you.

    Here's a good start.


    1. Not a research article

    2. Can't really read it unless I have a subscription. I'd like to see the references. So maybe find me one in there you think is good evidence?
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I apologize if I came off as insulting. . . I truly only want to help others. . .I watched my father go through bypass surgery heart attack and a whole slew of health problems that were due largely to his diet.

    This is one of the reasons that I am training in health and nutrition as well as I am training to be a physical trainer. . In hopes that I can help to educate people before these problems become irreversable. . . Which with my dad there was a limited amount that we could do. .

    Here is a link that I think might explain it well. .

  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Oh geezus people, come on. If you're eating bacon once in a while as a treat, having the real thing isn't going to be harmful. if you're scarfing it down everyday, then yeah it's not going to be good for you. I personally think that refined sugars are much more harmful than animal fats but whatevs.

    Just eat what you want to eat, being nasty to others b/c of their choices isn't helpful at all.
    This ^^^
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Please give me links to research articles that show cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart disease, as well as some evidence that cholesterol from animal products is good for you.

    Here's a good start.


    1. Not a research article

    2. Can't really read it unless I have a subscription. I'd like to see the references. So maybe find me one in there you think is good evidence?

  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    Greta, first it was the cake, and now the turkey bacon is a lie!
    (Sorry, I'm a nerd...)

    The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Companion Cube cannot speak. In the event that the Companion Cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Please give me links to research articles that show cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart disease, as well as some evidence that cholesterol from animal products is good for you.

    Here's a good start.


    1. Not a research article

    2. Can't really read it unless I have a subscription. I'd like to see the references. So maybe find me one in there you think is good evidence?


    Yeah no ****, I could find all sorts of random web pages that claim it's a myth. I was looking for some sort of scholarly research articles, but perhaps because there aren't any out there, you don't really have any evidence.

    Everything that helps raise HDL cholesterol levels in the body can be found in plants. Meat is not a health food-- it provides nothing for us, nutritionally, that we can't get from plants. Frequent consumption of animal products (cholesterol) raises your risk of heart disease. Period.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Please give me links to research articles that show cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart disease, as well as some evidence that cholesterol from animal products is good for you.

    Here's a good start.


    1. Not a research article

    2. Can't really read it unless I have a subscription. I'd like to see the references. So maybe find me one in there you think is good evidence?




    The end.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Umad?! Do you still believe that the earth is the center of the universe? The moon is really a big block of cheese? Santa Claus?

    Agree to disagree. Enjoy taking your cholesterol reducing statins. =)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    But the turkey bacon is still there, existing and **** right? So the turkey bacon isn't a lie. You were just wrong.