I dont have fake boobs or big boobs!



  • laurenpence
    I thought about going fake... but it just wasn't me

    ha ha that made me laugh
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Good for you - and kind of suck-y of your friends to say something like that. I have a larger chest, and as several have commented - no fun. Hard to find cute bras, instead it's mostly grandma bras; hard to fit in many dresses and tops. Very annoying to exercise with - practically have to wear a sports bra that cuts off my circulation. Not to mention that many men seem unable to look at my face instead of my chest (have you ever seen that old Saturday Night Live skit - probably from the 80s - where there are women from another planet or something and they have evolved to have their eyes on their breasts? That's what I always think of!) Now, I still like mine well enough and wouldn't ever get a reduction or anything unless I had back problems, but big breasts come with other issues.
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Great for you that you love yourself just the way you are! I don't think that bustier is always better, just being comfortable with yourself and knowing you are pretty natural is best! Confidence is sexy :)
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I've thought of implants before. I have felt not womanly enough because everywhere I look there are chicks with huge chi chi's!! There are even 14 year old girls with huge chi chi's! What's up with that...

    I grab mine all the time. I love them. They're a perky small C and I love looking at them in the mirror. I love how I can get just enough cleavage to be sexy but not spilling over. I can go on and on... I've really grown to love myself just as I am and that is priceless.

    My friends with the fake boobs love theirs and that's all good but I'll keep my cute C's.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I don't think my friends have ever commented on my boobs. You have weird friends. :-P

    I like the idea of girls looking ay their friend's bodies and commenting.

    BWAHAHAHAH. yah... u know we do this ALLLLLL the time! like a "whos *kitten* is bigger" contest.

    and if you have friends like mine...we feel each other's all the time too...and do the squeeze test to see if the butt cheeks are getting firmer....it's like guys in locker rooms or on the football field and their butt slaps. no big deal

    i'm glad it's not just my friends who do this!

    i'm a D cup and one of my BFFs is an A, she keeps saying that she wants augmentation, but i envy her her small boobs. we work out together and she's not strapped in so much that a bra is digging in everywhere just so that she's not in pain, she just jumps on the treadmill.

    be happy with what you have!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Do you live in Beverly Hills or TV Land or something? I've never actually met a person with fake boobs in my life. Seen them on TV, but never in person. I didn't realize this was a "regular" occurrence out in the world.
    And I thought I lived in the sticks! Do u live under a rock? LOL Just kidding hun! Yes they are out there! LOL I personally know of a "set" lol they look and feel fake but hey they look good...to each is own! :)

    I live in central Wisconsin.... might as well be under a rock. I've seriously never known anyone with fake boobs, or non-medically necessary plastic surgery. My brother got plastic surgery... but that was due to an unfortunate heavy machinery accident. They should've installed a pair a boobs while he was under. Lol.
  • Rosie_66
    Rosie_66 Posts: 27
    I am naturally big chested and honestly, being big chested is not that great sometimes. Especially when trying to workout; I wear two bras to go running. There is nothing wrong with having smaller boobs, I often wish mine were much smaller (I wear a 38 DDD currently). You look great just the way you are :).

    Thanks for the above comment as well as those of carlxo21's DD sis. I've been wishing I would not loose weight in my boobs as the scale keeps going down, but you've made me realize that I have it pretty good. :D