Errrrmmm.... kind of embarrassing but need help (constipatio

So ever since I have started losing weight i have noticed I do not have a bowel movement every day like we are suppose to.... I just thought this was my body getting used to the weight loss but its getting worse. I only have a bowel movement every 3 days or so... Does anybody have any home remedies for this or tips??? should i go to my doctor?? any good fiber supplements you would suggest??? any and all advice would be appreciated :)


  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    fruit, eat more fruit. Easiest fix.
  • JoHanley
    Hi, i started taking Metamusil once a day (25 cal), increased veggies and that keeps me regular. Pharmacist should be a good source of info. Best wishes J
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm a regular Shakeology drinker. It helps more than anything I've ever tried before.
  • MariPars
    MariPars Posts: 52
    These are things you could try: Fiber pills, Flax oil/Seeds, stool softeners (that would be my #1 suggestion besides eating foods rich in fiber) Do be careful of eating too much fiber as it will make your stool very hard. Metamucil (spelling?) If you need more help message me, I have ms and have trouble with this myself.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Fibre Fibre Fibre Fibre Fibre!!
    And you can add psyllium fibre to just about anything too (even water - it's tasteless). I use Benefibre when I need it (I'm a Celiac and gluten free foods are super low in fibre).

    If your fibre intake is okay and you are exercising on a regular basis (this stimulates peristalsis - aka the movement of the 2 bowels) then you need to see your doc.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i needed more than the basic 8 cups of water a day to stay regular.... for me it's 12 cups a day and everything works perfectly *L*
  • determinedash
    determinedash Posts: 46 Member
    I drink Shakeology and it keeps me extremely regular. I notice that I'm not when I get off of it.
  • dont_u_mean_carrots
    If you're not in pain it's probably not a huge issue, but may be good to listen to others and increase the fiber as I'm sure it wouldn't hurt anything.
  • hcam8
    hcam8 Posts: 69
    and there are certain foods you can eat...pears are a good start! (and not dried so not too sugar dense)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Another idea to get you going....some coffee. That stuff will make it happen!
  • matticrew
    Drink like 2 cups of black coffee
    it works
  • Zerbertkisses
    Zerbertkisses Posts: 35 Member
    Drink LOTS of water!

    Also, I take Magnesium daily and it does a great job of keeping me regular (and soft, if you KWIM).

    Dr. Oz tip - if you're taking a daily vitamin that includes calcium or you're drinking lots of milk etc - make sure you're taking in at least double the amount of magnesium than you are calcium. :)

    Also, check out fiber products. Fiber bars, high fiber cereals, etc.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Broccoli, green leafy veggies, fruits with skins, chia or flax seeds

    Supplements: ProFiber powder, FiberCon, Fiber Choice tablets, Citrocel w/ Smart Fiber

    Drink lots of water. If you're getting enough fiber, but not enough water, it can back you up since it creates bulk - it needs extra water for mobility

    Maybe you just need a stool softener or gentle laxative - check with your doc if you're getting concerned.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member

    read this link it is a life saver
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    sunsweet ones dried plumbs they are tasty & will clear things up w/ out making you take medicine,
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    make sure you're getting enough fiber. Build it up slowly, but expect to get to 30 grams (I'm at 40).

    make sure you are eating enough fat. No fat, no stool. Look for good fat sources like avocado and olive oil.

    Try to stay away from stool softeners: these cause dependency and don't fix the problem in the long run.

    Drink lots of water, especially after taking fiber. Over 8 glasses a day.

    As for what fiber I suggest... well I like psyllium husk but any other kind would work too. Some of these will cause you gas. Trial by error.

    Hot liquid in the morning also helps. Tea, coffee...

    Hope this helps! All of these things are what is working for me. (And I had a lot of trouble with this issue)
  • TiffanyAnn127
    I've had this problem since I was a little girl.. despite the fact that I have always LOVED fruits and veggies. There is a natural remedy that I have found to work called senna. You can find it in a supplement at a natural foods store. YerbaLife makes a Fiber Plus vitamin with senna that works best. It says to take 3-5 pills 3 times a day. I would start with 3 and see how it goes. It might take a couple of days to start working but I stand behind it because it is natural and isn't as harsh on your body as laxatives and won't give you any of the 'urgency' since it is more gradual. Good luck!
  • charitylove
    i was very regular my whole life until i got pregnant.. so i feel ya...... i recommend drinking lots of water. lots. and fiber supplements like metamucil or eating prunes, drinking prune juice, or my personal favorite: eating a whole grapefruit or a bag of cherries!!!! if you need help and you talk to your dr. they may recommend a stool softener. they gave me those at the hospital after i had my baby. good luck!!!
  • andison
    andison Posts: 22 Member
    Add more essential fatty acids in oil form. Krill, flax or fish oil work great.
  • dseig001
    dseig001 Posts: 6 Member
    Doc checking in :)

    First off, please don't ever feel embarrassed! Pooping is just another part of life.

    Now, back to your problem - different people have different schedules - and they can change based on your diet habits. I can't tell you how often fellow deters have mentioned this problem to me - and it usually just works itself out.

    Are you in pain? Do you feel bloated/constipated? When you have a BM, is it hard and painful to pass, or just regular?

    Frequently, starting dieters will have normal, soft, painless, bowel movements - just at decreased frequency. It picks back up over time.

    If you would like a good fiber supplement – I like to recommend Crystal Light with fiber. It's cheap tastes good, and is super low in calories (unlike some powders).

    Please, stay away from the crazy "cleansers" - I've experienced patients with all kinds of electrolyte imbalances and even worse consequences from them.