Argh!! So I posted yesterday about how I went up a pound from wed. This morning, it seems that I went up another 0.6 pounds! Thats 1.6 pounds in 2 days!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

I havent had much water to drink the past few days, Im not sure why but I just wasnt feeling the water :S However, I did have a glass last night before bed.

Pleeeeease help me :( The number increase is depressing. I measured myself and I didnt gain or lose any inches :(


  • A_Brunner
    Try weighing yourself once a week. In fact, maybe weigh yourself once every two weeks instead.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Don't be upset! If you have made any changes recently, like adding a new exercise, ur weight might have increased due to the water retention etc. So just keep patience, and as someone else posted, try to weigh yourself once a week.
  • MeredithLee11
    MeredithLee11 Posts: 192 Member
    I second weighing in once a week. Weighing in every day will just set you up for frustration. Also, looking at the last couple days of your diary, I don't think you're eating enough. You should have a net of at least 1200. Use fruits and veggies and healthy proteins to get there.
  • gipperakh
    gipperakh Posts: 102 Member
    Yeah, your weight fluctuates throughout the day. Don't weigh yourself everyday! You'll just get confused and depressed!
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    Drink more water. Our bodies fluctuate a couple pounds daily
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Your body fluctuates for any number of reasons. I do it once a week- I used to do it daily but I am one of those personality types that if I see I "gained" - even 0.1 pounds- I throw the diet right out the window because I figure my day is shot.

    And even at once a week expect your body to occasionally go up as it re-adjusts itself. I have had swings of 3 or 4 pounds that usually disappear the following week.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I havent had much water to drink the past few days,

    That would be your answer.

    If you are eating within your calorie limits, then you are not gaining fat. To gain 1.6 lbs of fat, you would have had to have eaten 5600 EXTRA calories over what your body requires to function.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Don't weigh yourself every day. It really will drive you crazy, and it's not an accurate way to track losses. You weight can, and will, fluctuate at different times even in one 24 hour period. What you eat, how much you eat, water retention, etc.

    Cut down on the scale time, and maybe take measurements, too. You'll be much happier just weighing once a week, or so, at the same time, because that will make it easier to see actual losses/gains, rather than what is probably just water retention.
  • Wibikerlady
    Wibikerlady Posts: 73 Member
    And you NEED to drink all your water...LOTS OF IT!!! If you are't feelin it...Add a flavor pack..Thats what I do every time I make up a bottle of water...HATE the taste of water...but I drink anywhere up to 12 classes day and sometimes more...Ya just gotta do it.
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    Weight naturally fluctuates during a week. Weighing daily is misleading. You should limit your weigh-ins to once a week. That will give you a better idea of your progress, while avoiding disappointments on the scale.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Lots of things could cause a fluctuation. Excess sodium. Water retention. TOM. Going too far under your body's calorie requirement. Even stress.

    I suggest you stop weighing every day since it's so discouraging for you.
  • jkcools
    jkcools Posts: 66
    Or Better yet Throw the Damn scale away. Don't put too much attention on the scale, like A_Brunner said, "weigh yourself once a week" or every two weeks like I do, even if I went up in weight I don't Fret over it. I know it's hard; but the scale is not how you mesure your success. Please Hang in there and don't give up, and stick to the plan.
  • neonpink
    neonpink Posts: 203 Member
    You need to weigh yourself less often, no more than once a week ! the body naturally fluctuates in weight so weighing everyday is not an accurate way of looking at things. The fact that you have not been drinking a lot of water as you said could be the cause so nip that in the bud now and start drinking more !! If after weighing in once a week for a while you are still not losing maybe you should eat a little more ? as your calories are often below 1200 and with your exercise your going even lower. I always eat 75% of my exercise cals back and usually lose 1.5-2lbs a week just experiment with what works for you :)
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    You neeed to flush out the fat. Its the easiest way and best way to get people to drink more water. You don't well sorry to be vulgar **** out the flush it out through urine. If you are not drinking water you are doing yourself a disservice and retaining it. You should at a minimum drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day preferably close to a gallon if you can. Drink WATER!! K thanks!
  • laurenpence
    if you havent drinken a whole lot of water then maybe its water retention especially if your diet has a lot of salt i it
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    If you're not taking in enough water, your body retains it. DRINK!! :)
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Im trying to not weigh myself every day but its like the scale calls out to me :( I will up my water intake today for sure. :( I really hope its not actual weight because that will take forever to come back down :( and I want to hit the 100's soon......
  • lingold24
    Muscle mass weighs more than fat. Maybe you are gaining muscle which is good! Keep going, you're doing great!!
  • jkcools
    jkcools Posts: 66
    Oh Yeah and if your like me and don't really care for water try adding Mio Liquid water enhancer to the mix. Mango Peach is pretty good.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    likely culprits:

    1. Hormones (TOM/AF may cause water retention)
    2. Too Much Sodium (retains water)
    3. Muscle Building (no you didn't gain 1.6lbs of muscle in one day but when you're building muscles they tend to retain water)
    4. Heat (can cause some people to retain water)

    Detect a theme? Drink more water. It'll help.