Clean Eating Club ~ Dec. 3-7



  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Things I'm learning on my journey to clean eating:

    * I am responsible for feeding myself the way I want to eat :wink:
    * I can get quite a few meals out of one little cooler :laugh:
    * I need to carry a cooler that doesn't *look* like a cooler, for establishments that don't allow you to bring in your own food :grumble:
    * I'm even considering carrying a doctor's note that says I need to follow a particular diet and cannot eat fast food (although I'm not sure that would get me anywhere) :noway:
    * If I eat differently than everyone else, few people will notice :glasses:
    * If I say anything about "diet" and I'm not overweight, people don't take me seriously :frown:
    * I'm going to call my diet an "athlete's diet" from now on :bigsmile: because ...
    * It's really not about weight for me anymore. It's about nourishment and being as healthy as I can be! :heart: :happy:
    1/2 c dry oatmeal, cooked
    1/2 Tbs peanut butter
    1 small banana
    1/4 c 1% milk
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I RAN!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: Only for about 17 mins and a little more than a mile, but it was my first run in 2 and a half months, and it felt GREAT!!! (I almost cried for joy in the middle of it. :cry: :laugh: ) I did feel it a little bit in the front of my hips, but no shooting pains. I just remembered to keep my knees bent so that my hips wouldn't take all the shock. I think it was a success! I stretched my hips immediately when I got back, and I'm hoping I won't be in terrible pain tomorrow. Maybe I won't have to wait until spring to run again. It was snowing and pretty cold, but I'm OK as long as there is no ice on the ground.

    TRIUMPH!!! Woohoo! :drinker: :tongue:

    Post-run meal:
    2 whole scrambled eggs
    Whole wheat tortilla
    SF hot cocoa

    (A little high in the calories -- 500 -- because of the two whole eggs, probably cooked in lots of butter, but it was mostly clean, and that's what matters when I'm traveling.)
  • jawaria
    hi guys! sorry i keep vanishing! Just busy with all the guests!!! I joined this group a few weeks ago and i have noticed the biggest issue with clean eating is not anyone's fault...I am originally from pakistan and food is more in it's natural form...yes things are def. tampered with but i think 90% of ther food is in it's natural form...That is the biggest difference i have noticed...I was not sure what clean eating was b4 i joined this thread...I am glad that i have been eating clean all my life but again I don't get the credit for it...Unfortunately in this country everythinmg is processed and in the name of convenience we are affecting our health. Pakistani food has oils and fats, by no means is it completely healthy...but i have come to a strong belief that any amount of fat init's natural form is much better than anything processed or tampered with...
    While living here my access to my foods and pure items is limited and by understanding what exactly are clean healthy foods and what 'american' foods i can intake is def. helping me , my body and my weight loss!
    so thanks for this thread!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have been trying to follow the rules . I will have to take one step at a time. I have had my oatmeal yesterday and today without splenda. Hppe it soon will be a habbit. Really not too bad I chopped up an apple. I know I need to change my ways. A life time of change for me.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey guys! I've had a super busy weekend!!!!!!! Wow, finally sitting down! The Christmas season has begun around here!

    First of all... WTG to Cheryl!!!!! You are doing AWESOME!! Taking your cooler, eating clean on vacation, I am sooo proud of you! And yeah for running!! :flowerforyou:

    I ran 4 miles this morning, in 4* temps!!

    1/2 c.old fashioned oatmeal, 1/2 c. cranberries
    1/4 c. Fiber one
    1/2 scoop choc. protein powder
    1 T. NM PB, 1 T. flax, 1 T. wheat germ
    1/2 c. cottage cheese

    Whole grain tortilla w/ chicken salsa w/ 1 T. guacamole
    Broccoli & cauliflower w/ garlic hummus

    1 c. drained Meijer NF yogurt + 1 T. NM PB + 1/4 c. Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax Granola

    Oatmeal, same as breakfast (nothing else sounded good to eat, it's my TOM and just feeling kind of blah! :frown: )

    Probably a bit low in cals, haven't had time to put it all in yet!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I have been trying to follow the rules . I will have to take one step at a time. I have had my oatmeal yesterday and today without splenda. Hppe it soon will be a habbit. Really not too bad I chopped up an apple. I know I need to change my ways. A life time of change for me.

    That's the best way to do it. One little change at a time to stick with it!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    hi guys! sorry i keep vanishing! Just busy with all the guests!!! I joined this group a few weeks ago and i have noticed the biggest issue with clean eating is not anyone's fault...I am originally from pakistan and food is more in it's natural form...yes things are def. tampered with but i think 90% of ther food is in it's natural form...That is the biggest difference i have noticed...I was not sure what clean eating was b4 i joined this thread...I am glad that i have been eating clean all my life but again I don't get the credit for it...Unfortunately in this country everythinmg is processed and in the name of convenience we are affecting our health. Pakistani food has oils and fats, by no means is it completely healthy...but i have come to a strong belief that any amount of fat init's natural form is much better than anything processed or tampered with...
    While living here my access to my foods and pure items is limited and by understanding what exactly are clean healthy foods and what 'american' foods i can intake is def. helping me , my body and my weight loss!
    so thanks for this thread!

    I've heard of other people that come to American and experience the same thing. I agree that natural fat is healthy and our bodies NEED healthy fats!! Glad that you joined us, looking forward to reading your posts!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Does anyone else ever feel guilty for living a healthy life?:blushing:

    I used to feel guilty, but not anymore. I often get the compliment that I look healthy. My dh has had this happen to him TWICE from different co-workers lately. They just say that he looks healthier. :smile: I think eating clean and drinking plenty of water helps your skin, hair, your whole body looks better. And yes, not as *aged*. Of course, I'm only 31 so we'll see how it goes as I get older. :laugh:

    I think what happens is that people feel guilty that *they* don't eat clean and then they make excuses about it. Oh, I can't eat healthy because it's____________ (too expensive, I travel, I can't cook, I can't pack food to take to work, etc)... there's ALWAYS an excuse. But you know what, they can make that trip to McD's or fast food. It's really not hard to eat clean, you just have to plan ahead. Once you figure that out, it's second nature!!

    Just my 2 cents. :wink:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    i have noticed the biggest issue with clean eating is not anyone's fault...I am originally from pakistan and food is more in it's natural form...yes things are def. tampered with but i think 90% of ther food is in it's natural form...I am glad that i have been eating clean all my life ...Unfortunately in this country everything is processed and in the name of convenience we are affecting our health.

    You are so lucky that you grew up naturally learning to eat healthier! I agree that it is nobody's fault how we eat in this country. We eat how we are taught to eat, and what's available in the stores, and most people just don't know any better. It's very sad. :frown:

    Good to see you again! :happy:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I have been trying to follow the rules . I will have to take one step at a time. I have had my oatmeal yesterday and today without splenda. Hppe it soon will be a habbit. Really not too bad I chopped up an apple. I know I need to change my ways. A life time of change for me.

    Hey, there are no rules. Only those that you choose to adopt for yourself. One at a time as you feel ready for them is the perfect way to go. I'm struggling to give up the taste of artificially sweet things, too. I still use Stevia every day, and last night I ate half a piece of (supposedly) unsweetened pie at a restaurant. I couldn't pass it up once I learned it was "unsweetened"! :blushing:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Things I'm learning on my journey to clean eating:

    * I am responsible for feeding myself the way I want to eat :wink:
    * I can get quite a few meals out of one little cooler :laugh:
    * I need to carry a cooler that doesn't *look* like a cooler, for establishments that don't allow you to bring in your own food :grumble:
    * I'm even considering carrying a doctor's note that says I need to follow a particular diet and cannot eat fast food (although I'm not sure that would get me anywhere) :noway:
    * If I eat differently than everyone else, few people will notice :glasses:
    * If I say anything about "diet" and I'm not overweight, people don't take me seriously :frown:
    * I'm going to call my diet an "athlete's diet" from now on :bigsmile: because ...
    * It's really not about weight for me anymore. It's about nourishment and being as healthy as I can be! :heart: :happy:
    1/2 c dry oatmeal, cooked
    1/2 Tbs peanut butter
    1 small banana
    1/4 c 1% milk

    I worked in restaurants and my friend owns one. If you purchase food from them for other ppl, or something like a drink, tell them for medical reasons (IBS works GREAT!!!!) you have to eat a special diet, most of them will not care. As long as you dont pull out a table clothe, plate, organic ketchup bottle..etx:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (had someone do this to me!!!)
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I often get the compliment that I look healthy. My dh has had this happen to him TWICE from different co-workers lately. They just say that he looks healthier. :smile: I think eating clean and drinking plenty of water helps your skin, hair, your whole body looks better. And yes, not as *aged*. Of course, I'm only 31 so we'll see how it goes as I get older. :laugh:

    You're 31 and look 21! :bigsmile: That's great that your husband does it with you. My husband likes to eat healthy food, but he still eats sweets, too.
    I think what happens is that people feel guilty that *they* don't eat clean and then they make excuses about it. Oh, I can't eat healthy because it's____________ (too expensive, I travel, I can't cook, I can't pack food to take to work, etc)... there's ALWAYS an excuse. But you know what, they can make that trip to McD's or fast food. It's really not hard to eat clean, you just have to plan ahead. Once you figure that out, it's second nature!!

    I learned about clean eating over a year ago and it took me that long to get motivated enough to try it. I kept saying "I could never eat that way." It seemed too complicated and too restrictive. Then I just got tired of feeling bad and living the up and down life of food cravings, and the Eat-Clean Diet was one that I knew cut out my trigger foods -- sugar and snack foods like chips and crackers.

    Everyone has to come to it in their own way and in their own time. Sometimes we have to hit bottom to get there. I'm discovering that the diet is really easy to follow because the foods are so basic and satisfying. It has become a fun challenge to focus on nourishment! It's no longer about saying "no" to unhealthy foods for me, but about saying "yes" every day to the healthy ones.
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    The rest of yesterday's "traveling" diet:

    1 slice whole wheat bread
    1/2 Tbs PB

    28 almonds
    15 triscuits

    Dinner out:
    3/4 Grilled cajun salmon fillet
    Baked potato (w/a little butter and sour cream) :blushing:
    Side salad with oil and vinegar
    1/2 piece unsweetened wildberry pie :blushing:

    Not a perfect weekend, but MUCH better than I would have done in the past! At no time did I have the attitude (as I would have before) that "this is going to be too hard, so why bother at all?" I consider it a success for my first attempt at traveling with a cooler and eating clean in a restaurant. I did it and didn't let worry about what other people might think about my eating habits stop me. :bigsmile: (I did get one "what do you want to lose weight for?" even after explaining that I was eating an athlete's diet. <sigh>)
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I worked in restaurants and my friend owns one. If you purchase food from them for other ppl, or something like a drink, tell them for medical reasons (IBS works GREAT!!!!) you have to eat a special diet, most of them will not care. As long as you dont pull out a table clothe, plate, organic ketchup bottle..etx:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (had someone do this to me!!!)

    OMG, IBS! :laugh: I actually do have that and I have a hard enough time telling my friends about it, let alone strangers! :embarassed:

    When we went to the bowling alley the other day, I bought food for both of my kids, paid for six games, and I was told that I still wasn't allowed to feed myself the food I brought in. :grumble: But they didn't say anything when they later saw me eating anyway. :devil: I spent plenty of money there, and I wasn't about to go sit in the car by myself so I could eat.
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Oatmeal, same as breakfast (nothing else sounded good to eat, it's my TOM and just feeling kind of blah! :frown: )


    I love eating breakfast for dinner! :bigsmile: (And I never tire of oatmeal.)

    Have you found that your TOM is less severe with clean eating? I just read in Sugar Shock that that can sometimes be the case. I've had some very bad PMS off and on over the last few years, with major depression, and lately it was getting worse again. (My husband was probably feeling about ready to divorce me, LOL. :tongue: ) I'm hoping that my new eating habits will help. It's about that time for me this month, and I'm feeling good so far (crossing fingers).
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I worked in restaurants and my friend owns one. If you purchase food from them for other ppl, or something like a drink, tell them for medical reasons (IBS works GREAT!!!!) you have to eat a special diet, most of them will not care. As long as you dont pull out a table clothe, plate, organic ketchup bottle..etx:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (had someone do this to me!!!)

    OMG, IBS! :laugh: I actually do have that and I have a hard enough time telling my friends about it, let alone strangers! :embarassed:

    When we went to the bowling alley the other day, I bought food for both of my kids, paid for six games, and I was told that I still wasn't allowed to feed myself the food I brought in. :grumble: But they didn't say anything when they later saw me eating anyway. :devil: I spent plenty of money there, and I wasn't about to go sit in the car by myself so I could eat.
    The medical community is trying to get IBS and related issues included on the Medical Warning bracelets. In some states an establishment can be fined a LOT of money for not letting you use their restrooms. ANYWAY....I have no issues whipping out my organic salad dressing!!!
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    The medical community is trying to get IBS and related issues included on the Medical Warning bracelets. In some states an establishment can be fined a LOT of money for not letting you use their restrooms. ANYWAY....I have no issues whipping out my organic salad dressing!!!

    I don't have it that severely, but if it should come to that, a bracelet might be handy to have in some places. Couldn't you have anything put on a medical bracelet that you wanted to?
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Oatmeal, same as breakfast (nothing else sounded good to eat, it's my TOM and just feeling kind of blah! :frown: )


    I love eating breakfast for dinner! :bigsmile: (And I never tire of oatmeal.)

    Have you found that your TOM is less severe with clean eating? I just read in Sugar Shock that that can sometimes be the case. I've had some very bad PMS off and on over the last few years, with major depression, and lately it was getting worse again. (My husband was probably feeling about ready to divorce me, LOL. :tongue: ) I'm hoping that my new eating habits will help. It's about that time for me this month, and I'm feeling good so far (crossing fingers).

    Yeah, it's gotten a lot better since I lost weight and started eating cleaner!!! And I never tire of oatmeal either, I look forward to my breakfast every day!!! :laugh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    The medical community is trying to get IBS and related issues included on the Medical Warning bracelets. In some states an establishment can be fined a LOT of money for not letting you use their restrooms. ANYWAY....I have no issues whipping out my organic salad dressing!!!

    I was diagnosed w/ IBS about 4 years ago now. I was on meds for it for a while. But yet again... clean eating to the rescue!!! Eating cleaner has helped out that *issue* for me also!!!
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I was diagnosed w/ IBS about 4 years ago now. I was on meds for it for a while. But yet again... clean eating to the rescue!!! Eating cleaner has helped out that *issue* for me also!!!

    I started having problems with it in college and quickly realized that chocolate and coffee were my biggest triggers. It took me a looong time to give up coffee, even after I discovered that it was causing me so much pain. I still eat chocolate once in a while (or I did before I gave up sugar -- cocoa powder doesn't bother me for some reason). Too much junk food is a definite trigger.

    I've been hoping that clean eating would help, and I know it will some, but it's not always junk foods that trigger IBS for me. Sometimes being too hungry triggers a "stomach" ache. Other times, too much roughage. I ate clean at the Christmas party this past weekend, but I ate too many carrots and raw veggies, without enough protein along with them. I ended up feeling bad, until I went out to the car and had some bread and nuts. Luckily that helped. Otherwise, the only thing that helps is laying down and taking a nap.