

  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Shame on me!
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    Well....you got me.... clicked on it outa curiosity. :P
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    I just clicked so I could look at your cute face..lol :)
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    We just got Rick Rolled on MFP. I feel dirty.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    WHAT?!?! You mean the "secret" isn't HCG?!?! NOW I'm pissed!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    No, you didn't get me...I was bored too and hoping to get to laugh at and/or heckle someone. Now I'm just disappointed. :-(
  • Simply_Christine
  • sweetheart37
    Damn. I was hoping it would be

    1. Drink water
    2. Exercise
    3. Don't eat a whole Dominos pizza every day.
    4. Don't buy diet pills.

    love it girl
  • sweetheart37
    PSA: When the topic looks like this, it's usually rubbish. Shame on you for clicking here. :tongue:

    yeah, a little bored on a Saturday afternoon
    No it's not.

    I actually know the secrets but if I tell them anybody about them a team of ninjas will be released to track me down and force me to eat nothing but doughnuts and pizzas.

    :laugh: lmao great one :)
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    10) You can do do it without any of their fancy, overpriced products.
    9) Enriched does not mean "healthy"
    8) Fiber is a better "Cleanse" than that stuff on the shelf.
    7) Water will help you more than "Vitamin/Electrolyte/FancySchmancy" beverage.
    6) Machines at the gym are for the gym's convenience, not your health. (Free Weights FTW)
    5) That pill you just paid $1 each for is just sugar and cornstarch.
    4) Fruits and Veggies are better for you than that high fiber candy bar.
    3) Eating healthy doesn't mean buying expensive "100 calorie" packs.
    2) Exercising will "tone" you up more than any quick fix product on the market.
    1) You are your own best motivator.

    Fixed that for you Taso.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    1. Muscle is heavier than fat, so if you exercise too much you may even put on weight
    2. Fruit contains fructose, a sugar which is good for your body - so eat as much as you like, it doesn't count for your cals intake
    3. Cakes made with half the fat ingredients mean you can have double helpings, and as you're saving calories you can have cream with it
    4. 30 minutes vigorous housework is equivalent to a large bar of chocolate, so work for that treat
    5. Menstruating women temporarily put on weight when it's their time of the month. As this is a hormonal imbalance eat what the hell you want ladies (I'm not standing in front of the cupboard when you have that crazed look in your eyes)
    6. Booze is calorie free - sure it's made with sugars, but they go through a chemical process which turns them into pure alcohol
    7. Your metabolism is most effective in the morning - so a large cooked breakfast, or pizza, or dessert, or the remains of last night's take away can be processed by your body with less detriment, and is the tastiest way to start the day.
    8. Men expend energy much faster than women, so they can eat larger meals and wash them down with Beer
    9. The Hobbit meal plan, (eight smaller meals per day), is a better lifestyle decision, but can result in hairier feet in some cases
    10. Toffee Apples, Strawberry Milkshakes, Terry's Chocolate Orange, Skittles and Banoffee PIe can all count towards your 5 fruit a day total

    So in summary - if you eat a huge breakfast, menstruate, don't do too much exercise, drink excessively, and happen to be a man you should be in pretty good shape in no time
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    1. Muscle is heavier than fat, so if you exercise too much you may even put on weight
    2. Fruit contains fructose, a sugar which is good for your body - so eat as much as you like, it doesn't count for your cals intake
    3. Cakes made with half the fat ingredients mean you can have double helpings, and as you're saving calories you can have cream with it
    4. 30 minutes vigorous housework is equivalent to a large bar of chocolate, so work for that treat
    5. Menstruating women temporarily put on weight when it's their time of the month. As this is a hormonal imbalance eat what the hell you want ladies (I'm not standing in front of the cupboard when you have that crazed look in your eyes)
    6. Booze is calorie free - sure it's made with sugars, but they go through a chemical process which turns them into pure alcohol
    7. Your metabolism is most effective in the morning - so a large cooked breakfast, or pizza, or dessert, or the remains of last night's take away can be processed by your body with less detriment, and is the tastiest way to start the day.
    8. Men expend energy much faster than women, so they can eat larger meals and wash them down with Beer
    9. The Hobbit meal plan, (eight smaller meals per day), is a better lifestyle decision, but can result in hairier feet in some cases
    10. Toffee Apples, Strawberry Milkshakes, Terry's Chocolate Orange, Skittles and Banoffee PIe can all count towards your 5 fruit a day total

    So in summary - if you eat a huge breakfast, menstruate, don't do too much exercise, drink excessively, and happen to be a man you should be in pretty good shape in no time

    I almost just went apesh!t. Then my faulty sarcasm detector kicked back on. :laugh:
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    jerk, you just want to keep the secrets to yourself!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    1. Muscle is heavier than fat, so if you exercise too much you may even put on weight
    2. Fruit contains fructose, a sugar which is good for your body - so eat as much as you like, it doesn't count for your cals intake
    3. Cakes made with half the fat ingredients mean you can have double helpings, and as you're saving calories you can have cream with it
    4. 30 minutes vigorous housework is equivalent to a large bar of chocolate, so work for that treat
    5. Menstruating women temporarily put on weight when it's their time of the month. As this is a hormonal imbalance eat what the hell you want ladies (I'm not standing in front of the cupboard when you have that crazed look in your eyes)
    6. Booze is calorie free - sure it's made with sugars, but they go through a chemical process which turns them into pure alcohol
    7. Your metabolism is most effective in the morning - so a large cooked breakfast, or pizza, or dessert, or the remains of last night's take away can be processed by your body with less detriment, and is the tastiest way to start the day.
    8. Men expend energy much faster than women, so they can eat larger meals and wash them down with Beer
    9. The Hobbit meal plan, (eight smaller meals per day), is a better lifestyle decision, but can result in hairier feet in some cases
    10. Toffee Apples, Strawberry Milkshakes, Terry's Chocolate Orange, Skittles and Banoffee PIe can all count towards your 5 fruit a day total

    So in summary - if you eat a huge breakfast, menstruate, don't do too much exercise, drink excessively, and happen to be a man you should be in pretty good shape in no time

    I almost just went apesh!t. Then my faulty sarcasm detector kicked back on. :laugh:

    I was like "What?!" when I read number one, but caught on after the second one smiley-laughing025.gif
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    I thought you were going to say things like... nothing beats a healthy diet and exercise, diet pill may have proven to help you lose weight faster but it is also proven that it goes right back on, processed foods make your body lose weight slower, or something like that. Not ashamed one bit.
  • mercedes160
    LOL !! you got me too !!!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Son of a...
  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    I want me some of this diet - except the being a man or having hairy feet bits
    1. Muscle is heavier than fat, so if you exercise too much you may even put on weight
    2. Fruit contains fructose, a sugar which is good for your body - so eat as much as you like, it doesn't count for your cals intake
    3. Cakes made with half the fat ingredients mean you can have double helpings, and as you're saving calories you can have cream with it
    4. 30 minutes vigorous housework is equivalent to a large bar of chocolate, so work for that treat
    5. Menstruating women temporarily put on weight when it's their time of the month. As this is a hormonal imbalance eat what the hell you want ladies (I'm not standing in front of the cupboard when you have that crazed look in your eyes)
    6. Booze is calorie free - sure it's made with sugars, but they go through a chemical process which turns them into pure alcohol
    7. Your metabolism is most effective in the morning - so a large cooked breakfast, or pizza, or dessert, or the remains of last night's take away can be processed by your body with less detriment, and is the tastiest way to start the day.
    8. Men expend energy much faster than women, so they can eat larger meals and wash them down with Beer
    9. The Hobbit meal plan, (eight smaller meals per day), is a better lifestyle decision, but can result in hairier feet in some cases
    10. Toffee Apples, Strawberry Milkshakes, Terry's Chocolate Orange, Skittles and Banoffee PIe can all count towards your 5 fruit a day total

    So in summary - if you eat a huge breakfast, menstruate, don't do too much exercise, drink excessively, and happen to be a man you should be in pretty good shape in no time
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    You dirty dog!