It's not that difficult people!!!



  • Devilbat
    Devilbat Posts: 14
    Was not meant to be harsh. Only saying that for someone saying they know exactly how this should be done the whole 2nd time thing seems ironic. I know that everyone can fall off due to life, my week has been that way. Ok so you are back on and you understand. Great. But you are not out there posting topics basically attacking people for their confusion.

    And if people are confused, it's incredibly easy to read sticky topics and all the 'New to MFP? Here's lots of things to read about how the site works!' topics. This is what annoys me the most, personally. There's TONS of information already here in the forums if people would bother taking the time to read the sticky and important topics before making ANOTHER post asking the SAME question that someone asked 5 minutes ago.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    And if you understand so perfectly how it works why is this your 2nd time here??

    Wow, kinda harsh. I'm assuming that was directed at Patient Bear, but my ticker says I've been here for over 3 years and I've only lost 10 pounds. That's because I lost 50, life got stressful and I gained most of it back. So I am back full time to do it again. This site works great, and I understand it very well, but sometimes humans lack the willpower to stick to even the best laid plans, but failing, dusting yourself off and trying again is far from actually failing.

    Was not meant to be harsh. Only saying that for someone saying they know exactly how this should be done the whole 2nd time thing seems ironic. I know that everyone can fall off due to life, my week has been that way. Ok so you are back on and you understand. Great. But you are not out there posting topics basically attacking people for their confusion.

    I don't think he's attacking people for their confusion, he's "attacking" (I would say only the title of his post was really all that attacking, his post was actually a helpful explanation) the fact that people don't take the time to read the newbie links. And there are also people out there spreading bad information as if it is gospel. That would be like reading a message board about cars, and having a bunch of people spreading news that it's perfectly fine to never change your oil, that it's optional.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    We need more love in this thread! <3
  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    And if you understand so perfectly how it works why is this your 2nd time here??

    Wow, kinda harsh. I'm assuming that was directed at Patient Bear, but my ticker says I've been here for over 3 years and I've only lost 10 pounds. That's because I lost 50, life got stressful and I gained most of it back. So I am back full time to do it again. This site works great, and I understand it very well, but sometimes humans lack the willpower to stick to even the best laid plans, but failing, dusting yourself off and trying again is far from actually failing.
    Was not meant to be harsh. Only saying that for someone saying they know exactly how this should be done the whole 2nd time thing seems ironic. I know that everyone can fall off due to life, my week has been that way. Ok so you are back on and you understand. Great. But you are not out there posting topics basically attacking people for their confusion.

    I don't think he's attacking people for their confusion, he's "attacking" (I would say only the title of his post was really all that attacking, his post was actually a helpful explanation) the fact that people don't take the time to read the newbie links. And there are also people out there spreading bad information as if it is gospel. That would be like reading a message board about cars, and having a bunch of people spreading news that it's perfectly fine to never change your oil, that it's optional.

    Whaaaa??? Oil needs to be CHANGED??? ;)
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i dont even bother opening the posts about eating back exercise calories anymore, but good explanation. But in about 8 minutes somebody will post about whether or not they should eat them
  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    And apparently ... adding a reply with quotes is proving too difficult on my phone. Lol
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    PatientBear is not patient.

    lol good observation!
  • Now that I have returned from my workout, I will address the questions/criticisms y'all have of me:

    1. "PatientBear is not patient" - True story. And I apologize for nothing.

    2. "Or hungry. I get cranky when I'm hungry" - I'm always hungry. I like salmon but the little boogers are slippery and hard to catch.

    3. "Guess he shouldn't be reading the boards. If you don't like what people have to say or ask..don't read them. Sheesh!" - Or, I can post my opinion/response just like you can post yours. Ironic that you choose to respond to a thread you disagree with. Hypocritical much?

    4. "And I will say to patientbear, and I quote, "IF YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND AND KNOW THINGS ABOUT ME, IT'S ONLY FAIR FOR ME TO KNOW THINGS ABOUT YOU TOO."....How about a little honesty on your profile..????" - Then don't be my friend. Like karincakes said, I reveal myself to those I choose. Other than that, I enjoy being anonymous. Hypocritical? Sure, but I'm honest too. And when I make a friend request, I always tell the person why. That's all I'm asking for.

    5. "Yes, I've always found taking advice from trolls to be the best method of weight loss" - Please tell me exactly what in my post makes me a troll???

    6. "And if you understand so perfectly how it works why is this your 2nd time here??" - It's my second time here because I missed the friendships and the people, not because I gained a bunch of weight back. I gave up MFP the first time because I got a new job and had much less time than I did previously. I initally joined MFP in October 2010 and dropped 25 pounds. I have maintained that weight loss, run a 5K, three sprint triathlons and am currently training for a 10K.

    And for those who are attacking me because of this post, have at it. Attack me all you want. My skin is thick and you aren't going to hurt my feelings. Then, when you're done attacking me, go eat your exercise calories.

    Hugs and Kisses,
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Patient bear's profile is hilarious and his post is erudite. If you don't like it, ok fine, don't read his stuff either (as in take your own advice ) at any rate it clearly and succinctly explains how to do this in a healthy way.

    Personally I like that because there's enough people here with thinly disguised eating disorders asking questions to justify their decision to eat 900 cals a day whether or not they exercise. That particular example was from today. I'm personally not even gonna pretend I have the patience to wade into that psychodrama and play saviour or bad guy to her helpless princess. ick. It really is not that difficult and Miss Princess and other damsels in distress would do well to read his post and others like it and save their own selves.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    PatientBear is passive-aggressive.
  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    PatientBear is hilarious LOL it's his second time around because of hibernation every year i totally get it
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I sort of share Patientbears frustration. The number of posts daily questioning eating back exercise calories is frustrating. The process is pretty straight forward especially if you read the new user posts. This along with not using the search function are part of the reason the posts on this board are so numerous yet keep covering the same ground over and over and over and over again.
  • PatientBear is passive-aggressive.

    PatientBear is also right.
    NFUGITT Posts: 3
    Great post!!! This is something I really struggle with. I know and understand the logic but still try to eat less thinking it will make me lose weight but I usually end up binging instead and struggling. Thank you for the reinforcement.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    You know what my issue is? People who got in their situations (not talking health issues, broken bones, or whatever else can cause weight gain.), by OVER EATING all the time. I know this cause I do it. I eat too stinking much and than suddenly my pants don't fit. So we go on a diet and reduce our calorie intake and suddenly we just can't possibly eat 1,200 calories?? Really??

    I mean I can understand that once in a while, you might not feel well, or whatever, but every day people are on here whining about not being able to eat all their calories.

    I just don't get it. *shrugs* :)
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    You know what my issue is? People who got in their situations (not talking health issues, broken bones, or whatever else can cause weight gain.), by OVER EATING all the time. I know this cause I do it. I eat too stinking much and than suddenly my pants don't fit. So we go on a diet and reduce our calorie intake and suddenly we just can't possibly eat 1,200 calories?? Really??

    I mean I can understand that once in a while, you might not feel well, or whatever, but every day people are on here whining about not being able to eat all their calories.

    I just don't get it. *shrugs* :)

    I agree!

    I think the people that cannot meet 1200 are either
    1. Following a diet in the strictest terms, thinking they have to eat nothing but plain lettuce and veggies and drink water in order to lose weight. Of course it's hard to reach 1200 on strictly veggies, and its impossible to sustain a healthy reduced calorie plan long term if you're only eating veggies that don't fill you up and you're depriving yourself of things you like.

    2. I think there are a decent amount of people on here with eating disorders who are disguising themselves as overweight who need to lose (or they are overweight and think an extreme calorie reduction is the way to get results quickly).

    I'm with you though, I almost never have a problem meeting my calorie goals, it's going over I have a problem with :)
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    let's try something... :poke: :poke:
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I don't get it....
    Are you telling me I should eat my exercise calories back?? Does that mean I don't need to exercise in the first place unless I want more food?? nom nom nom!!!

    Only kiddin'

    I like the idea of patient bear going into hibernation once a year, I think we should all give him a cuddle cos he's a big bear!!!
    It is simple in a way (MFP) but I guess people just try and make it harder cos they just don't get how they got to where they are and they expect results fast, so limit calories. Just my thought. I'm a good girl, I eat my calories.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Or hungry. I get cranky when I'm hungry.

    My Hubs does too! I kept telling him to chill out, calm down, quit stressing today while school shopping. He turns to me and says, "You gotta feed the bear before you pet the bear.." Lol.

    Hahahaha.. I get really cranky when I am hungry too. When that happens, my husband says "Go friggin eat something so I can have my wife back!!" lol and he brings snacks with him for me when we go out for extended periods of time to avoid miss cranky pants.